SOOO medical card users can't have guns...


Well-Known Member
The U.S. just upheld the law..
I don't own a gun, I don't even like guns (cept 12 gauges are fun as hell to blow up shit with)
How fucked is that?
Their argument is medical marijuana users aren't "lawful"
Their second argument is that
The 9th Circuit said in its 3-0 decision that Congress reasonably concluded that marijuana and other drug use "raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated."

you guys fuckin believe that??

cuz marijuana users are frequently VERY violent and unpredictable...
What if they already got guns.....;) And that law is going bye bye.

It would be like saying someone who drinks cannot have guns.
Or is on their Period.....*Cough....

They will have to find a better reason than that.

This whole thing sounds republican to me....If you are not doing what I would do I want to control you....

I am surprised to see where this decision was made.
The ruling applies only in the nine Western states that fall under the court's jurisdiction, including California, Washington and Oregon.
3 judge panel not the full 9th it will be appealed quickly this will go all the way to SC by that time it will lean liberal
One of the reasons I quit renewing my mmj card years ago.
amen there.
it's been two yrs for me now.
plus there is such a thing as the separate sovereign rule.../ technically if a fed got a LARGE bug up his ass he could technically pursue that..
i'd be totally shocked if it happens though.
my point is... WHAT about the recreational users???
marijuana is the most common drug, and they actually think that it's the registered medical card users that are a concern??
are they reaaaally that fuckin dense??

ah.... what am I saying.. it's the politicians...
of course they are
Yes taking a few zannies a oxy or two washed down with a beer rite before heading to the range is perfectly lawful and ok .....but don't smoke a joint oh my God cause being chill and mellow around a gun is much worse than nodding out from oxy or being superman From alchohol I said lock up the kitchen knives scissors etc etc etc etc etc etc and no karate classes or drivers license for potheads that fixes everything .....keeps all the people falling asleep from pain meds and drunk drivers safe on the road
The ruling applies only in the nine Western states that fall under the court's jurisdiction, including California, Washington and Oregon.
right, cuz it's ONLY the legal states that have marijuana smokers..
it's ridiculous, and like I said, I don't own a gun, and I don't plan on getting one, but that's not the point..
The U.S. just upheld the law..
I don't own a gun, I don't even like guns (cept 12 gauges are fun as hell to blow up shit with)
How fucked is that?
Their argument is medical marijuana users aren't "lawful"
Their second argument is that
The 9th Circuit said in its 3-0 decision that Congress reasonably concluded that marijuana and other drug use "raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated."

you guys fuckin believe that??

cuz marijuana users are frequently VERY violent and unpredictable...
I have bought and have shitloads of guns, i've been rec'd up for a long time. Don't check that box on he app;-) I keep them in storage though btw

spew spew