Well-Known Member
What Bug Eats The Hairs Off The Bud!!!
I have found these little brown beetles chilling in my buds before,their usually stoned off there rolly polly asses

What Bug Eats The Hairs Off The Bud!!!
just a bad joke CJ i dont even know what a mojito has in it![]()
A good homemade mojito like a top shelf margarita is a man's drink. Came from Cuba and is a good match for a cubin cigar. Not easy to find a good place that makes them and good recipes are not easy to find. But when you have a good one your sold....Rum/fresh mint, sugar are main ingredients.
My cat eats the hairs then the buds if I dont keep an eye out
Missouri is a humidity bake oven also.Family said its been about 108 there last 2 weeks humidity in the 80 percent area without rain. i lived in southeast missouri for about 8 years and wa glad to get out of there quick. Thier drug task force is pretty heavy right now they have a nice force of copters they use now looking for outdoor growers. i have family there and last summer friends of the family had 18 plants in thier woods behind thier house they owned 80 acres and they had the drug task force blackhawk drop guys in thier yard and arrest them. scared the hell out of them as they wer late 50's and didnt expect the Blackhawk copter in the back yard. Strict laws there although by Columbia they are trying to pass a posession law to make it legal for smaller amounts
come on up 2 tennessee get u a nice place in giles county out here in the hills and hollars . police dont fuck round in them thair hollars they mite not come back, no joke . thairs a lot of shiners round in tha area can smell tha wiskey cooken on a calm nite, besides we have good black dirt 4 the most part some clay in areas but not much..
Robert, The Elite. Is it Sir Robert? Or, My growing skills suck SOO much that my shit burned? I've had 1" of rain since may, my ladies are 3 to 7 ft., four more ft' to hit the expected 11 ft, plus. Pure Sativa, just now starting to flower, 2 more months to go. Pulled a 6' male yesterday, it started wilting in 5 minutes after pulling. Still, 200 gals per every 2 days. Hope to be on-line within 2 weeks, will have pics & the outdoor design. We start our outdoor design in Dec, we'll put our heads together.. not you Robert, I ain't that way!!! They may have Kid's Growing classes that maybe you could join. He- He. All is well with Me. Keep up this thread, Guys. Fla. Girl, my Rabbit shit has 7' plants, how big is your play pretty? (Step down, Lil Puppy.) Later Dudes.my garden burnt out at the beginning of july ,we've been near or over 100 degrees ever since without any rain
Southtexas , you are forgetting about the plain view rule. Once the cop saw the plants inside the house, they did have reasonable cause to search. I doubt your case will get thrown out. I wish you the best of luck though...