New Member
Well I thought you were just going to prove me stupid. Fine ya want physical conflict put your ass on a plane to SFO , give me the flight number and I'll pick you up, I can get mat space a whole slew of places.
You don't get to throw your weight THAT way with me either there boy , I really don't give a shit WHO or WHAT you are , the fact is that you're an asshole who demands to ne allowed tp run roughshod over others. Now since you've put it on that level you're free to come on out and do it. After which if you did " win" I *STILL* would stand up and spit in your frigging eye and say EXACTLY what the fuck I want to.
See in this country there is still a little thing called free speech. Now you come on and try to muzzle *me* , either here by proving me stupid which you make the claim will be easy to do , or you come on out and do it physically since you put it on that level.
You're a control freak radical pussy with a merely superficial passing education on this subject , you weren't THERE when the advances came , yet you take advantage of those advances and then EMBARASS the folks on WHOSE BACKS you advanced with your bullshit segregatory and divisionist BULLSHIT. Assholes like YOU further the racial divide in this country NOT help to close the gap.
Get back to me when you've *actually* done something besides run your yap with radical rhetoric that you've you EVER have an original thought?
You care *nothing* about anyone save yourself and your bottom line.
I gotta imagine that Hitler in all his insanity probably sounded a lot like this guy. If you want to fight me then you'll have to come to me. Sorry, but I'm not wasting any money to go and kick your ass. You brought it up. Not me. I'd rather give my money to the people at the United Negro College Fund. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"