Sorry, but for all that didn't vote in Florida---- you S_ _ K !!!!***!!#!!##*

I live in Australia and I have voted maybe twice, no fines
Well shame on you and they'll get you one day.
No vote no say matey!
Are you actually proud you havnt exercised your right as a citizen and your obligations as a australian to have a say in your government? I think it's absolutely appalling that you can brag about being too lazy to get off your ass or too apathetic to vote, that's pathetic!
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And i answered back. At a minimum you are a hypocrite
If you had bothered to read the first couple lines of my first post you would realize how absurd your comments are.
I know and I agree I was about to put your holier than thou ass on ignore
please do. I will not miss you at all.
i guess we should just throw out the constitution, the supreme court, and everything else when you want to impose your religious beliefs on half the nation then.

kinda like sharia law, but for christians instead.
i love the constitution! most conservatives do. It's the liberals today who love socialism and hate the constitution.
Babies Breath and come about thru the permission of their mothers.
Permission? I did not know mothers had the ability to not birth a child without an abortion. There must be something I missed in my biology classes.

I can do this all day folks. The logic behind the hate here is amusing. Bring better arguments to the table. Also, the ones here making the biggest noise have not attempted to refute any of my points.

This is an example of why it is so hard to pass legalization laws here. All of the potheads without brains speak so loudly that those interested in listening are turned off immediately. I would suggest arming yourselves with facts before debating any topic. It's the only way you don't come out looking like a child.
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I vote republican when there is no libertarian candidate. My political views encompass much more than legal weed which currently is low on my list of important legislation.

. I would suggest arming yourselves with facts before debating any topic. It's the only way you don't come out looking like a child.

I would suggest you quit right now while your looking like just another Christian Tealiban Zealot

You are against marriage equality as well
I'm for gays getting a union recognized by the court that allows them to have all the same rights of man and woman marriages.

Instead of playing this schoolyard gotcha game that you are making a fool of yourself in, why not rebuke anything I have stated with something factual and logical
I'm for gays getting a union recognized by the court that allows them to have all the label rights of man and woman marriages.

Instead of playing this schoolyard gotcha game that you are making a fool of yourself in, why not rebuke anything I have stated with something factual and logical?
I have rebuked anything you have dared to come forward on.
You are against gay marriage. Why not just come out and say so?
I have rebuked anything you have dared to come forward on.
You are against gay marriage. Why not just come out and say so?
Lol, really? You are correct. I hate gays even though I loved my late gay brother-in-law as my own blood. I'm also a raging racist even though I'm in an interracial marriage with an interracial son.

You have rebuked my arguments? Funny, I never saw any rebuttle of my comments from you at all, only senseless bashing based on your preconceived ideas of all who oppose your viewpoints.
Anti Abortion
Anti marriage equality
For "states rights"
Claims to be a libertarian

how am I doing so far?
If you were in a philosophy 101 class you would receive an F for your lack of logic and debate skills.

I love how you prove my point of not using Religion to defend my arguments. Please continue to debate yourself...
Lol, really? You are correct. I hate gays even though I loved my late gay brother-in-law as my own blood. I'm also a raging racist even though I'm in an interracial marriage with an interracial son.

You have rebuked my arguments? Funny, I never saw any rebuttle of my comments from you at all, only senseless bashing based on your preconceived ideas of all who oppose your viewpoints.
I never called you a racist.
Freudian slip?
I never called you a racist.
Freudian slip?
Since we're in the accusatory train I figured I would clear the air, but your persistence entertains me.

So Figgy
is any of this not true?
Let me quote myself due to the lack of literacy here...
I'm for gays getting a union recognized by the court that allows them to have all the same rights of man and woman marriages.

I am getting bored with your redundancy...bored with your redundancy...bored with your redundancy...
i love the constitution! most conservatives do. It's the liberals today who love socialism and hate the constitution.

then why do you want to scrap women's constitutional rights and the decisions of the united states supreme court in order to impose your religious beliefs on them?
I'm for gays getting a union recognized by the court that allows them to have all the same rights of man and woman marriages.

so you're also against the equal protection clause of the constitution because you want to impose your religious beliefs onto those whose sexuality you disagree with on religious grounds.

christian sharia law right here in america.
The ballot failed in Florida because of all the old fucking Bible-thumping fogies born in 1940 who retired there that still believe men should have short hair and not wear sandals.
then why do you want to scrap women's constitutional rights and the decisions of the united states supreme court in order to impose your religious beliefs on them?
Again UB, I'm for the right to live. But lets play this elementary game you have begun! Why are you so against babies living? Why are you for legal murder? What definition of life adheres to your belief of abortion? This has nothing to do with religious beliefs, but a belief in life being defined by cell multiplication. Again, you're debate tactic of bringing religion to a non religious discussion shows a lack of understanding of this content.

so you're also against the equal protection clause of the constitution because you want to impose your religious beliefs onto those whose sexuality you disagree with on religious grounds.

christian sharia law right here in america.
I'm sorry you have trouble understanding very simple words. Marriage has a definition. Words have meaning. You should have learned this in grade school. I'm all for equal rights as you quoted me saying. Regardless of my Christian beliefs, you pouting about the wording of the issue shows the weakness in your argument.

but no one even accused you of that.

Really? If you don't understand why I said what I said, then I should start a conversation with a brick wall. It would be just as satisfying.

Figgy you can practice any religion you want.
Just as long as you and Jesus stay out of politics in America
Exactly. Where have I placed my religious views other than stating Im a Christian? Your repetition is boring me to the point that I feel I must dab myself into a coma to be on your level.

And I'm still waiting for responses to my first questions. You guys are really really poor debaters. Yall argue much worse than college students.