Spider mites 4 weeks till harvest smh


Active Member
So as the title you see so any suggestions and if I don’t get rid of them Is it over for the plant, should I trash it I don’t want it to spread it got on one other plant that’s early in flowering has about another 6 weeks but the one that’s bad is 3 to 4 weeks out? I don’t want keep it past it harvest time to much if I don’t have to. It starting to Web not bad but I can see close up
Protect the healthy.
Segregate it or chop.
Do whatever you have to to make sure it hasn’t and can’t spread.

blast it off w water, try to remove them physically.
Without chemistry.
or harvest early for extraction/edibles.
Buds that don’t mature properly and pistils browning early
You know the routine :lol: :bigjoint:
Nah I got none of that. I don't enjoy spraying anything at this point but I fucking hate these bastards. The time I tried predatory bugs... i felt like an idiot as the bag hung there and nothing every came out or did anything.
Protect the healthy.
Segregate it or chop.
Do whatever you have to to make sure it hasn’t and can’t spread.

blast it off w water, try to remove them physically.
Without chemistry.
or harvest early for extraction/edibles.
So if I chop it now how do I remove whatever is left on the bud? And it’s to late for physically removing them there’s a lot. I though my plant was having coloring issues beucsee of tabbaco disease so I stopped smoking on the floor level where I grow… I didn’t even begin to think of pest. I haven’t had this issue in last 4 years so I’m like super annoyed
We’ll it’s a indoor grow in my finished basment and I really don’t want 1000 lady bugs around either lol can I use this indoor?
My wife’s already pissed because she seen a bottle I brought that said spider mites and she freaked kuz my chihuahuas love my basment
We’ll it’s a indoor grow in my finished basment and I really don’t want 1000 lady bugs around either lol can I use this indoor?
These are not ladybugs but I suggest spraying citric acid on them in the morning and Bush Doctor just before lights out
Thoroughly soak both times. Definitely don't use these mites that die after running out of spider mites.
Just wait until lights on. Move the plants or turn off the lights and spray them with a citric acid based solution/product. It's a contact killer. Use a fan to dry the plants. Put back under lights or turn lights back on when plants are dry. Repeat in 3 days. Move on and grow weed.