South Texas gets Busted

just a bad joke CJ i dont even know what a mojito has in it:dunce:

I returned the favor with another bad joke... :lol:

A good homemade mojito like a top shelf margarita is a man's drink. Came from Cuba and is a good match for a cubin cigar. Not easy to find a good place that makes them and good recipes are not easy to find. But when you have a good one your sold....Rum/fresh mint, sugar are main ingredients.

Indeed, you are correct. Don't ever attempt to make them with powdered mixes... just awful. My Mom keeps buying any "new" powder she can find, and each time I visit, i must suffer gladly her terrible drink concoction...:wink: MMMM delicious Mom...

The two best Mojitos I've ever had were both in Puerto Rico. We were also drinking the restaurants home made Sangria, and when we did a 50/50 split... it was very very good. We told the waiter who said they already have it on the menu.... Sangrito's.... :lol: We ordered a pitcher.....

My cat eats the hairs then the buds if I dont keep an eye out

My cat doesn't care about weed, but two of three of my dogs will strip the bottom off if I allow it. I try to give them the "yellows" to keep them satisfied till trim time..... which becomes a leaf gorging event....they love them! :lol:
My dogs no interest in the plants unless I wrapp meat in the leaves. The cats I give them fan leaves every so often and it seems to be like cat nip as thier pupil dialate and they get all frizzed up and will slash you if you try to take back the leaves lol
I keep male plants near the dog feeding area. They will hit them after every Chessie Retriever will eat most any vegetable i grow. I'm losing the last of my tomatoes this week I'm afraid....:lol: Radishes, corn,lettuce,carrots, you name it.
Yeah i grow a few veggies hydro like I usually said me and dirt dont mix well. Pretty much anything i try to grow in dirt usually dies but aero and hydro now I can grow some vegies lol
Missouri is a humidity bake oven also.Family said its been about 108 there last 2 weeks humidity in the 80 percent area without rain. i lived in southeast missouri for about 8 years and wa glad to get out of there quick. Thier drug task force is pretty heavy right now they have a nice force of copters they use now looking for outdoor growers. i have family there and last summer friends of the family had 18 plants in thier woods behind thier house they owned 80 acres and they had the drug task force blackhawk drop guys in thier yard and arrest them. scared the hell out of them as they wer late 50's and didnt expect the Blackhawk copter in the back yard. Strict laws there although by Columbia they are trying to pass a posession law to make it legal for smaller amounts

What about the west part of the State?????
come on up 2 tennessee get u a nice place in giles county out here in the hills and hollars . police dont fuck round in them thair hollars they mite not come back, no joke . thairs a lot of shiners round in tha area can smell tha wiskey cooken on a calm nite, besides we have good black dirt 4 the most part some clay in areas but not much..

Dude, I'm a proud Southern Country Boy,... What you are describing is for Me. City Folks gives me the mange, hives & the shits. No offense, but I had rather talk to my Pet Duck & Dogs, rather than nosey Folks. I would fit right in the Hollar, by the slue. Hell Yeah. I'll do the Net thing, check out humidity, etc. My Mom lives there in Tenn., but if I don't tell her.... Been there once, loved the place, loved the attitude of the people. I'll let Y'all know around Dec. Thanks Dude.
my garden burnt out at the beginning of july ,we've been near or over 100 degrees ever since without any rain
Robert, The Elite. Is it Sir Robert? Or, My growing skills suck SOO much that my shit burned? I've had 1" of rain since may, my ladies are 3 to 7 ft., four more ft' to hit the expected 11 ft, plus. Pure Sativa, just now starting to flower, 2 more months to go. Pulled a 6' male yesterday, it started wilting in 5 minutes after pulling. Still, 200 gals per every 2 days. Hope to be on-line within 2 weeks, will have pics & the outdoor design. We start our outdoor design in Dec, we'll put our heads together.. not you Robert, I ain't that way!!! They may have Kid's Growing classes that maybe you could join. He- He. All is well with Me. Keep up this thread, Guys. Fla. Girl, my Rabbit shit has 7' plants, how big is your play pretty? (Step down, Lil Puppy.) Later Dudes.
West side of Missouri depends where as you then have to watch as they follow that area s its part of the drug run highway sections coming from texas and Oklahoma. they watch this route more then the Texarkana runs so drug task is heavy in places.Id have to say if i was looking to go to a state where outside space is wanted and few drug agencies and a more temperate climate Id say looking in the Dakotas, Minnesotta,Ohio, these would be safe places with tions of outdoor space but not much else to do but fish and camp in those states but if your not into needing to be up to date on life and just want a laid back open area those fit it. season isnt as long as Texas but your not gonna die of heat stroke there either.
guess i'm not much of a businessman huh SoT? shit man, wasn't trying to insult you :bigjoint::bigjoint:

hope to hear from you soon

Southtexas , you are forgetting about the plain view rule. Once the cop saw the plants inside the house, they did have reasonable cause to search. I doubt your case will get thrown out. I wish you the best of luck though...

