Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

Well I thought you were just going to prove me stupid. Fine ya want physical conflict put your ass on a plane to SFO , give me the flight number and I'll pick you up, I can get mat space a whole slew of places.

You don't get to throw your weight THAT way with me either there boy , I really don't give a shit WHO or WHAT you are , the fact is that you're an asshole who demands to ne allowed tp run roughshod over others. Now since you've put it on that level you're free to come on out and do it. After which if you did " win" I *STILL* would stand up and spit in your frigging eye and say EXACTLY what the fuck I want to.

See in this country there is still a little thing called free speech. Now you come on and try to muzzle *me* , either here by proving me stupid which you make the claim will be easy to do , or you come on out and do it physically since you put it on that level.

You're a control freak radical pussy with a merely superficial passing education on this subject , you weren't THERE when the advances came , yet you take advantage of those advances and then EMBARASS the folks on WHOSE BACKS you advanced with your bullshit segregatory and divisionist BULLSHIT. Assholes like YOU further the racial divide in this country NOT help to close the gap.

Get back to me when you've *actually* done something besides run your yap with radical rhetoric that you've memorised............do you EVER have an original thought?

You care *nothing* about anyone save yourself and your bottom line.

I gotta imagine that Hitler in all his insanity probably sounded a lot like this guy. If you want to fight me then you'll have to come to me. Sorry, but I'm not wasting any money to go and kick your ass. You brought it up. Not me. I'd rather give my money to the people at the United Negro College Fund. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"
Really? Well somebody better 'cause you sure can't make one on your own. Still no address of the issue. It figures , no courage in your own socalled convictions.

What issues? Who can follow them. You're like a Jackson Pollock painting. All over the place; total confusion. Are you bi-polar? Off your meds? Only someone as insane as you would even try to get in an intelligent conversation with you. It would be like me trying to reason with a 4 year old that sugar is not good for him. LMAO!!! You'll be suspended or banned soon enough. Your posts have been flagged and sent to the MODS.
I gotta imagine that Hitler in all his insanity probably sounded a lot like this guy. If you want to fight me then you'll have to come to me. Sorry, but I'm not wasting any money to go and kick your ass. You brought it up. Not me. I'd rather give my money to the people at the United Negro College Fund. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

In other words after beaating on your chest and acting macho you're a chickenshit. And your mind has already gone to waste , it's already been indoctrinated and programed and it shows , you're just a walking , talking bleating clone being exploited by powers beyond you for purposes you don't understand , while they preen you and praise you and keep you complacent.
What issues? Who can follow them. You're like a Jackson Pollock painting. All over the place; total confusion. Are you bi-polar? Off your meds? Only someone as insane as you would even try to get in an intelligent conversation with you. It would be like me trying to reason with a 4 year old that sugar is not good for him. LMAO!!! You'll be suspended or banned soon enough. Your posts have been flagged and sent to the MODS.

Oh I'm sure you HAVE flagged 'em and sent them to the "mods" it's how folks like you roll. I note with quite some amusement that you have yet to refute a single point , nice convenient excuse above, Care to discuss Cornell West and his " writings" at length?

Nah.....you'll just make excuses as in the above.
Oh I'm sure you HAVE flagged 'em and sent them to the "mods" it's how folks like you roll. I note with quite some amusement that you have yet to refute a single point , nice convenient excuse above, Care to discuss Cornell West and his " writings" at length?

Nah.....you'll just make excuses as in the above.

I don't wish to discuss anything with you. ANYONE else in the entire forum is free to come on by and have an INTELLIGENT conversations regarding race relations, steretypes, etc.. Hell, I'll have an intelligent conversation regarding sportfishing, the economy, real estate development, etc... Anything. I don't care. Just not with you. You are a lunatic. Everyone is laughing at your "EPISODE"!!! If you wish to continue to talk shit to me then fine. I don't care what you think of me. You are a nobody. You started talking shit about wanting to kick my ass. Come do it then toughguy. If not then I really have nothing else to discuss with you. You've already proven just how "Lost" you really are. Society has deemed you unfit so you have come to the forums to spew your crap... Go bother someone else cause I ain't listening no more.
I gotta imagine that Hitler in all his insanity probably sounded a lot like this guy. If you want to fight me then you'll have to come to me. Sorry, but I'm not wasting any money to go and kick your ass. You brought it up. Not me. I'd rather give my money to the people at the United Negro College Fund. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

