Sorry, but for all that didn't vote in Florida---- you S_ _ K !!!!***!!#!!##*

keep digging
Because I believe gay people have the same civil rights as anyone else?
Which you obviously dont becuase you wish to impose your religous beliefs on others?
You really are unable to comprehend a very basic explanation. I agree on the civil rights. Your stupidity (I can't make it sound any better than it is) prevents you from understanding. the word marriage has no benefit to the civil rights. The word marriage if used for gays opens up for law suits for churches, synagogues, and mosques across the country which is a liberty problem. Take it or leave it, this is how it is. ButI know its it good enough, so I will watch whining continue.

Now quit being a baby, grow a pair, and answer my previous question. Should people be able to marry animals and inanimate objects?

Edit: here's a question - are the two of you for the right for someone to marry an animal or inanimate object.
yay another religious fucktards who doesn't understand the main tenent of marriage in the civilized world is CONSENT you know as in "I do"

Now you might love fido and your coffee table very much but you'll struggle to prove they consent to marrying you.....
yay another religious fucktards who doesn't understand the main tenent of marriage in the civilized world is CONSENT you know as in "I do"

Now you might love fido and your coffee table very much but you'll struggle to prove they consent to marrying you.....
But you idiots keep pushing liberty. so answer the question.

And the main tenant of marriage is not consent, but that it must be between man and woman. That's why we are having this debate.

And I love how all of my questions have been avoided. Great job all.
yay another religious fucktards who doesn't understand the main tenent of marriage in the civilized world is CONSENT you know as in "I do"

Now you might love fido and your coffee table very much but you'll struggle to prove they consent to marrying you.....

I've seen some crazy videos of animals giving a lot more than consent to the women they love.
I've seen some crazy videos of animals giving a lot more than consent to the women they love.
Yep! It's ok, these geniuses make it very well known they have no clue what is going on. Just blurt out the first thing they read on Google like its the absolute truth. It's worse than debating a college philosophy student. At least they know how to present a coherant argument.
Well looky here
A website in Florida to telling christians how to vote in the election. With bible passages
Amendment 2 – Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions
Recommendation: Vote No
legalizes the smoking of marijuana in all 67 Florida counties for “any condition”, which could include fatigue, depression, body aches, nausea, pain, and headaches. Any person at least 21 years of age could be considered a “caregiver” and sell the drug without a prescription. There are no age restrictions or parental consent requirements, so minor children would be eligible to buy and smoke marijuana without their parents’ permission.1
A NO VOTE allows Florida’s current law against buying, selling and smoking marijuana to remain in effect. Voting against this amendment will not affect the 2014 law which was passed in the state legislature and allows for a special strain of non-euphoric medical marijuana in a pill to be prescribed by physicians to treat children with certain seizures and to be used for other debilitating medical conditions.1
Romans 13:13-14 – “Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” (NKJV)
The Importance of Personal Responsibility in the Law of God
Yes, a little known web site no one has ever heard of is the reason Amendment 2 failed. It wasn't the lazy slackers failing to go vote at all.
Your fellow christians disagree with you, and for most of your beliefs the rest of us rational people disagree as well.
So now you're against legalization? Or are you just too stupid to communicate? Odd, how you think you speak for Christians, but, then again, you've always told others what they think.
I believe you call him Mr. Big Bang. You know, the omnipotent creator who created all energy, matter, space, and time out of nothing at all in a tiny fraction of a second.
This is beyond their comprehension. They have no clue what cosmology is without the use of Google.
This is beyond their comprehension. They have no clue what cosmology is without the use of Google.
Earning your keep is beyond their comprehension. If you had used the word "cosmetology" instead, they wouldn't have caught it. I once substituted "astrologer" for "astronomer" and none of them caught it. Dr. Keynes sent me a PM warning me to change it or they would crucify me for it. I told him I did it on purpose as an experiment to prove how stupid they were. My thesis was correct.
I am sure Occam's Razor applies fully to you argument here; because probabilities: omnipotent being.

No, the style of your argument defeats itself I believe. Probabilities are amazing! Did you know that insane improbable things are going on RIGHT NOW. Someone was just struck by a lighting strike while I was typing this argument, there weren't even any clouds nearby. The victim was subject to an extremely, nay, an improbable event. The same thing will happen in the next fifteen minutes or so, maybe sooner. The amount of matter that exists transcends your understanding of probabilities.

Quantum particle physics also states that if I push my hands together ALMOST until the end of time, they will physically pass through one another. Unlikely, but it is proofed!

Life could easily occur given enough time.
So who was struck by "lighting"(sic)? Quantum Particle physics are all theory, multitudinous, inconsistent, and contradictory in nature. You might as well consult an Ouija board
So who was struck by "lighting"(sic)? Quantum Particle physics are all theory, multitudinous, inconsistent, and contradictory in nature. You might as well consult an Ouija board
Watch out, you're about to be flamed for posting facts here!
An abortion would be the "right" thing because after all, a retarded child has less reason to live than a "normal" child. Retarded people just wind up being wards of the state and we should definitely not be spending taxpayer money to support such inferior human beings. Right? Maybe we should also legalize euthanasia to weed the human race of inferior people altogether.
Already in progress. See "Planned Parenthood"
Because I believe gay people have the same civil rights as anyone else?
Which you obviously dont becuase you wish to impose your religous beliefs on others?
I would agree, but isn't the definition of marriage as a holy union between man and woman?
I'm not against Gay marriage at all, but government has seen fit to tax married people differently and to give married people additional privileges in certain legal, circumstances, compared to single people that is.

So, with marriage now being mostly a government sanctioning scheme and divorce being nothing more than a lawyer filling out some paperwork, you don't really have to be gay, nor in love, nor even have any religious ceremony to get all the benefits of married people.

I can see college guys getting married just so they can use the marital benefits, especially when it comes to government assistance. Hell I can see guys getting married just so that one won't be compelled to bear witness against the other in a court of law.

Traditionally, marriage was a religious union, now the religion has been removed and replaced with rules and benefits that other people do not get, merely because they don't have the government paper that licenses them to get married.

This is more complicated than men in love so much that they want to spend the rest of their lives with one another.

If government all of a sudden removed itself from marriage and nullified all the laws and exceptions between single and married, would gays still want to be married officially?