New Member
ryan the rhino what mission was your fim or piture taken? the first film i posted was from the very first lunar mission apollo 11
Maybe that's why NASA decided to avoid the bulk of it. I KNOW quite a bit about math and biology. No one has claimed anyone has survived a trip through a significant cross-section of the Van Allen belt. Van Allen radiation surrounds the earth like a belt (hence the name). It appears however that you, and many moon landing conspiracists, forget we can move in three dimensions. Not much different than if I wanted to leave Saturn and avoid the ring system.if you no anything about mathematics and biological science you would no that the statistical probability of surviing a trip through the Van Allen radiation belt is less the 0.18% each way even with your tiny sub evolved monkey brains this is a fact that cannot be disputed
I just wish he would type in plain English. It takes me about 3-4 attempts to try to figure out what he is trying to say. If English is your second language, that's okay but trying to sound superior when you sound like a dumbass doesn't work too well.Hey, medikal, I see you posting in our science forum and in a quite condescending fashion. What's with the monkey brain insults? You are evolved somehow, superior? In what respect? What's your beef, anyway? Are you that other guy with a new login?
Politely, I ask you to provide more detail and more reference. And tone down the complex.
Right you are. I'm always interested in fresh ideas.....if there is one.
I think you hallucinated the second earth.I understand that some of the suits have antennas on them but that doesn't explain when the astronaut drops something that falls at normal speed. did you guys see the picture of the fake earth in the window of apollo? there were actually two earths in the video I suppose you guys didn't see that did you?
I understand that some of the suits have antennas on them but that doesn't explain when the astronaut drops something that falls at normal speed. did you guys see the picture of the fake earth in the window of apollo? there were actually two earths in the video I suppose you guys didn't see that did you?
i've never been to the moon , but i've been to a gravel pit in montana
Was it a sample-return mission? cn
We have debunked everything you said. It is your unwillingness to accept the answers given, not your skill in defending your claims that keeps you why exactly are you guys posting in this thread? I could understand if you posted something that they didnt want you to see but your just posting all the same bullshit that was in the other space thread. I at least showed cannabineer some courtesy by not posting my ufo crap in his thread i come here to post my own bullshit and you guys follow trying to debunk everything i post even though you cant