Why is it OK for them to call blacks "Negros"? Race trolls!
yep , spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive.

yes by people like him i definately meant individuals who try to keep hate alive , i did not mean black people , my wife is black and we have a beautiful good haired super light skinned little princess , fark spike lee , he's a piece of chit who wants to keep hate alive cause it's how he makes a living. Get over it spike , 460 years of slavery would be a small chapter in a book about every bit of slavery in history , heck what about the Jews dude , thousands of years of slavery , african americans were just in their freshmen year dude , don't get confused now , i believe that slavery was WAY WAY WRONG , and I woulda been workin on the underground railroad had i been alive back then, but damn , i wasn't alive back then, and no one i know knows anyone who knows anyone who was alive back then , so 460 years of slavery that happened to your ancestors isn't my fault and i am stoned and have no idea where i was going but ......uhhhh......yah hang spike lee cause he spreads hate not cuse he's black .
I'd like to know from where the "460 years" number comes. With slavery abolished in 1865, that places the advent of slavery in the territory that would become the USA at 1405 CE. Uhm, hello? cn
Because of the connotation that goes with hanging and black people; especially in America. Do we need to have a history lesson in regards to 460 years of slavery and 100 years of lynching? You need to be sensitive to a persons race when suggesting things like that. I wouldn't tell a Muslim I was going to bury him in a ditch because that is against their beliefs.

this dude said it and he sounded so serious i just ASSumed he was right. lol
OK I see. Phillipchristian, if you are reading this ... where can I find good documentation of slavery in America in the 15th century? cn
OK I see. Phillipchristian, if you are reading this ... where can I find good documentation of slavery in America in the 15th century? cn

Remember he has 2 degrees and is a ceo of a successful company. lol

Edit: He is the first person I put on Ignore. Too toxic for me.
yes by people like him i definately meant individuals who try to keep hate alive , i did not mean black people , my wife is black and we have a beautiful good haired super light skinned little princess , fark spike lee , he's a piece of chit who wants to keep hate alive cause it's how he makes a living. Get over it spike , 460 years of slavery would be a small chapter in a book about every bit of slavery in history , heck what about the Jews dude , thousands of years of slavery , african americans were just in their freshmen year dude , don't get confused now , i believe that slavery was WAY WAY WRONG , and I woulda been workin on the underground railroad had i been alive back then, but damn , i wasn't alive back then, and no one i know knows anyone who knows anyone who was alive back then , so 460 years of slavery that happened to your ancestors isn't my fault and i am stoned and have no idea where i was going but ......uhhhh......yah hang spike lee cause he spreads hate not cuse he's black .

Fair enough then. If you did not mean it as a racist statement then I apologize for assuming that you did. Hearing the word "hanging" of a black person when talking about a racial issue does draw some conclusions that maybe I should not have made. Still disagree about the whole "get over it" though. Slavery has left many blacks at a severe disadvantage in the U.S. Just like Native Americans.
Remember he has 2 degrees and is a ceo of a successful company. lol

Edit: He is the first person I put on Ignore. Too toxic for me.

Remember...she went to a community college and was a victim of "reverse racism." LMAO. You got called on it but never sent me a PM. More than happy to share my degrees with you if you'd like. Instead you choose to continue to act as if you are right but I am more than willing to share to proof with you privately. Please send me a PM so we can shut your ignorant pie hole once and for all. I'll be waiting.
OK I see. Phillipchristian, if you are reading this ... where can I find good documentation of slavery in America in the 15th century? cn

It's not that slavery was in the U.S. during the 15th century. I guess this was my mistake then. The actual slave trade from Western Africa started in the late 1400's to early 1500's and didn't actually stop in Europe until 1934. African slaves were being brought to the Carribbean and South America for almost 100 years before they started to bring them to the U.S. This is why you see the large black populations in places like the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, etc... These slaves and the European captures killed off the majority of the native people by disease and war.

In the U.S. we originally started trying to enslave Native Americans for rice, corn, and cotton cultivation but that didn't work out to well because they always just ran away. It wasn't till the mid 1600's that slaves were brought to the U.S. So I guess it's only 200 years if you are just talking about the U.S.