Something fishy going on...

I know this might be out of left field but I tired breeding betas one of my teenage summers. Now that's a pain in the ass. It wasn't like my two jack dempseys that I didn't know we're actually opposite sexes. I had added the female to the tank next thing you know they are best friends. Then I realized they were swimming in sync with each other then looked in their little broken pot home an the walls were lined with at least 150 fry. Glad I caught that before they developed more. Felt terrible taking the home out and putting it outside in 20 degree weather but I don't have the room for all of that.
I know this might be out of left field but I tired breeding betas one of my teenage summers. Now that's a pain in the ass. It wasn't like my two jack dempseys that I didn't know we're actually opposite sexes. I had added the female to the tank next thing you know they are best friends. Then I realized they were swimming in sync with each other then looked in their little broken pot home an the walls were lined with at least 150 fry. Glad I caught that before they developed more. Felt terrible taking the home out and putting it outside in 20 degree weather but I don't have the room for all of that.

If you are a regular customer and known to staff, most pet shops will take a batch of young off your hands free.

If they happen to be a desirable fish specie you can usually get store credit as well.
lol noooo Bert rocks. she is so funny, she practically jumps out of her bowl to get her treats.
i caught the stupid cat drinking out of Fred's bowl earlier.
the dog is lying on the couch beside mrs sunnyboy snoring with his eyes open as we speak. animals are nuts :eyesmoke:
My fish won't stop fucking :sad:

The first batch is over an inch now. Second batch is a few weeks old. Now there is a third different female knocked up by what I assume is the same male who's been after the others. I have pics of them in action this time.
pics 1-2 is the third female(strawberry peacock(hybrid)) mating with the Lawanda Red top peacock
pic 3 and 4 is the community tank with a very nice, ancient native american pestle I found (similar one's not as nice are priced around 300$ so maybe I should take it out of the tank)
pic 5-7 are a not so recent update of my squishies

*sniff sniff
Bert passed away last night. the boss says since i didn't cry like a little bitch i'm allowed to get another one. :eyesmoke:
Buddy is the most awesome dog, lol. He must love taking pictures huh sunnyboy

Wow, mufasa just spreading da aloha wide huh, lol. Oh my :shock:
cats are freaking awesome imo...i never had a cat as a kid so i am learning about them as i go. this mufasa is a nutbag, takes elavil every night lol
i love that dog Dr. Buddy is a great name for him as he knows no strangers, he's such a clown. :eyesmoke:

Anybody know the name of the book I'm talking about? It was a kids book but a really good story. I'd like to own it but can't remember the name
Was it this?

or this? cn
