Space thread what they didn't want you to see

there is a video of apollo 11 ware buzz is filming earth through a window and the camera pans left for a brief second to another window with earth in it again plain as day.

So I guess you are not interested in actual discussion and honest debate but merely are using RIU so that you can troll your bullshit. Figures.

there is a video of apollo 11 ware buzz is filming earth through a window and the camera pans left for a brief second to another window with earth in it again plain as day.

There is also a video of Buzz punching a guy out for calling him a liar about going to the moon.


I think it still does in Romania.

lol while they have got some dial around in romania i wouldnt sneer at their internet if i was you ;)

Romania has the second fastest Internet speeds on the planet, clocking in at 15.27 Mbps, and a trio of Eastern European countries round out the top five, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia. The United States musters a very pedestrian 4.93 Mbps — good for 26th in the world
Wow, I did not know that people like you really existed (always thought they were just trolls). I never thought anyone could be so stupid as to not understand how we made it to the moon. Well sir, you have proved my wrong and I congratulate you on proving me wrong.

How come we have never gone back? It should be easier now than back then.
How come we have never gone back? It should be easier now than back then.

It was hard then and it is hard now. Back then, there was a pressing political need combined with the sheer newness of the enabling technologies. To do it today, we'd be using pretty much the same tech ... no sufficiently advanced propulsion systems have been brought online in the mean time. Since we lack a compelling reason to go back to the moon, and since the price tag for a Mars mission (using either chemical or nuclear-thermal reaction engines) is stupid high, we have no believable manned space program in this time after the Shuttle has been retired and Orion (the Apollo successor, not the pulse-nuclear direct ascent concept from the 60s) is temporarily not canceled. SSTO technology (single stage to orbit [and return]), such as the Delta Clipper, VentureStar and Reagan's good ole NASP never did pan out.

So it's down to money. Nobody sees a need to spend many billions on gaining and proving the technology all over again ... unless of course the Chinese get uppity. Then we might have the political angle to play again, but without the goad of "must get there before the Main Enemy!" that spurred us fifty years ago. cn
Wow, I did not know that people like you really existed (always thought they were just trolls). I never thought anyone could be so stupid as to not understand how we made it to the moon. Well sir, you have proved my wrong and I congratulate you on proving me wrong.

Isn't it cool how a bunch of smart guys can defecate on religious people with their words of hate. Now THE MOON LANDING IS FAKE???!?!?!?! seriously guys, wtf? Nice troll indeed. antimoonlanding threads :clap:

....back to reality. Of course they landed, and there is a secret on the darkside of the moon. Astronauts were told to pack their shit and NEVER return, or Earth would be destroyed. True story
Thank you all for your comments this is fun.[video=youtube;BMBcLg0DkLA][/video]
This is from hubble notice all the foot prints and space junk left behind.[video=youtube;PRItZ8rCZzA][/video]
lol, the USA did make it to the moon.

A lot of those anti-moon landing videos are either just videos, or they are manipulated videos. The one video you posted of the "wires"... where are any wires?

How come in the photos of the visor lenses you don't see any anomalies in the reflection? Yet, all the videos claim anomalies in the visor reflections?
As I understand it, anybody with decent equipemnt, even in Romania can get a return from the laser reflectors that were left. If you know where to look, there is a moon buggy to see, also. So, we don't have argue about this one. It happened. Upgrade to broadband and further your education. Cheers.
The Apollo 17 ascent stage (Challenger) launch filming was done by a clever remote operator who anticipated a launch on schedule and sent the pan request 2.6 seconds early. He lucked out. The uncoordinated nature of the filming is visible by the camera not precisely tracking the AS. Apollo 17 was the only AS launch with which that trick worked. cn
The Apollo 17 ascent stage (Challenger) launch filming was done by a clever remote operator who anticipated a launch on schedule and sent the pan request 2.6 seconds early. He lucked out. The uncoordinated nature of the filming is visible by the camera not precisely tracking the AS. Apollo 17 was the only AS launch with which that trick worked. cn
I remember reading about that some time ago. They practiced it a lot pre-mission IIRC.