Spider Mites Questions

I spray floromite and forbid at work. One kills most mites and one kills some other species and they're eggs. We also spray Hort oil at temps lower than 90F at a rate of 1 or 2% depending on the temp. I think Neem is the same thing as Hort oil but not pos on that. I've had luck with Safer Soap when applied frequently in veg and you should have them knocked out by the time you flip them. Thank God I don't have any mite probs but they are aggressive and very successful little mother fuckers. You can manage the mite population in your grow area but you'll prob never get rid of every one. In my humble opinion.
had them once from bringing an outdoor plant inside. let me tell you they are a bitch. im lucky my infestation was not bad and i was able to get rid of them. if its bad enough, like all over the place, your probably better off just destroying/sterilizing everything and starting over. the way i got rid of them was i cut off the worst infested part of my plants and threw it out. it was during veg but still cost me some yield. i got some insecticide spray from walmart schultz brand. i got 2 different types, one the active ingredient was pyrathrins(never use around cats or fish), and the other was neem oil. you can buy both chemicals in bulk and mix your own spray for much cheaper though. if mixing your own be careful with neem oil. too much can burn your plat's leaves. i kept using both sprays. especially under the leaves. you need to soak the entire plant. i mean drench the shit out of it. bring it in the bath tub and do it everyday. eventually my mites died off. pyrethrins kills, neem oil fucks with hormones and will greatly slow reproduction. the thing is its hard to kill all the eggs. you spray often so when the eggs hatch you kill the larva. even when drenching the entire plant, its hard to be sure if you missed or if some, somehow survived.

now you need to be sure of future prevention. never take in anything from outdoors unless you thoroughly inspect it. same goes with plants from other people. so many indoor growers think they know how to grow good dope. well sadly, most i seen suck at it. dont trust anyone elses plants unless they have proven to you they know what they are doing and your sure their plants are pest free. lot of people dont take these precautions and get fucked or just dont care and grow some ugly homegrown dope. and sadly a lot of smokers dont care cause they just care about getting high, not getting high off premium dope. GL!
Nope. not tried Liquid Ladybug, but the result for No Spider Mites is really good so far. I sprayed both sides before lights out yesterday and when lights came on could not find one living mite. For me that is a first! It will be interesting to see if they reappear in 3 or 4 days.

Nice! Glad to hear it. Now you'll have to wait a few days to see if there are any eggs that hatch. But good start. Round 1 to No Spider Mites

I've been having similar good results so far with the Organocide. Just did my second spraying today about 2 hours before lights on.
SQUOTE=Redoctober;5712952]Nice! Glad to hear it. Now you'll have to wait a few days to see if there are any eggs that hatch. But good start. Round 1 to No Spider Mites

I've been having similar good results so far with the Organocide. Just did my second spraying today about 2 hours before lights on.[/QUOTE]

After 3 days I did find 1 living mite. I sprayed "No Spider Mites' again and after another 3 days not 1 alive. So on the plus side it works great and the negative being its really expensive, but locally quarter oz costs more.
Ok its at your grocery store plus tablespoon neem oil, i have used dish soap it browned leafs some will not, olive oil and sunflower oil. Get twenty habanero peppers and dice ,not chop ,dice then steep in 1gallon simmering water not boiling.simmer means its scold you but not boiling. Boiling breaks down the protiens whichs is bad. Strain, cool,cooler the better, neem oil, shake alot!!!Spray everywere. Melts all soft body bastards and thier eggs.* does not harm plant *only eyes and lungs so were a resipartor and eye protection. I had Colorada rustic spider mites IE super mites!! Those little bastard eat trics, too application and never seen another in two years. I spray once a week for maintenance. Ghost Pepper chile works but causes my skin to really burn. When you spray plants will go dark green in front of your eyes.
SQUOTE=Redoctober;5712952]Nice! Glad to hear it. Now you'll have to wait a few days to see if there are any eggs that hatch. But good start. Round 1 to No Spider Mites

I've been having similar good results so far with the Organocide. Just did my second spraying today about 2 hours before lights on.

