Well-Known Member
Are they people and pet safe
If u zoom in on the single leaf pics u can see quite a few
Well the spider mights are back with a vengeance lol... Tried fighting them off with fungicide 3 I treated weekly for three weeks but they are out of control again ...just ordered mighty wash.anyone have any success with it .the plants effected are clones , seedlings...and 2 mothers I'll be flipping once I get rid of the mites... They don't seem to be in my flowering tent yet everything's looking a1 in there..I'll post pics soon
Dealing with the same bullshit ...
Washed plant ... Then sprayed SPINOSAD on her.
the bottom right picture is a 2 spot spider mite others look like gnat larva or soemthing
This picture shows me mite damage, not mites or mite larva or eggs. If those white splotches are in fact the pest, and not damage from the pest, then you do not have mites. Mites cause white dots on leaves as they eat the fluid from inside, if those are a white pests larva, you have something else, not spider mites, which is actually probably a very good thing.Here's what I have to work thru no photo editor but if u look u can see mite larvaeView attachment 3765546 View attachment 3765547 View attachment 3765548 View attachment 3765549
Shit OK it's not mites I guess so is mighty wash and spinosad multipurpose
those r not mites, those r thrips or aphids, i believe thrips
Looks like it.. I've never had thrips thank god but it seems to look like slightly bigger spider mite damage with slime trails along the leaves.Yes def think its thripes that is my plants and pest to the tee thank u.