Spider mites...

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
What about the dead bug (spinosad ) dust? Would that be good for the soil watering not sure if I'll have enuff of the spray to feed in the soil
I think so, in my experience it should work fine. I just soak the soil with the spray, myself, two applications a week apart in leaves and substrate, thrips were goners and didn't come back.


Well-Known Member
From the research I've been ready pyrethium is all natural and derived from flowers...it deactivates after a few days in sunlight and wind...is safe for humans and mamals , pets, with the exception of reptiles and amphibians... There's people that have said they used it at 6 weeks surely it can't be to harmful at three weeks in flower... I'm still looking for studies showing its bad for bud so if u know of any research showing negative effects plz share

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
From the research I've been ready pyrethium is all natural and derived from flowers...it deactivates after a few days in sunlight and wind...is safe for humans and mamals , pets, with the exception of reptiles and amphibians... There's people that have said they used it at 6 weeks surely it can't be to harmful at three weeks in flower... I'm still looking for studies showing its bad for bud so if u know of any research showing negative effects plz share
I don't know, just always have been wary of it, I was probably misinformed a long time ago and never looked it up for myself. I have used it in reptile cages and sprayed my carpet with it, but don't want it near my weed. Superstitions are a bitch, lol.

But spinosad works and is safe as houses. I wouldn't drink it or spray it in my eyes, but yeah, relatively safe.


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother.year a bug fogger in my flowering room didn't seem kosher to me either but when I read and read and read some more I started opening up to it...I'll save it for a last resort if the spinosad don't work....but I definite can't lose this crop that would truelly put me under.

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
I find that cinnamon and garlic work as well. mix a packet of pet flee killer with a quart of cinnamon water if the mites stick around
Pet flea killer? Huh? Sounds toxic.

I know years ago they used garlic pills for pets for fleas.

Usually you can get garlic powder and cinnamon powder for $1 at Dollar Tree. They also have chili powder and lemon juice which some people use for mite plus they have hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and dish soap.


Well-Known Member
Yes and he def knows his shit.... I'm just positive that there's no way I can get to every inch of the plant in this scrogg and I need to wipe these fuckers out asap.

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
Yes and he def knows his shit.... I'm just positive that there's no way I can get to every inch of the plant in this scrogg and I need to wipe these fuckers out asap.
I am not sure if you want to spend the money but buy an electric bug fogger and use spinosad.
Check the instructions before you buy.. Some foggers only use their brand of bug spray. If this is a house or tent be careful.

The fog will get to all those little bastards. A 1 gallon tank sprayer might work. I wonder if those hand held misters will make the mist fine enough like a fogger. Foggers rock.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Yes and he def knows his shit.... I'm just positive that there's no way I can get to every inch of the plant in this scrogg and I need to wipe these fuckers out asap.
Putting that spinosad in the soil will get them, it goes systemic, as in into the plant, the thrips nibble the plant, and die horribly. Spinosad bacteria is amazing stuff. Woot

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I am not sure if you want to spend the money but buy an electric bug fogger and use spinosad.
Check the instructions before you buy.. Some foggers only use their brand of bug spray. If this is a house or tent be careful.

The fog will get to all those little bastards. A 1 gallon tank sprayer might work. I wonder if those hand held misters will make the mist fine enough like a fogger. Foggers rock.
I am getting one of these, and the Monterey Garden Spray, which seems to be the best spinosad product, for my backyard. Hells yeah, good suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that does sound pretty awesome maybe if I can save my crop I'll invest in a nice set up...so what do u guys think about using a bomb for the main areas of my basement ( not in the sealed tent) and only using spinosad in the tent cuz I guarantee them fuckers are all down there


Well-Known Member
Just so fucking dense with shrubbery in the scrog its impossible to coat every leaf and stem
I picked up a fogmaster Jr from ebay for my LST''d mite problem. much like a scrog hard to get everything. Worked like a chram. Powerful enough to penetrate and lift all the leaves up when spraying, will be handy if I run into any problems down the road.


Well-Known Member
Tho I haven't tried spinosad yet still waiting on it to come ... Mighty wash took down the population of thrips but didn't get them all ...It did kill the thrips on contact tho


Well-Known Member
I'm going to use this:


the infestation isn't bad, I'm at week 4

flower just about tho.
super pissed-my room is clean, always keep it clean, spotless. it's been super hot in my area of the country tho, and I've been having a hard time keeping temps at
74 (typically at 77 degrees) degrees during lights on...fuckers.


Well-Known Member
Yes this fucking heat streak is killing us as well I'm all fucked up with thrips and burnt a few colas treating so far even after a rinse before lights on

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yes this fucking heat streak is killing us as well I'm all fucked up with thrips and burnt a few colas treating so far even after a rinse before lights on
Don't you grow indoors? Why would the heat be a problem?

Do you have any recent pics of the infested girl's?