After 3 days I did find 1 living mite. I sprayed "No Spider Mites' again and after another 3 days not 1 alive. So on the plus side it works great and the negative being its really expensive, but locally quarter oz costs more.[/QUOTE]
I know it's quite some time since your post,but I'm curious how the no spider mite worked out in the long run? Currently using organocide,can't get rid of the fish smell though,it hangs around for about 7 weeks.but luckily I had enough time before harvest and it's been about 6 and a half weeks and no mites back yet. I used it every 3 to 4 days for 4 applications.the fish smell is still present, ever so faint but still present.I'm about 2 weeks away from harvest and I'm just trying to weigh my options in case they rear their heads when I mother 2 of my ladies.1 northern lights 1 texada timewarp.they are beautiful strains and I'd like 2 re veg them and super crop to clone.I strip and shower before entering my room and luckily I haven't seen any mites since six and a half weeks ago but call me crazy I still feel like s*** is crawling on me outside near my room!Maybe I'm just paranoid, PTSD lol, from how bad they hit me!it was an all-out war at first until the organocide but like I said I'm not too happy with it because I'm afraid this fish smell will never go away.also I believe it caused fungus gnats because I've never had not one gnat before on a single Grow until I started using the organocide and I've been doing this for about 4 years now.the gnats showed up directly after using the organocide the first time. I made the mistake of accepting clones from someone without quarantining them first. will never make that mistake again.oh I also forgot to mention that I followed the organocide treatment with ladybugs(1500) in case the organocide didn't completely work, luckily I did because they have been eating the fungus gnats for the past 6 weeks.I finally ended up using a half inch of sand and h2o2 to get rid of the gnats!
.I finally ended up using a half inch of sand and h2o2 to get rid of the gnats![/QUOTE] try mosquito bits for those gnat. Easy to use I just put a teaspoon and a half in each 5 gallon pot. Haven't seen in since. I applied it the same day I fogged for mites. So the digger killed the adults and the bits got the larvae. From now on I'm putting some in every pot.
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well okay I had to jinx myself with my previous post,because I'm about 6 days away from chopping.I have to do one more flush in about 4 days when my soil dries and then 2 more days of complete darkness after that before chopping.I would seriously chop sooner but I know they need another flush, (runoff is still tea colored) and I don't want to drown them now!So I'm in there today and I feel stuff crawling all over me(same feeling I got in the beginning when I first spotted the mites), there's not too much damage and no webbing at all,the damage i do see is only the lower leaves,and its minor! I have seriously high sugar content because there's crystals and trichomes galore, I've been using molasses for past 5 weeks with nutes. Somewhere I read that if your brix content is high(high sugar content) the spider mites don't see it as food. I'm pretty sure that's what I have going on because I don't see any spider mite activity any where's near my buds, only on the lower leaves. I definitely need 6 more days and don't want to chance treating with anything especially organocide cuz I'll end up with a bunch of fish smelling bud.I definitely saw 8 or 10 single Mite larvae just starting to crawl and still completely translucent. one per leave in about 8 or 10 different places but all of them were on lower leaves and as far as I could see none of them had companions on the same leave! Meaning i couldnt spot two on the same leaf!they're still about a 100 to 150 ladybugs in there spread out throughout the room crawling on the plants and undersides of leaves,will I be okay for the next 6 days Plus a week of drying?Any recommendations would help.
well okay I had to jinx myself with my previous post,because I'm about 6 days away from chopping.I have to do one more flush in about 4 days when my soil dries and then 2 more days of complete darkness after that before chopping.I would seriously chop sooner but I know they need another flush, (runoff is still tea colored) and I don't want to drown them now!So I'm in there today and I feel stuff crawling all over me(same feeling I got in the beginning when I first spotted the mites), there's not too much damage and no webbing at all,the damage i do see is only the lower leaves,and its minor! I have seriously high sugar content because there's crystals and trichomes galore, I've been using molasses for past 5 weeks with nutes. Somewhere I read that if your brix content is high(high sugar content) the spider mites don't see it as food. I'm pretty sure that's what I have going on because I don't see any spider mite activity any where's near my buds, only on the lower leaves. I definitely need 6 more days and don't want to chance treating with anything especially organocide cuz I'll end up with a bunch of fish smelling bud.I definitely saw 8 or 10 single Mite larvae just starting to crawl and still completely translucent. one per leave in about 8 or 10 different places but all of them were on lower leaves and as far as I could see none of them had companions on the same leave! Meaning i couldnt spot two on the same leaf!they're still about a 100 to 150 ladybugs in there spread out throughout the room crawling on the plants and undersides of leaves,will I be okay for the next 6 days Plus a week of drying?Any recommendations would help.
I can't tell you because this is my first time dealing with them. But when you do chop I don't think they'll just stop doing damage or spreading. I would think they would still multiple and suck your leaves UNTIL it's completely dry. And moving them after chop could possible spread eggs to other areas. Just something to consider.