Sour Diesel vs. NYC Diesel - Which Do You Prefer?

Which 1 do you like better?

  • Sour Diesel

    Votes: 69 76.7%
  • NYC Diesel

    Votes: 21 23.3%

  • Total voters
Sour diesel and somas NYC diesel are 2 completely different varieties. NYC diesel isn't even a diesel, it's just in the does taste like grapefruit....and it IS a potent, indica leaning hybrid.....sour diesel is mostly the debate of what's real sour diesel is because many (like me) have had "sour diesel" in the early 2000s which tasted Extremely sour, no gas at all.....and nowadays all sour diesels are heavy on gas and may smell sour but rarely taste sour at all ecsd.....and everyone has "sour diesel" but they are almost all completely different other than the gas flavor - which imo wasn't even present in what I consider sour diesel.

It's complicated lol.

But for JJ, that is the story of HIS sour diesel, which I believe is also or closely related to AJs sour?
I know mate im aware lol

Thats Sour Diesel...I can tell by the flowers...
I know about JJ's Diesel...I know about AJs Diesel...I know about RiRi's Diesel...& Rez's Diesel...Which I thought was ECSD.
ECSD = East Coast Sour Diesel. The original clone only. Doc Greenthumb has it, now I have it. I believe this to be the real deal or closest it gets.

NYCD = New York City Diesel. Soma Seeds made this with the original Clone. I think this is more commonly shared but many modern mixes contain both NYCD & ECSD. Reservoir Seeds was one of the earliest legit sources that backcrossed the original clone to the Soma NYCD and it's still used by many breeders and recognized as legit. I have this also.

Will grow them side by side and report when i grow.
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Sour diesel and somas NYC diesel are 2 completely different varieties. NYC diesel isn't even a diesel, it's just in the does taste like grapefruit....and it IS a potent, indica leaning hybrid.....sour diesel is mostly the debate of what's real sour diesel is because many (like me) have had "sour diesel" in the early 2000s which tasted Extremely sour, no gas at all.....and nowadays all sour diesels are heavy on gas and may smell sour but rarely taste sour at all ecsd.....and everyone has "sour diesel" but they are almost all completely different other than the gas flavor - which imo wasn't even present in what I consider sour diesel.

It's complicated lol.

But for JJ, that is the story of HIS sour diesel, which I believe is also or closely related to AJs sour?
I'm in the south, and the sour that came around in the 2000s didn't have any fuel scent to it, I always preferred the rare occasion some real Diesel came through town
It's been lost like everything.... out of all of my research, i think Dr Greenthumb has the closet to the original. When I grow some out I will also grow the Reservoir version and some others and report on it...
Rez dog doesn't have ECSD. His is a mix of Soma NYCSD and the ECSD clone. Only Doc Greenthumb has the ECSD copy, or at least a confirmed source of it.
No offense my brotha, but I trust my source and experience and history 100 percent over your opinion. I know what I’ve ran and where it came from. To each his own…
I can neither vote nor comment. I've never smoked any sour diesel. Unless, maybe, someone handed it to me at a show...OMG I've been handed some great shit at shows, WOW - but anyway, I have grown some of this pseudo related polycool hybrid-omigo gear, and I like it enough to wish I had a cut of the original. Oh, yes, I do. Please. :D
The ONYCD too. JJ just put out Sour Diesel on F4s I already got the BX4 so I’m not about to drop anymore on seeds unless he drops a stardawg without the purple. But it’s there for anyone looking.
what about the sour diesel clone Archive portland has been selling for a while? He said that one was always just called Sour Diesel, never referred to as ECSD or NYCD.
When NYCD first hit the scene and the stories of it's insane cost and bike deliveries from 800 numbers in NYC...eventually it made it's way across the country and I can say like a lot of things I dont see it anymore. At it's best, NYCD was devastating in power and was far stronger than the classic sour D.
I prefer potency and effects over taste. Although both are stellar I always have found sour d to be excellent but the buzz fades quickly. NYCD was SO good at the peak, few have been better ime.
what about the sour diesel clone Archive portland has been selling for a while? He said that one was always just called Sour Diesel, never referred to as ECSD or NYCD.
In California for years sour diesel was common and was never any certain “cut”, I do think ECSD is different though
Rez dog doesn't have ECSD. His is a mix of Soma NYCSD and the ECSD clone. Only Doc Greenthumb has the ECSD copy, or at least a confirmed source of it.
Sorry my friend I'm pretty much 100% positive rez or anyone else with any knowledge of diesel would use soma version for anything diesel, i believe rez used ecsd x either a afghan kush male or and Hindu kush male to cross with to make his sd bx. I believe your are misinformed in both what rez used and what soma used in his nycd.
Soma didn't even have any diesel in it he just stole the name cause it was popular and that's why jj and such think he's a clown for it.

For the record I've tried Dr greenthumb ecsd s1 and found a really nice plant in the half pack I popped, kinda wish I kept it around longer.