Well-Known Member
I like this setup, curious to see how the top works out as far as how you get your plants in and out and how the girls like the vertical lighting. Very nice craftsmanship from what I can see.
I have ran the lamp in the cabinet vertical without the cooltube. Pretty slapped together really but I was testing. It produces very well. The plants stay in once in as they are worked into the screen and cant move. I am working on the waste drain system for my hempys this week and raising the cool tube up a few inches. Then it will be ready for the big plants in cut down 5gl buckets. I am hoping the control over the temp with the cool tube and AC that I will be able to get some pretty good yeild. The max I pulled before out of this cabinet with a vertical scrog was about 7oz. fingers crossed that the increase in tech will increase my yeild...LOL.