Well-Known Member
KushOJ deleted his comment because, yes, he made an assumption of what you said. lol
A mod deleted my comment not me , THANK YOU
KushOJ deleted his comment because, yes, he made an assumption of what you said. lol
Fair enough then. If you did not mean it as a racist statement then I apologize for assuming that you did. Hearing the word "hanging" of a black person when talking about a racial issue does draw some conclusions that maybe I should not have made. Still disagree about the whole "get over it" though. Slavery has left many blacks at a severe disadvantage in the U.S. Just like Native Americans.
I don't wish to discuss anything with you. ANYONE else in the entire forum is free to come on by and have an INTELLIGENT conversations regarding race relations, steretypes, etc.. Hell, I'll have an intelligent conversation regarding sportfishing, the economy, real estate development, etc... Anything. I don't care. Just not with you. You are a lunatic. Everyone is laughing at your "EPISODE"!!! If you wish to continue to talk shit to me then fine. I don't care what you think of me. You are a nobody. You started talking shit about wanting to kick my ass. Come do it then toughguy. If not then I really have nothing else to discuss with you. You've already proven just how "Lost" you really are. Society has deemed you unfit so you have come to the forums to spew your crap... Go bother someone else cause I ain't listening no more.
I'd like to know from where the "460 years" number comes. With slavery abolished in 1865, that places the advent of slavery in the territory that would become the USA at 1405 CE. Uhm, hello? cn
you two should just fuck and get it over with.
you two should just fuck and get it over with.
Remember...she went to a community college and was a victim of "reverse racism." LMAO. You got called on it but never sent me a PM. More than happy to share my degrees with you if you'd like. Instead you choose to continue to act as if you are right but I am more than willing to share to proof with you privately. Please send me a PM so we can shut your ignorant pie hole once and for all. I'll be waiting.
you two should just fuck and get it over with.
It's just the internet bro
It's not that serious :l
you two should just fuck and get it over with.
It's just the internet bro
It's not that serious :l
He's too stupid to realize just how insane he sounds. He's ranting just to rant. Half the stuff he says makes absolutely no sense nor has any logic to it. It's just dumb being dumb.
Just ignore him maybe he'll go away after he realizes nobodys arguing back.
He just keeps rambling from his dungeon. I'm not even paying attention to him anymore. It's like watching midget wrestling. It's fun for an hour then you wanna go do else.
I highly doubt it. He's flaming on 6 different threads right now. Same stuff on each one. Where are the MODS?
Spike Lee decided he wanted to tweet Zimmerman's location. He got it wrong.
Now a old retired couple are afraid for their lives.
We here have all believed that some innocent people would get hurt in this, but an old couple.
I hope they sue the jerk and win.