Someguys cabinet grows CA MMJ

This morning there is already new growth on the tied down plants in the tent. The LEDs are very effective it seems. I am really ready to get these fixtures finished and hanging over the plants. I think they will do some amazing things.

I am thinking to repalace the 600w in the cabinet I will put 4 vero 29's at 2.1amps. That would be 320w of 3000k 80cri each one would dissipate 80+ watts I could then remove the cool tube and AC and change the ventilation setup. Then I would be able to run 6 5gl square buckets in there and more flat scrog area to go with the vert on the walls.
You could seal up the ports in your LED tube and run it like a cool tube!

Imagine an aluminum tube covered on the outside 360 degrees with COBs and AC air running through the tube! Ultimate vert light!
I have thought of a very light but I don t think a directional light source lends itself to efficient t use in a very setup. I have kicked it around d a lot though
That would be alot of cobs... LOL I think you would have to have them mounted to a heatsink inside the tube with air blowing through to cool properly. I have even thought about just heatsinks and hooking up the big extraction fan to fixtures .
I finished the first of two LED fixtures for the tent. This one SHOULD be about 125watt. It is insane how bright it is and how cool they are.

3' fence post
intel cpu fans and heatsinks
vero 18 3000k 80cri
50w fastech led drivers
9v 1 amp power converter for fans
misc wire, connectors, solder etc....

bottom view of the Cobs:

Top of the fixture:

Inside you can see the drivers mounted. I used an epoxy and one screw to anchor them inside:

This is with it turned on and running. Been running almost an hour now and is super cool.. and very bright. cant really look at the cobs btw and I wouldn't recommend it.
That is so cool! hehe
Aren't LEDs amazing! It is so hard to capture the intensity of the light.

It is so easy to burn young plants with them. They also increase the amount of foliage and thus the requirement for more CalMag. I have yet to flower by using LEDs but it is coming soon. Some of the plants I have seen lately are looking very big for indoor. One was AK-47 which is a big cola plant so I am not sure whether it was the light.

Can't wait to see what you can do with this new tool!

Awesome job SG!

That looks awesome GUY!!! Hot damn and probably a pretty good price too!

Id like to take one of those fence posts and cut it in half again and do a 4 COB LED for my mini cab. Itd be a nice replacement for the 150w hps thats in there now. And alot less heat!
reposted from the six for record keeping here:



It sure is mo! It will be even brighter when I add the hundred watts of bulbs I was using from veg.

I am hoping I see some good returns from this because then I can justify converting to led entirely.

BTW, I am gonna need to pick up my air stapler sometime soon as I have some projects to start. :-) Maybe you would be interested in meeting the wife and kids if we came down your way? ;)
I was thinking maybe on our way to the ocean we could stop in for a few. :-) Ill keep you posted.... LOL This weekend is all about cleaning up the house. mom-in-law left sunday and everything is a wreck.
Those lights are looking awesome SG! They came together real nice and clean! About how much do you have in each rail, if you don't mind me asking?
plants love the new led lights. I dropped them down farther this morning. about 12" off the screen. I am probably only gonna veg another week in there before flipping it.

I will be building a new rail for the veg lights I had going so they can work in the tent with the new diy light bars. so I have this week to do that before going to flower. honestly I could probably just veg with on light bar in the future and then flower with all.


I plan on starting some seeds next week. I think I will just pop two of each one. Most of these will have come from a local member or my buddy who passed away a few years ago. Some of his stuff is older so we will see.

From my dead buddy:
-Unknown og
-purple tai x purple kush
-skunk #1
-Some northern lights cross. info on the pack is not so clear anymore

From some locals. :-)
-pakistani punch

From Me:
-I have some random seeds... alot actually. who knows what they are... LOL so I will start a couple of these for fun and see what I might end up with. Maybe something worthy of a cross next summer??? muahahahahahaha (pot scientist laugh)