Spin's Perpetual Grow - CFL - Closet Cab


Active Member
Again, not a huge yield, but this was expected due to the fact that the plant had almost no veg time and was only small when put into flower. I expect to get a little over an oz dry, based on the amount of bud after trimming.

Put a new bella in (has had 6 weeks or so of veg), 10 days since the last one turned, so that should keep my 2 week cycle right..

Indie - start date 20.1 - 4 1/2 weeks
Belladonna - start date 29.1 - 3 weeks
Belladonna - start date 10.2 - 1 1/2 weeks
Cheese (small) - not yet turned
Belladonna - not yet turned

So that gives me a 3 1/2 week wait at most (I am not averse to taking a plant down a little early in order to keep my weed supply going) til the next plant is ready, I have about an oz on the line drying, so all seems well.


Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting during the final days of the bella, carefully removing leaf wherever I can, a few per day. I normally start culling fan leaves at about 3-4 weeks, by taking about 1/4 off in the first batch and then taking approx 1/4 of the remaining once or twice a week. With this bella I have been carefully removing bud leaves also and the buds have really responded in a positive way. As a result I'm going to give her a little longer and keep carefully trimming, since the nuggets that are appearing now are both fat and manyfold, once that drops off I'll chop her, I guess.

I took the first batch of leaves off both the indie and the next bella, the indie is a week or 2 older, but due to having such small foliage I left it as there was no real problem with leaves blocking light/airflow. Belladonna is a much more bushy plant and needs more attention in this area.
with this, i always do at least 3-4 days before putting into flower. this gives it time to recover. I used to do this practice, my thinking to give the buds more light for better bigger buds. since i have stopped trimming in flower i have seen an increase in size and density. I pull off dead or dying leaves, but i do all my trimming, pruning and shaping before putting to bloom. Less time recovering and more time producing is the mindset i have in regard to this. But your grow is lookin good man. keep up the good work. i just updated my pics been a busy beaver as of late.


Active Member
Cheers for the feedback.

Indie is at 46 days, I have chopped a small amount to tide me over as I'm almost out of bella to smoke. She looks almost ready and I'm just giving a little water regularly while she finishes. I will be taking her down a little early since I don't do running out of weed ;)

Just behind her is a bella at 37 days, which is looking very vibrant and healthy, some lovely fat buds.

STILL fighting gnats. I have treated with gnat off 3 times in 12 days, most recently this morning.

I have secured a 250w HPS ballast and reflector, as soon as they arrive I'm going to have a reconfigure to have 1 cfl flowering chamber, 1 HPS flowering chamber and 1 cfl vegging chamber. This will allow me to give plants a mixture of light through the flowering process.


Well-Known Member
try treating with that gnat spray every 2 days, and get some mosquito dunks to help kill the larvae in the soil. Ive used them quite successfully


Active Member
Indie will be coming down tonight, stench is too much to take now (another night like last night and the neighbours are going to start to notice!) and the branches are struggling to hold the weight any longer.

This will free up a slot in the upper cab for a rather impressive looking cheese that has been in veg since early jan. After that point I am considering putting a few smaller plants in at a higher frequency (1 in/out per week).

Gnats massively reduced, will continue to dose the soil every 4 days for a little while longer til I'm certain the breeding cycle has been broken.


Active Member
Good yield on the indie, the test branch dried to 7g and the rest is currently drying, looks to be a little over 2oz, which is good for my setup (4-5 plants in a small cab with cfl lighting)

I'm going to give it another few days before throwing the cheese in, will take some cuttings from her later today, give it a few days for recovery and then let her start. The smaller cheese is looking nice.

Gnat problem improving daily. Will continue to attack aggressively until confirmed cleared. At present the problem is confined to the veg cab.

The next bella is due in 13 days, she looks beautiful atm and has some really fat buds, extremely pleased with how she is filling out, will likely take some photos later in the day.


Active Member
Bella also came down early, but this time because she was ready in 7 weeks (49 days precisely). Gave me an oz and a half, smells beautiful as ever.

Both cabs are starting to look sparse, have got rid of some clones that looked weak, given some away also.

I have decided that, while the indie produces plenty of good, strong weed, I don't want to continue the strain, so the last indie has moved into the flower cab with no cuttings taken. That leaves me tending just Bella and Cheese from here on out.

Veg cab has a bella and a cheese mother, nothing more at present. Will be taking clones in teh coming days.


Active Member
wow, been lazy here, haven't I?

Gnat problem eventually resolved completely using a combination of gnat off, spray based organic insecticide and sticky traps.

