DrFever, thant's funny that you posted that! I literally ordered that stuff yesterday along with the safers soap from treehelp. It may be redundant to have the safers soap in addition to the miticide as I believe the soap is one of he ingredients in the miticide, but hey, for $10 extra, why not!
FirstRule, so far the Organocide is working quite well. Much better than I expected for a $12 bottle from home depot, so far it beats the other expensive neems and miticides I've tried. I'm going to do another treatment in 3 days when the new batch of eggs hatch, and every 3 days after for about a week to a week and a half. I have no illusions of killing 100% of them, I'm just trying to destroy enough of the population that I can start flowering. I think you can use the organocide well into flower though. If you can get the SNS cheap, I'd say go for it. Let us know what you think. If you have a home depot around, you might want to spring for the organocide. I could always use a second opinion. It comes in a 64oz bottle, ready to use. It's almost worth it just for the sprayer it comes with (it's a long flexible tube so that the spray head is detached from the bottle; makes it so much easier to spray the undersides of leaves and really get in there).
I think I will go for the destroyers at some point, maybe after this grow. Ironically, in order to keep them, I think you'd actually have to keep a colony of mites or aphids alive as a food supply for the predators. If that $120 could be a one time thing, it'd be worth it for me cause I'm sure that at this point I've spent at least that much on sprays, and bombs. Thay do eat the eggs also which is a bonus because apparently the eggs can remain viable and dormant for a year.
The CO2 option does sound good, but like you said, expensive and a pain in the ass. I also don't know if a CO2 blast will kill the eggs...probably not. I'm not sure how effective the sulfur is against the mites. Have you heard anything on this front? I read the home made sulfur burner thread but it's mostly intended for combating powdery mildew. The guy who made it said that he wasn't sure it'd kill mites.