Sometimes i wonder..

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
I'll check in later for any links you find; I thank you for looking. cn
I've found something, but this isn't where I originally found it.. And I was wrong about only one gene, there are 223.. Here's a quote:

The “head-scratching discovery by the public consortium,” as Science termed it, was that the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree.

And for those who say 223 isn't a lot, compared to 30,000...
The difference between Man and Chimpanzee is less than one percent as genes go; and one percent of 30,000 genes is 300. So, 223 genes is more than two thirds of the difference between me, you and a chimpanzee!

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
and those people are supposed to be some of the best people on earth. they're all arrogant and spoiled. what fucking greed man. i wish people in FL would realize how big of a scam religion is, china has already addressed that Christianity is a scam. its completely true, they're all about power and helping themselves. theres no truly good christians, they only put up that facade so people are distracted from how horrible they really are.
I think there are some good ones, theyre the ones giving all that money to help the poor. Like a lot of things these days the good are outnumbered by a lot in many things. The Evangelist Church just openly laughed at me when I asked them if they could help the homeless. Ha ha help the homeless thats a good one they said, ha ha. Some Church people on their own did come and bring food and blankets, more tents( which I secretly loved) it meant we had public approval. All cash was turned away, it would have been stolen and caused fights or been used to buy herion and crack. That city got 15 million a year federal money to help the homeless. 2 State reps, the police comissioner and some others in politics and non profits to help the homeless went to prison for stealing the money, most got probation. I gave 4 months of my life-round the clock to help with little sleep, they would have thrown them out in the streets if I didnt do what I did. I was believing at the time, now I cant say what I believe. But I still believe in helping people in need whenever I can. I dont believe in churches anymore.


Well-Known Member
I think there are some good ones, theyre the ones giving all that money to help the poor. Like a lot of things these days the good are outnumbered by a lot in many things. The Evangelist Church just openly laughed at me when I asked them if they could help the homeless. Ha ha help the homeless thats a good one they said, ha ha. Some Church people on their own did come and bring food and blankets, more tents( which I secretly loved) it meant we had public approval. All cash was turned away, it would have been stolen and caused fights or been used to buy herion and crack. That city got 15 million a year federal money to help the homeless. 2 State reps, the police comissioner and some others in politics and non profits to help the homeless went to prison for stealing the money, most got probation. I gave 4 months of my life-round the clock to help with little sleep, they would have thrown them out in the streets if I didnt do what I did. I was believing at the time, now I cant say what I believe. But I still believe in helping people in need whenever I can. I dont believe in churches anymore.
there certainly is the outlying group of christians/catholics that are good people at heart but most are really greedy when someone needs help. i think we should all try to help each other, you dont need religion to know that. they care much more about themselves than us, and will pocket most of the money you donate believe it or not. its a huge loophole, its even defended by law. they dont have to pay taxes at all. yet, when it comes to lending a couple rooms to some homeless people, they cant help out. thats just cruel.


Ursus marijanus
I've found something, but this isn't where I originally found it.. And I was wrong about only one gene, there are 223.. Here's a quote:

And for those who say 223 isn't a lot, compared to 30,000...
I did some searching on the "223 genes" question and found quite a variety of answers. On the sober and more trustworthy side, i found this.
On the other, rather less sober side, this might be representative.
Note how conveniently the author plays the conspiracy card ... "official" scientists' failed buy-in can be explained as upsetting a power/control applecart. I am unconvinced. cn


all that matters is love and light

you can see light, so it is real. When it is dark you are lost, you need light to live

love is real, you can feel it, without it you're also lost. thats what keeps us together.

thats all religions need to teach and preach. FTR
I agree completely! Religion shouldnt be about belief in the existence of someone/something, it should be about making your existence the best. Im having trouble explaining this, but ill try. Religion is often great for families and kids because it does teach them how to live the right way. however when you feed them all these beliefs and stories it just becomes a total mess. Religion should be about bringing people together for peace, not for the reason of a belief. Im not sure if that even makes sense, lol.

You can't believe in religion if you refuse to open your eyes to everything else.
I just want to say you can. I see so many people claim to be christian, jewish ect. and THEY cant open their minds and believe in others. Ive read the bible, went to church, so ive tried to "open my eyes" (i think is how you put it) but all i got in return was people telling me how to live my life and using it against my actions. So until you open up YOUR minds you wont understand where people are coming from.

BTW, ill be honest, i dont like your way of putting it. "open your eyes" because eyes has nothing to do with religion, if it did then we wouldnt be here today talking about it.

anyways i dont want you to feel like im attacking you as a person because im really not, id love to meet you and smoke one with you because i believe friendship is the most important thing in this world. peace and love.

My take on faith is that it's something that you know to be true or false but cannot prove. cn
I hear this a lot, and my response to that is you cant know something without proof, you can only assume. I could have faith that im going to make it to 100 years old, but really im only assuming this. There was this GREAT speach on "TED talks" and i will try to find it, but it talked about how people think they are right without proof automatically. i believe he called it the god effect? dont quote me on it. but he went into the life of this doctor who was a captive of war and his other captives were all getting this sickness (and he had it too) and no matter what he tried it didnt work. Then one day he got a hold of some supplies from the soldiers and it seemed to combat the illness. he asked the soldiers for more of these supplies so he can heal his men and they all thought he was crazy until one soldier gave him the supplies behind everyone elses back. after the war, he addressed stroke patients and whether or not it is better to keep them in the hospital when recovering or send them home, and right off the bat everyone called him crazy, that he was wrong without any proof at all. he did a test and called all his colleagues in and said in fact it is better to keep the in the hospital to recover. Everyone became smartassed and said i told you so then he said, let me tell you another thing, i switched up the results it seems its easier to recover from a stroke at home, and everyone fell dead silent. just an example im a horrible speaker so ill try to find the video at once. its really a great speach.

