Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

Fair enough then. If you did not mean it as a racist statement then I apologize for assuming that you did. Hearing the word "hanging" of a black person when talking about a racial issue does draw some conclusions that maybe I should not have made. Still disagree about the whole "get over it" though. Slavery has left many blacks at a severe disadvantage in the U.S. Just like Native Americans.

And attitudes like yours and your PROMOTION of racism in a sense of entitlement and revenge will continue to exacerbate these problems. YOU are part of the problem with your divisive and segregationist rhetoric.

Along with the usual attempts to miscategorise others who would dispute what you say , along with of course the usual LIEING character assissination , LIEING innuendo etc.etc. Your methods are quite predictable.
I don't wish to discuss anything with you. ANYONE else in the entire forum is free to come on by and have an INTELLIGENT conversations regarding race relations, steretypes, etc.. Hell, I'll have an intelligent conversation regarding sportfishing, the economy, real estate development, etc... Anything. I don't care. Just not with you. You are a lunatic. Everyone is laughing at your "EPISODE"!!! If you wish to continue to talk shit to me then fine. I don't care what you think of me. You are a nobody. You started talking shit about wanting to kick my ass. Come do it then toughguy. If not then I really have nothing else to discuss with you. You've already proven just how "Lost" you really are. Society has deemed you unfit so you have come to the forums to spew your crap... Go bother someone else cause I ain't listening no more.

Of COURSE you don't wish to discuss it with *me*. You prefer folks that you can lie to and run your bullshit little propaganda game on.

Thought you were going to namedrop and have someone run away , ya didn't figure on running into someone on thsi forum who could hand you your head on the subject.

And so sorry C O W A R D , you made an attempt to run your " might is right" game on me , now of course you've turned into the usual vacillating COWARD that such types always are.

Keep yapping privilegeBoy , cause you know J SHIT about how poor black folks live , or poor folks of any stripe. You're a M O U TH and a wannabe Jeremiah Right...............you're nothing more than David Duke in different skin.
I'd like to know from where the "460 years" number comes. With slavery abolished in 1865, that places the advent of slavery in the territory that would become the USA at 1405 CE. Uhm, hello? cn

It's the usual bullshit inflations descended from radical assholes such as Jeremiah Wright and Cornell West. And when called on it face to face they go off into spluttering rage and accusations etc. the same as this asinine clown.

People such as these WANT RACIAL DIVISION , phillipchristian doesn't want any sort of racial equality or harmony. It's as simple as that. Note that he's not speaking of authors or social/race relations pioneers who has as their prime focus Equality and co existence.......nope he's expounding on radical assholes whose focus is to create as much conflict between the races as possible.
Remember...she went to a community college and was a victim of "reverse racism." LMAO. You got called on it but never sent me a PM. More than happy to share my degrees with you if you'd like. Instead you choose to continue to act as if you are right but I am more than willing to share to proof with you privately. Please send me a PM so we can shut your ignorant pie hole once and for all. I'll be waiting.

In other words , you're too much of a C O W A R D to argue a given point openly. In addition I'd bet you really have a problem with women. You sure seem to here , and the FACT that you're borderline abusive and highly overbearing within this thread towards women speaks to exactly what sort of simpering scum you are.
you two should just fuck and get it over with.

NOPE , the woundlicking little bitch shouldn't have decided to come over to another thread and bring this shit THERE. And you might put up with his bullshit , I won't.

Y'all missed something here , you want an example of what this guy's about then start looking to his mindless parroting of the divisive Black Liberation Theology Rhetoric and it's segregationist , divisive utter and complete BUllshit.

And this clown has got y'all snowed , how many times has he pulled that namedropping CRAP with y'all utilising fools such as Wright and West........... assholes like this are eroding EVERYTHING we worked for in the '60s and '70s , they WANT the nation to be divided into armed camps with everyone at each others throats and you've seen a PRIME example of their tactics at work right here.

And quite frankly I don't really give a shit WHAT color a bigot is , they come in all colors , shapes and sizes , and it doesn't matter WHAT 'Guru' they endorse a Bigot is a Bigot is a Bigot.........

And PhillipChristian is an overbearing , controlfreak B I G O T , whom when *directly* called on his rhetoric and stance then subsequently cuts-n-runs.........
He just keeps rambling from his dungeon. I'm not even paying attention to him anymore. It's like watching midget wrestling. It's fun for an hour then you wanna go do else.

You're not " paying attnetion" yet you're following me around to different threads? Hmmmm I wonder how that works? And it's hilarious that in all your deflection you still fail to address the points that YOU brought up.

Still no address of West and the others.......it figures. You're pretty much eminently discountable.
I highly doubt it. He's flaming on 6 different threads right now. Same stuff on each one. Where are the MODS?

Really , I thought you weren't " paying attention".......and " the mods" bet you cried to Mommy when you tried to bully other kids and they wouldn't take it didn't ya? Oh THATS RIGHT you're still crying to Mommy.

And of course STILL no address of points that YOU brought up.

Remarkable how many times you end up in this same scenario with folks. Seems that you like to attempt that controlfreak act quite frequently.
Spike Lee decided he wanted to tweet Zimmerman's location. He got it wrong.

Now a old retired couple are afraid for their lives.

We here have all believed that some innocent people would get hurt in this, but an old couple.

I hope they sue the jerk and win.

Yup, that is one dumb man 100%