Speeding SUV drives through a Christmas parade in a Milwaukee suburb.

Yes, I wait a few days before forming an opinion about what happened after one of these events. Why not keep an open mind while the dust settles? It's not as if I have any reason for a quick decision.

The problem with forming an opinion before the facts are available is that humans tend to get stuck on their initial impression and resist changing it even when better facts become available. You, for example. You are already conflating the two events.

We will soon know more about the driver.

i agree completely.

however it’s not conflating, just asking out loud to compare considering there are direct comments from the perpetrator about the same subject, it happened days after the verdict, and this took place 50 miles from Kenosha.

“Sunday's attack was not the first time Brooks has been accused of running a person over with a vehicle. In the early November case, a woman told police that Brooks purposefully ran her "over with his vehicle" while she was walking through a gas station parking lot after he had followed her there after a fight, according to the criminal complaint.
The woman was hospitalized for her injuries, court records show.”

I mean you can take your car across state lines


Then floor it towards someone cause he "came at my car man"

Then wait for others to chase you cause.................murder and stuff was really self defense

Then nail all the chasers with my car cause..............self defense

Then once we find out all the dead people I ran over were bad people I'm a fucking hero!!

Rinse and repeat :rolleyes:
i agree completely.

however it’s not conflating, just asking out loud to compare considering there are direct comments from the perpetrator about the same subject, it happened days after the verdict, and this took place 50 miles from Kenosha.

"but I was just asking a few leading questions, not conflating"

You guys lie when there isn't any reason to do so.

“Sunday's attack was not the first time Brooks has been accused of running a person over with a vehicle. In the early November case, a woman told police that Brooks purposefully ran her "over with his vehicle" while she was walking through a gas station parking lot after he had followed her there after a fight, according to the criminal complaint.
The woman was hospitalized for her injuries, court records show.”

and so the dog returns to his vomit.
So @hanimmal, do you recall others posting about Rittenhouses social media posts prior to the shooting? Do you remember him instantly being tied to white supremacy/right winger/etc etc by mainstream media and many posters here? Wasn’t it dictated exactly what was in his heart, and his evil assumed by his actions? The blanket statements about white this and white that because the white man is inherently the root of all issues in the world?

Is it unusual 17 hours later, it’s already being dismissed as a byproduct of this individual fleeing the scene where he stabbed someone? I didn’t see any officers pursuing him besides the one on foot valiantly chasing after the vehicle through the crowd. Or while “fleeing” is it strange he fired into the crowd while running people over?

Does his affiliation with BLM or anti police rhetoric mean anyone affiliated are evil like him?

Shouldn’t we assume the worst of him and attribute that to an entire group of people?

Was his car more deadly than Kyle’s AR?

Shouldn’t we assume anyone who shares similar thoughts he did about Rittenhouse or police are just as crazy and evil and inherently bad/the problem with this country?

Or instead do you agree with my mindset in that this was an individual, capable of individual thoughts and reason, influenced by outside forces? His perception of right and wrong his own and he does not speak for “the left” or “black people” and we should simply acknowledge evil comes in all forms?

Is he an anarchist? A communist? A (fill in the blank?) Or is he just Darrel Brooks Jr? A loser who is responsible for his own actions?

I do not remember anything about Rittenhouse's social media posts prior to the shooting. Unless you mean looking back after the shooting takes place I guess that might make more sense.

Killer Kyle tied himself to that afterwards with the pics of him hanging out with them flashing their gang signs and with what looks to be Boogaloo boys the night of his killing 2 people and wounding a third.

As for the race snow flaking about Rittenhouse, if he was a black 17 year old walking around with a AR, there is no question that he would have been stopped and checked, and as soon as they found out he wasn't allowed to legally carry he would have been (at best) sent home, and not gotten 'we appreciate you guys' and water given to him by the cops.

As for this dickhead who murdered people blasting through a crowd, fuck them, life in prison would be the right start IMO regardless of why. I don't know what you are talking about with people dismissing this horrifying act. Im very pro-not letting people murder others and get off from it.

Im willign to see what you are saying more, I am guessing I am missing your point, and there are two pages to go before I am caught up.
Similar to how people like Manchin or Tulsi Gabbard are cast aside for not being on board?

I don’t know if we can ever agree on this, but based off what I see on CNN I’d argue they are doing just as much damage with fake news fanning the flames. Anyone who is pro life, pro second amendment, pro securing the border, etc. is the enemy and must not be tolerated or given any platform. (For the record I’m pro choice just throwing out examples of what I see projected on CNN)
lol Tulsi Gabbard gtfoh. What a joke if you think you're onto something with that opportunistic wacko.
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Yes, I wait a few days before forming an opinion about what happened after one of these events. Why not keep an open mind while the dust settles? It's not as if I have any reason for a quick decision.

The problem with forming an opinion before the facts are available is that humans tend to get stuck on their initial impression and resist changing it even when better facts become available. You, for example. You are already conflating the two events.

We will soon know more about the driver.
I'm reading the reports as they're released from law enforcement. They dont look good.

As far as waiting until the dust settles before forming an opinion - unfortunately, as can be seen by the unambigous links added early in this thread, most do not wait. In fact Andy Ngo has already started his propaganda campaign aligning the subject with BLM and the nutty weak minded bigots of the world are swallowing it up like gospel.
Lol, let's all compare the tragedy of chlidren and families being run down by a criminal piece of shit at a holiday parade to a pedo and a wife beater being shot because they tried to attack a stupid kid with a rifle during a riot.

Fuck you people are losers!!!
We don’t have all the details yet. Will your indignation be less if there’s a wife beater on the victim list?
Similar to how people like Manchin or Tulsi Gabbard are cast aside for not being on board?

I don’t know if we can ever agree on this, but based off what I see on CNN I’d argue they are doing just as much damage with fake news fanning the flames. Anyone who is pro life, pro second amendment, pro securing the border, etc. is the enemy and must not be tolerated or given any platform. (For the record I’m pro choice just throwing out examples of what I see projected on CNN)

Another "but they do it too" fake bullshit post.

Manchin is still a member of the Democratic caucus and nobody with any power is talking about kicking him out of the party, which did happen to a Republican member of congress. Tusli Gabbard quit the party because she was always a right wing asshole and was not getting any support from Democrats. But she wasn't kicked out of the party, which did happen to a Republican member of Congress.

You guys have such a habit of lying you do so when there is no reason for it.
I'm reading the reports as they're released from law enforcement. They dont look good.

As far as waiting until the dust settles before forming an opinion - unfortunately, as can be seen by the unambigous links added early in this thread, most do not wait. In fact Andy Ngo has already started his propaganda campaign aligning the subject with BLM and the nutty weak minded bigots of the world are swallowing it up like gospel.
Yep, it's quite common for people to jump to conclusions. I'm just saying I try hard not to do so and recommend others try also. As far as what right wing fascists do with propaganda about the event, they don't even need to have an event to make up a propaganda shit storm. Remember the Bowling Green Massacre? Remember Comet Ping Pong?

They don't need facts, but a horrific story about a Black man, that is grist for their mill.