im roman catholic but im good with other religion i dont seperate myself based o nwhat i belive shit my best friend is a muslim i judge ppl by what type person they are not religion
I have many friends like you and im glad to see more and more people like you. peace and love.

when one submits to religion, you must think why. its because of weakness. they cant take the facts of life, they have to make it a fairy tale with magic and resurrection. its all a gimmick, they want power and money. looks what the cathoics have done for the last thousand years. its all about mind control, those who do submit are victim to this mind control.

when i was younger i ofter fought with my step mother (christian) about her forcing me to go to church (i didnt mind it, i liked it actually) but she would try to change who i was as a person and the things i did. which i would counter with "stop trying to control my mind". but as i got older people dont go to religion because they are scared, or weak, but because they are empty, they need something in their life to feel good about the life they live. which i believe is awesome im glad religion can bring people happiness, one of the pros imo.

Yes... its funny how much God "needs your money."
Churches are great, i would want my kids to go to church if it didnt involve all the extra mumbo jumbo. Churches also need charity to do the things they do. So i understand this part of religion, they dont force you to donate, its up to you.

My personal belief about religion is it was created during a time when there was no real order or law to control an out of control world population. The different groups, seperated by vast geographical distances, created their own method of controlling their people, all of which did it through fear of the unknown. This theory is terrifying to many, since there is nothing to show that it (their God or whatever leader) exists or doesn't, but requires blind faith, and is the perfect tool to control, and to make the upper class wealthy.

Look at the incredible wealth of the Catholics in the Vatican.

I do not belive in God, but in energy, which must be returned to the earth. I cannot explain the concept of a spirit, since I haven't met one yet .
well spoken and i agree with you completely. however maybe not return to earth, theres a whole universe out there! the star dust im made of could be from hundreds of stars, or it could be from one. it all goes round and round imo. this also sparks my thoughts on science because i hear people give a date to the age of the universe, and the age of the earth, which is just like religion imo. stop preaching the unknown and preach the stuff you do know. Wonder about the unknown, accept the known!

and those people are supposed to be some of the best people on earth. they're all arrogant and spoiled. what fucking greed man. i wish people in FL would realize how big of a scam religion is, china has already addressed that Christianity is a scam. its completely true, they're all about power and helping themselves. theres no truly good christians, they only put up that facade so people are distracted from how horrible they really are.

ill have to stop you at "theres no truly good christians" because someone can be christian and be a good person. i know many. dont judge someone just for the fact of their beliefs. this is my exact point of my OP, people are too ignorant and cast away people in groups and label them without taking the time to examine them. Now if i were to say this person is a "good christian", id say "oxymoron".

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
Churches are great, i would want my kids to go to church if it didnt involve all the extra mumbo jumbo. Churches also need charity to do the things they do. So i understand this part of religion, they dont force you to donate, its up to you.
Every church I belonged to, everybody is more concerned with what other people think of them, than their relationship with God. Like two completely different people, its all about image. Inside church, everybody is goody-goody. Outside church, some of the crassest talkers, and evil fuckers. Once I made that realization, I stopped going to any church.

I just want to say you can. I see so many people claim to be christian, jewish ect. and THEY cant open their minds and believe in others. Ive read the bible, went to church, so ive tried to "open my eyes" (i think is how you put it) but all i got in return was people telling me how to live my life and using it against my actions. So until you open up YOUR minds you wont understand where people are coming from.
oops, yeah I meant that backwards.. lol! To believe in religion you have to shut your eyes to everything else. Refuting science with pure ignorance.. For centuries, the universe revolved around the Pope, while the earth was flat. Many people still believe the universe revolves around the Pope. You know why we seem to appear in the center of the universe? The most distant quasars is how we determine the age of the universe, at what, 14 billion years or so, and we're in the middle? If you jump in the ocean with a flashlight at night, no matter what direction you look, you'll feel like you're in the middle of the ocean, and the ocean is only a 10-foot radius bubble...


Well-Known Member
when i was younger i ofter fought with my step mother (christian) about her forcing me to go to church (i didnt mind it, i liked it actually) but she would try to change who i was as a person and the things i did. which i would counter with "stop trying to control my mind". but as i got older people dont go to religion because they are scared, or weak, but because they are empty, they need something in their life to feel good about the life they live. which i believe is awesome im glad religion can bring people happiness, one of the pros imo.
yes, but they sell you misinformation. all lies. its great they can make someone commit their life to staying away from a fire pit, but if they werent avoiding it why would they do it in the first place. its because they need someone to tell them they're a sinner, and they need to "repent" by giving the church money. the pastors probably a child rapist anyway, who is he to call one a sinner.

ill have to stop you at "theres no truly good christians" because someone can be christian and be a good person. i know many. dont judge someone just for the fact of their beliefs. this is my exact point of my OP, people are too ignorant and cast away people in groups and label them without taking the time to examine them. Now if i were to say this person is a "good christian", id say "oxymoron".
its not the fact that there isnt a good person who follows christian beliefs, but its rather how the religion makes people act. if people only prayed for shit, we'd still be in the dark ages. they need to get off their asses and help someone. not "hope" for someone to be helped by their imaginary god.