South Texas gets Busted

Any state that has the oldest Bud brewery in it can't be all bad... :wink:
come on up 2 tennessee get u a nice place in giles county out here in the hills and hollars . police dont fuck round in them thair hollars they mite not come back, no joke . thairs a lot of shiners round in tha area can smell tha wiskey cooken on a calm nite, besides we have good black dirt 4 the most part some clay in areas but not much..
Go visit that St louis brewery while you can. When Bud was sold to the german company they were gonna shut that place down but got alot of grief over it and have temp decidedd to keep it open for awhile
yah, that's the one.... it has a wooden escalator!! Now I don't know what they are doing now but when I was in College, we visited there on a majior road trip and got to drink free for 30 minutes in their Keg room bar. Talk about fast drinking!!! It was a blast..... Yes, go see it if indeed they are closing it. Part of history...... beer history...mmmmm.
Been there many a time when i lived down that way for a few miserable years lol got family in that state so i drive past a few times a year and get slapped with that distictive smell. i hate budweiser but if you drink it its got to be from that brewery as it tastes better then thier others as it uses different water then the others
Yes, I grew out of the taste for most American beers.... for the most part, they are hideous. Back then, I'd drink Boonesfarm as well.... bleh...:lol:
lol Some good ole Boones mmm bring the memeories. i dont drink much but when I do (nope its not dos secce) I drink MGD or Miller lite best american beer there is. Then its sounds funny but about 2 years ago i got adicted to chocolate maritinias lol what can i say love them now go down stairs to the bar and make me a few and lay back with a bowl and take a nap lol
well when i was 18 for a year all i did was smoke bluntz and drink mimosa Royal champagne 4 bottle a night was like candy with fizzies lol so gay I know and me being 6' 6" 285 sucking down martinis and mimosas lol
i was in jail here in canada with a guy from texas who told me he got 5 years for having a 2 gram spliff. did about two years, got parole, breached the parole and was sent back to start his 5 over again and did the whole thing.
could there be any truth to this? cause if the pot laws are that extreme, you better hope your case is thrown out.
A good homemade mojito like a top shelf margarita is a man's drink. Came from Cuba and is a good match for a cubin cigar. Not easy to find a good place that makes them and good recipes are not easy to find. But when you have a good one your sold....Rum/fresh mint, sugar are main ingredients.
Canadianchronic if he got caught in Texas with no priors with a spliff at most it would have been a small fine hed been lucky if he got any jail,probation or community service. He must have been on parole or probation already. Under 100 lbs in texas is not a big deal usually
What Bug Eats The Hairs Off The Bud!!!
start your own thread fret this is considered thread jacking bad form

leaf hoppers will eat the hairs