Something People Ought to Know BioTone Starter Plus. That (I'd add EWC as well, but thats me) and some bone meal will be all you will need. Mix it in at the beginning, and top dress the Bone Meal a couple weeks before they start flowering. Follow the directions, and I assure you you cant go wrong with it!!!
I am just realizing the benefits of EWC. I never knew they could create such great results. Compost teas of EWC are next on my list of things to try.
sorry if anyone allready added this (didnt bother to read all posts)

keep the soil moist when doing organics, gotta keep the small life alive in the soil.

pretty similar to growing regular flowers in pots, they always grow best when the soil is kept moist. (tad wet :))
When you water, water heavy and let the soil get as close to drying out as possible before watering again. A good indicator if you don't have watering down yet is by sticking a finger in the soil deep down to see if it's still moist in the middle of the pot.

The way roots move and grow is by "looking" for moisture. If one area in your pot is more moist than another, the roots will expand in the direction of moisture. When you water, be sure to give the outside of the pot the same amount of attention as you do where the stem is (presumably center).

The amount that you should water is enough to see some run off. Watering less and more often is more detrimental than watering in large amounts less often.

Edit: regular scheduled watering is best of the best way to water.
+REP lots great info for anyone that doesnt understand organics, trying to get into it or just learn more about it. to me organics will always be better then synthetic, pesticides.. why would anyone possibly want any of that in there plants or food is beyond me
I think real compost is actually already broken down plant matter with all the goodies (bacteria, fungi, acids, etc.) in there. I do believe that is what I learned in my soils class in college.

"Broken down" or rotting. Semantics. Decomposition (or Rotting) is the process of "breaking down" organic matter into it's constituent parts. It's accomplished thru microbial and fungal action. Many other things play a part, but I'm sure you studied that.
Compost is organic matter in various stages of decomposition, like the humus layer of the soil. Partially broken down leaves and veg matter contribute much to the structure and water retention capability of the soil.
I have a small compost bin going outside. It's about 3x2x2.5. I've been throwing things in there since late fall. I threw most my raked leaves from the fall, plenty of kitchen scraps, and now my lawn trimmings go in. I'm always adding to it so there is never totally finished compost in it. However some stuff has been in there for over six months. I turn it frequently and I have some pvc pipes with holes drilled in them shoved into the pile. This allows fresh air to reach the center of the pile, discouraging anaerobic activity and promoting fast composting. My question is would it be okay to dig down to the center of the pile and throw some of it in my pots and grow in it. I would mix other stuff in of course. How do I get finished compost out of my bin when I'm constantly adding more matter to it? I think I'm going to start a worm box too, and feed that periodically, which would give my compost more time to break down. I do know that I throw a lot of bell pepper seeds in my compost, and everytime I flip the pile I find what used to be the seedy center of a pepper as a mass of tiny pepper sprouts that germinated in the pile and died due to being buried too deep.
You are 100% CORRECT!! And to all of the poor misguided folks who believe that chemicals are better, I pose this........If hydroponics rules and is better than nature, then Monsanto is God. NOTHING human kind can come up with will ever even come close to, nevermind surpass, what nature is capable of. It's the height of human arrogance to even think we can improve on what god has provided.

man so true, case in point man made pharmeceuticals...METH is made from pseudofed.... OXYCONTIN is made from heroin.... the friggn "WEED" pill that i cannot remember the name not the same as weed... $$$ driven and like all the the other prescription drugs on the market to test the worlds guinney pigs... and ADEROL, lifes new RIDILLIN? cmon man, marijuana whether inhaled or eaten has been my medicine for keeping an even keel and i believe because we are connected to the earth and the things it produces...look at what man made oil companys and power plants are doing to the environment...but thats another
just saying that its your choice if you want to use something man made for easier results or you want to learn something about biology and heighten your life experience...just don't be so "propaganda" like when you don't agree with someone elses ideas and EXPERIENCES...

thanks for sharing btw this has been an enlightening thread for me atleast... and you can't please everyone right?
man so true, case in point man made pharmeceuticals...METH is made from pseudofed.... OXYCONTIN is made from heroin.... the friggn "WEED" pill that i cannot remember the name not the same as weed... $$$ driven and like all the the other prescription drugs on the market to test the worlds guinney pigs... and ADEROL, lifes new RIDILLIN? cmon man, marijuana whether inhaled or eaten has been my medicine for keeping an even keel and i believe because we are connected to the earth and the things it produces...look at what man made oil companys and power plants are doing to the environment...but thats another
just saying that its your choice if you want to use something man made for easier results or you want to learn something about biology and heighten your life experience...just don't be so "propaganda" like when you don't agree with someone elses ideas and EXPERIENCES...

thanks for sharing btw this has been an enlightening thread for me atleast... and you can't please everyone right?

Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are naturally occurring substances. Oxycodone is actually synthesized from thebaine, extracted from opium-poppies. Interestingly enough, a molecule of Heroin isn't much more than a suped-up molecule of morphine (a natural component of opium)... featuring two acetyl functional groups (diacetylmorphine) which allow it much better permeability of the blood brain barrier. Once heroin gets inside your brain it becomes morphine once again.

God provided these substances as well. Any 'improvements' we've made upon the molecule are quite insignificant. The latter of them is so good, don't even do it once.
I've seen a whole bunch of threads on here about people complaining that their organic nutes just aren't cutting it, their plant is showing lots of micronute deficiencies, etc etc.

What should be noted is that fungi and bacteria don't just magically appear, they form as a result of your plant's exudates. That is really important to understand in organic gardening. There is always a balance, and you need to respect that balance. Don't look for quick fixes and miracle solutions in organic gardening, it just won't happen. Be patient and good things will happen. I hope this helps y'all understand some more basics about nutrition.
McCumcumber..... I kind of paraphrased your first post, in the quote above, and agree. Most people that aren't familar with organics, don't get the results they're after. Adding beneficial bacteria and fungi, along with NPK food sources and trace minerals (like with Seaweed Meal, Azomite, etc.), makes all the difference. Feed the soil & let it feed the plant.
Good products for proper organic goodness, include Root's Oregonism XL, Myco-Magic, Plant Success, and Super Plant Tonic (Ebay). That last one is made by a small company, that also adds beneficials to their regular fertilizers. Giving them a real boost right out of the gate.
Other good brands, if you add the beneficials, are Earth Juice, Age Old, and General Organics.
Supersoils are great, if given time to properly cure ( I let mine go 3 months, before ever using them.) Provided you add a non or lightly ammended buffer zone between them, and the roots of your new starts, or not long into veg plants, it's all good.
Growing organically builds stronger plants, that can resist pests and molds easier. They taste better, IMHO, and can yield gram for gram with chemically grown plants, if done right. Finding exactly what a particular strain wants, and dailing it in, usually takes more than one run. So, I prefer to go light on the feeding the first time I run a new strain, then dail up the feeding slowly over the next few runs. I also never run supersoil, the first time I run a new strain. I prefer to use liquids like Grow It Green & Flower Power, so I can get tighter control of feeding on the first run. IMHO it gives you an advantage, by helping you to gauge a strains feeding preference.
Low, Slow & Steady Feeding, makes the best buds..... :weed: