spider mite solution

yes it is ok to use bombs when the plant is in flowering smoke. I of course dont like to touch anything in flower but , if the lil fuckers are eatin the crop , then go ahead , i have used bombs as far as a little over a week before pick ! remember Hot Shot in the blue can (its a deeper reach and dont have a residue) i accidently used the green can once and it did not hurt anything but the green one leaves a tiny bit of residue , which is good for the mites but not for the taste! I used hot shots twice last week on some horrid lookin plants and it didnt hurt them at all!!! (This has been the only time i was ever scared to use the shit because of how much stress i already put the thangs through , and it did nothing but kill bugs! ) Good Luck Smoke!
seems to have worked only lost two buds due to webbing i think ill try the azamax again for my next cycle im going try to start off with it and it will make the plant toxic to bugs i guess
now im having a problem with the plant drooping over and dying. one day looks fine next day drooping and next completely dead. wonder what this coudl be i figure it some kind ..of root or soil fungus, ive lost about fourteen plants now and it just doesnt seem to be ending . i dont want to wast time outside with plant that will die and also dont want to move plant to flower if my moithers will die off what a bloody pisser any tips?
What is asamax smoke?
I am a expert when it comes to mites (spider) and i just yesterday used a Hot Shot (green can bomb). IT IS THE BEST WHEN IT COMES TO A BAD PROBLEM ! after you get it cleared up , mix you up some neem oil and spray them from time to time. Fuck the rumors, use whats proven! (and common since) Also neem and hot shots are very cheap too!
Nobody should EVER give advice unless they have done it there self (more than once). Good luck to your babies smoke!
Can I leave the door shut?
Azamax for a minor problem

Permethrin bomb for infestation.
Before anyone says otherwise. Permethrin is safe and approved for food, humans (its actually applied all over your body if you had scabies), pets depending on use.

However it's not safe for fis lol