Something fishy going on...

Was it this?

or this? cn

cat wings it was. Thank you canna
dang it, Fred is acting like Bert did. he is laying down at the bottom of his bowl (just cleaned and refilled with RO water) and every few minutes he shoots to the surface to gulp some air and then back down to hide in the "grass". nephew mentioned something called ICK? wth is that? :eyesmoke:
Ich is a very common fish affliction - does he have any small white spots (sorta fuzzy looking) on his fins/tail ?
Typically it is common with fish being transferred due to stress or into water of a different temp (from hot to cold usually).
He may be just gulping air due to stress though.
Look for the spots first.

If that's what it is, any pet store (or walmart even) will have the meds - you'll need to raise the temp in his bowl if that's the case.
holy shit he just jumped out of his bowl. damn it's a 12 inch cylinder bowl that he likes. maybe it's too cold, idk we have the air on like 77? Bert had white looking stuff on her. damnit...i put a conditioner in the RO water thats supposed to be for their health. booooooooo come on Fred you can make it

i don't see the white spots. what's velvet? "Darting and scratching is also sometimes exhibited (although this is more a symptom of velvet in Fresh water or oodinium infestations in salt water)". i didn't see it on that website.

it says that they get stressed from being transfered from one tank to another. they each had 2 bowls and environments so when it needed changed i could just put them in another clean bowl. COME ON FRED! :eyesmoke:
holy shit he just jumped out of his bowl. damn it's a 12 inch cylinder bowl that he likes. maybe it's too cold, idk we have the air on like 77? Bert had white looking stuff on her. damnit...i put a conditioner in the RO water thats supposed to be for their health. booooooooo come on Fred you can make it

i don't see the white spots. what's velvet? "Darting and scratching is also sometimes exhibited (although this is more a symptom of velvet in Fresh water or oodinium infestations in salt water)". i didn't see it on that website.

it says that they get stressed from being transfered from one tank to another. they each had 2 bowls and environments so when it needed changed i could just put them in another clean bowl. COME ON FRED! :eyesmoke:

Do you have any "Stress coat".
If you do, put some in now up to the recommended dosage.
dangit Fred. yeah he definitely did that by jumping out and flopping around. was hard to grab him, he felt strong flipping around like, well, a fish out of water. thanks GWN, i will leave the mrs a note and head on down to the lovely walmart, can't beat it at 2 am when your high on headband :eyesmoke:
I wouldn't add much chemicals to Freds water if he is in a small bowl of stagnant water. A drop or two of stress coat shouldn't hurt, but not too much. If your fish does have ick it is a very treatable infection. I have used malachite green a few times with success. Walmart should carry it.

If Fred does not seem happy in his bowl you could invest in a 5-10 gallon filtered aquarium. This way you can control his temperature, give him flowing water and plenty of oxygen.

that's beautiful. both the environment and the fish. fred used to swim like that but now he is just going up to gulp air then he sinks back down and lies on the bottom. his eyes are pretty big and black. i never noticed that before. is the malachite over by the fish supplies? i was just there and don't remember seeing it. maybe another wally world will have it.

i'm getting that trippy feeling from not sleeping, i love it :eyesmoke: