Spinosad vs. Thrips

Stinky Buds

Well-Known Member
I've been fighting thrips since 1st week of flowering late Dec., can't buy Spinosad here unless you're a licensed applicator.

So while I hunted some down on line, I got some Schulz's and wacked the little buggers.
5 days later, they're back, so I wack them again (New Years day).
Inspected daily and didn't see any more until 2 days ago (after 12 days), however I got some Spinosad last weekend so I blasted them with it.
I understand it takes at least 2 sprays 4 or so days apart to take them out, so should I wait to see them again or pre-emptively hit them again in a couple days?​

spinosad? you dont have to be licensed to get any pesticide as far as i know, but you wont find them sitting in concentrate form on any store shelves.

you can get jacks deadbug they use spinosad in thier mixture.
I know you can get it in the US, but I'm in Canada.
Here (in Ontario anyway) we can't unless you have the license I mentioned.
Luckily, I got a place in Florida to ship me some.8)
So, I'll pre-emptively blast them again in a couple days, which will be the 2nd round of Spinosad.
Of course I hope this does them for good.
Just one pre-emptive application?
just apply again after this next spray only if you see a return, after that spray if it does not work use a different pesticide.

haha yeah just order your shit from america, its in the fine print, its up to you to know your local laws and blah blah, not that an official is really gonna take your stuff at customs, cause its not drugs or well known contraband, so i would just buy your pest stuff online you should be able to get more and different kinds if needed.
I've been fighting thrips since 1st week of flowering late Dec., ...snip...

Ouch, I feel your pain and I'm sorry you are facing this. I lost an entire pan of trees to thrips. I used Spinosad to knock them down but it wasn't necessary. Now I'm using Safer Insecticidal Soap and it's doing as good, if not better, than Spinosad. So I'd recommend you get some insecticidal soap and for now start spraying every 2 to 3 days at lights out.

Thrips like to hide in the buds (groan). A little insecticidal soap won't hurt you but will get them but you need to stop using it 2 weeks prior to harvest. I then sprayed a couple times at lights out with plain water.

Thrips are all gone now but I'm using insecticidal soap once a week at lights out and it's working very well as a prophylactic.
Thanks all!
I'll get some soap...
I think the little buggers hitchhiked in on some garden plants my wife brought in for winter, they're not in the grow room, but in an adjoining room.
Spraying them at the same time in an effort to take them all out.

apply orthene right before you flip to flower next time. It is systemic and lasts around 4 weeks so no bugs really have time to get established since you only have 2-4 weeks left by the time it wears off. It kills everything dead. I alternate spinosad(thrips), abamectin(mites), and orthene(anything that crawls:) depending on the pest, and also to prevent any pesticide resistance. The nice thing about orthene is it is cheap and works great. Very potent stuff tho. I recomend using a good mask when spraying any chemicals. good luck.
7+ year old thread, if I recall correctly they say not to spray Spinosad during the hot part of the day, so you could probably get away with spraying it when the lights first come on. Another thing, I was doing some research over the summer and found something that indicated Spinosad does have some health risks (supposed to be okay for vegetables so I was surprised) in terms of neurotoxicity? I'm thinking moving forward I'm going to avoid Spinosad, which sucks because it's quite effective in my experience. Not sure if it'll work for you but Jacks Bug B Gone is a KNF product and doesn't have Spinosad. I'm thinking I'll try that moving forward (plus BT which is supposed to safe).
Spinosad is approved for use on tobacco crops. Which is the closest we have to cannabis since both are smoked.

Spinosad is bad to use outdoors because it fucks with bees motor function and kills them. Its neurologically bad for them. Which is why Canada outlawed it.

Its a bacterium and is OMRI

It breaks down under sunlight and has a short half life. Its usually undetectable after 14 days. This is why they say spray just before lights off. Or in evening if outdoors

I wouldnt advise spraying in flower past week 3-4. I hate spraying anything in flower. But this seems safe enough.
I'd have to do some websearching to find it, but I'm pretty sure when I looked this summer I found something that implied it was being tested for because it was bad for peoples' brains, but maybe I misunderstood.

ETA: Hmmm, I think I was conflating two different things (it being banned in Canada and a recall in OR involving high levels of residue). Kinda funny you use tobacco as an example though.
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7+ year old thread, if I recall correctly they say not to spray Spinosad during the hot part of the day, so you could probably get away with spraying it when the lights first come on. Another thing, I was doing some research over the summer and found something that indicated Spinosad does have some health risks (supposed to be okay for vegetables so I was surprised) in terms of neurotoxicity? I'm thinking moving forward I'm going to avoid Spinosad, which sucks because it's quite effective in my experience. Not sure if it'll work for you but Jacks Bug B Gone is a KNF product and doesn't have Spinosad. I'm thinking I'll try that moving forward (plus BT which is supposed to safe).

Well shit. I just used it last night. I'm only in veg and i didn't put in the soil so at least that's one thing. Neem oil wasn't working and i bought sulfur and they said you can't use sulfur within 2 weeks of neem so i bought spinosad. I mean what's left? The insecticidal soaps?
It sounds like I misunderstood/was overly concerned about toxicity. Would probably still avoid it in flower (and certainly not spray it on harvested crop, sounded to me like tobacco farmers may well do that?)
It sounds like I misunderstood/was overly concerned about toxicity. Would probably still avoid it in flower (and certainly not spray it on harvested crop, sounded to me like tobacco farmers may well do that?)
I wouldn't expect any better from them.