No exactly. Unless the officer saw the plants from the road off property he cannot just come onto the property unless he's the OPs friend.. I doubt that though.
cops need to get a life... they are too fucking panzy to bring down meth labs cuz they know the mexicans that operate it got mad gun power and know they'll use it. so they bust inoccent people growing weed for personal cuz they know u aint gunna fire an ak 47 at a cop for a few plants..

fucking hate lazy panzy ass cops... they are all the faggots in high school who got picked on so they decide to do roids after gr.12, then go to be a cop in college. so they can pick on the people who they think represen the bullies in their day..

they are all crooked fucking faggots and if i ever got the chance to kill a cop and get away with it.. id fucking torture them and rape their daughter infront of them
Due to PC Virus, all the BS in the world,... I'm back. To all concerned/opinionist people, like me. When you play the game, you must know the rules, which dictates BOTH sides. Meaning, our rules (fuck'em running), & the people that has sworn an oath to abide by Legsislate intent, The "Law Making Body of each State". Ay any rate, never make it personal. Don't get caught up in the "Word Trap". If you don't know what they can legally do, your ass is up for grabs. 3 questions, they know how ignorant, or not, you are. Silence is the goal, it's their move, let them make the move. My statement is ALWAYS, do what you think you can get by with-your move, because they will, anyway. They made their move last Nov. For Chess Players, first move on their part, brushed aside thier pawns, brushed aside my pawns, moved their Queen next to my King, tossed my Bitch/Queen off the board, and stated Check Mate. All in one move. This can be taken as a good thing, or a bad thing. Of course, it's a fucked up "first play". No Probable Cause, no warrant, etc. You must know what animal that confronts you. Once a Governmental Official steps into a legal landmine, they will never back up. They will alter, create, fabricate whatever to cover their ass. So,.. I remaid silent, since Nov. Point is, it's not my move yet. Whole point, know when it's your turn to make your move, but when they do the Rambo shit, act stupid to encourage stupid mistakes. Then, nail the Bitch in Court/shine the light on the sorry-ass Roach. Just my outlook. Fire It Up !!!
All is cool, got a Court Appointed wanting a plea from 10 to 8, without any documents, other than an inhanced indictment. He Counseled me via phone, then ask what my charges was. .... Wants a written statement, for the DA. Yea, right. I know "Washington VS Strickland" inside out. I did tell the Bitch that I wanted a Probable Cause Hearig... He said HE would file any motions that he seen fit, and that He's not concerned about my 10 years because He is defending people with 30 years.... It's a shame, have to fight the "Advocate" & the DA. I do not want to have dismiss too soon, want to perfect the Civil at the expense of the Whores. That's where I sit. Cool.
Thank you South Texas for keeping us updated. I live in Texas too, and I dont know anyone who has personally been busted for a growing operation.

I always wonder what will happen if I get busted, and your thread helps me keep everything in perspective.

Peace brother, maybe one day Texas will decriminalize and we can smoke a fatty together.

south texas i saw this thread awhile back and read through it and never got to offer up my condolences, i apologize for the stupidity of our government and wish i could send you pot, beer and food, i hope you get a good lawyer and fry them all in court, make them look like fucking fools, to busy busting a fucking dude on the net growing soe plants outback of his house not even in plain site of anybody while there are 50 fucking grimey illegal mexicanos running pounds of brickmasonry dirt weed across the border, undaley undaley mamma e-i e-i uuhh ohhhh...good luck man :peace:
Thanks Guys. I don't know anybody that has got busted, either. But then again, I started growing in 06, done the Clones, regenerate, 8' outdoors, indoor, all that shit, & never met another grower.
The goal is basically one thing, for me. Either I make money growing, or the State pays me for what they took. For example, 5 lbs. 20 grand street worth. Punitive damages, 1/4th mil to 2 mil. Is that crazy or what? While doing time for cutting a couple red necks, (2 for 0ne sale), a Guard came to me, ass deep in trouble. He, & his Hommies was cruising, him driving. Law Dog pulled them over, found some coke. He ask me to help. I never studied search & seizure before. Since I had the time...., that's where I learned several things, like immediate possession, right to privacy, what is & not is Private Property. But the most fucking important realization was... How can ANY act be considered illegal if you can't be legally busted for it? For both indoor and/or outdoor growers, with the exception of Hello's/Pork-Choppers/Swing Blades, without probable cause for a search warrant, any bust is payable via civil action. If I have 1,000 plants, or 1,000 Chinese kids making shoes in some basement (I don't condone such BS, it's just an example), then how can it be, in all actuality, be illegal when you can't be legally busted for it? My point is, don't take any risk. Until you can come out in a win-win situation, stay on the porch, little Puppy. Our most valued commodity is our time/life. Don't gamble with it. Don't play with a pair of duces. Don't put your ass on the line unless the odds are acceptable- goal is 4 aces. Our Social Life is the threat... friends/ family. My dogs, Myself, has never snitched, or caused unforeseeable adversities. For example, 10 females, 6 Lbs. per @ 4 grand per Lb - 8 months (outdoors). That's 24 grand. Compare that to 8 months of Socializing. You'll be lucky to borrow $240. Hell, I would gladly pay $240 per 8 months to NOT have ANY Social contacts. (Other than you Guys) Once you delete probable cause,... feel free to be free to do what the fuck you want to do under the protections of being a US Citizen/ The Constitution. Each person has their own "Bowl Of Rice" It's not my business to examine what's in your bowl of rice, nor anybody else's business. Humans, Animals & your Babies has the exact same priorities. Survival & Freedom applies (root bound for plants), but the 3RD for us is Privacy. Guard it jealously, for the sake of sanity.