I'm off to glastonbury in 2 months, so I will run the cabinet down, take a break and get the cycle running again in July.

Atm I have:
Bella, ready to crop in the next few days (just fattening her up for harvest)
Indi, 3 weeks approx to go
Cheese, 4 weeks approx to go
Bella (*2), 6 weeks approx to go
Bella, just turning.


Active Member

Bella turned out to be a stringy disaster. Smokes nicely but just such stringy crap buds as to be a total disappointment.

Indi is starting to look nice, but again suffered from what I can only assume to be from the heat we have had recently that hurt bella so much.

I've switched the cabinet to 12/12 top and bottom and spread the 2700k to reduce heat and increase footprint for plants, since things have got so crowded.


Active Member
Been a while. I managed to collapse a lung and can't smoke anymore at the moment. I have quit the ciggies but obviously still want to enjoy my ganja.

Here, however, are some pics of what I have on the go at the moment.

First up is the cheese. She is a little over 8 weeks in and probably has 3-7 days left in her to fatten up and finish up.



Active Member
Next up is a bella that I call the hydra, because she is a multi-headed beast. She has the largest footprint of anything I've grown so far, she had a long veg while she mothered for clones and all the topping led to lots of heads. I supercropped all over the place to control height and as a result she has a footprint of 50cm x 75cm (half the size of my cab)

She spent the first 4 weeks of flower in the lower chamber (less light, cooler air temp). She is at about 7 weeks atm, due to the experience she has had I expect she will take longer than I am used to before she is fully ripe.



Active Member
Next up, another bella..

I normally use topping, fimming, LST and supercropping in various measures to control height. I decided as an experiment that I would take a small clone and not touch her in any way. She is at about 4 or 5 weeks and the top needs supporting with a cane, side buds are looking really nice.

I also normally trim fan leaves, so for this plant I decided to not remove a single leaf (except to pull away dead brown ones) and look at the difference.



Active Member
..and finally, yet another bella.

This was again a mother, she was kept in the lower chamber longer than her older sister and has grown really tight and bright. She is about 5 weeks or so and has alot of tighter, dense tops that aren't huge but look sweet all the same.

All 4 plants are timed to come up before I go to glastonbury in about 4 weeks, hopefully I will be taking something nice with me (not sure what I'm going to do about smoking, cos of the lung, but might just bake some goodies)



Active Member
Cheers, hit you back with rep for the kind comments.

I harvested my very first grow about a year ago today (give or take a few days) and have learned alot since then. I really enjoy growing and when the lung popped I thought that (1) my crop would die while I was in hospital - it didn't, and (2) that I'd have to knock it on the head as it's pointless growing ganja you can't enjoy - I've decided to keep going and look into cooking with it, since it has been such a rewarding hobby.


Active Member
Back from glastonbury, lung healed and turns out I've got some sort of genetic problem that caused it, spent so long sick that I couldn't do much with the growing.

Got 3 girls in flower, one clone that I'm mothering from and took 3 cuttings from her today.

3 in flower are all bella and 2 are experimental where I fimmed them the day they went into flower, one looks a bit like a lion, with a big, fat, wide cola, the other looks more unaffected by the process in general but on both all buds are dividing more. With 1 of the cuttings I will fim at 1 week after cutting (whilst still taking root in cubes) as an experiment.

All the cuttings are from the original bella cutting (taken 28.2.10) and the smoke has evolved well with each generation. I let some of it go to mates and it has a reputation for strength and flavour in my neck of the woods. Later in the year I'm going to obtain some seeds, try and get a male and pollinate one. I think it is about time I generated some seeds.


Active Member
All 3 flowering plants were fed with my special blend feed yesterday, all 3 show major bloom burst this morning, temps are extremely high atm due to being height of summer, so I am running them today on 300w down from usual 470w


Active Member
Took 3 cuttings 10.7.11, put the mother (a smallish, topped hydra bella) into 12/12 11.7.11

Once cuttings have taken I will start to rebuild veg/mother stock to get cycle back in synch, currently well out of whack.


Active Member
First roots showing on one cutting, one of the 3 looks a little weak. Gave them a warm for a couple of hours this morning, to see if that would help invigorate some root growth in the remaining 2. Will allow roots to establish and pot on the weekend.

Hydra was fimmed on one head, since the last results were fat buds that divided more than is usual.

Took the head off one a couple of days ago to dry a little smoke as I'd run out, rest of plant is still going. The other fimmed plant is still going, quite close to being ready, the hydra is about 1/2 to 2/3 the way through (got sloppy with dates again)