Spin's Perpetual Grow - CFL - Closet Cab


Active Member
Trying to get my cycle going again now lungs are recovering, 3 in flower at various stages and several clones in veg dates uncertain


Active Member
Very nice plants. I love how low you keep them. I have a CFL grow box myself and my first crop looked similar, low profiles with lots of top cola's. Round 2 has been treated differently, LST in the beginning, and fimming from then on out. I'm very hopeful that this round will yield more then the first round.

Keep creating multi-head beasts! They're beautiful!


Active Member
how is that done exactly? is it easier with clones?
Clones or seeds, the trick is to stay on top of them. You need to remember that new growth is soft, supple, and flexible, while old growth is stiff, and easily broken.

Personally, with seedlings, I let then get 4-5 nodes high, and then I'll either pinch the top and/or twist the stalk around so I get as many nodes horizontal as possible. I've learned that when you bend them so that a node faces down, that node really struggles to gain any real vigorous growth. I usually end up pinching them off because they're more detrimental then beneficial. You can keep bending upward growth down, but you get to a point where the wobbliness of the upward growth can be really tricky to work with.

It may seem harsh at first, but when you're looking at 5-20 mail colas in full flower, it makes it all worthwhile.

Plus, when you're growing with CFL's, the trick is to get as much light on the canopy as possible, and when the canopy is evened out, you get better light coverage overall.


Active Member
Had another setback and had to shut down for a while, back up now and just harvested a small plant which was a bit scrappy and have a pretty (if not particularly fruitful) one almost ready to follow.

I recently came by a G-force seed, which has sprouted, hopefully that could be a she...I guess only time will tell.


Active Member
The g-force turns out to be a lady, took cuttings before I put her into flower, so I can keep the genetic.

I have, in the last few weeks, moved to hps, with one of the lumatek 250-400w switchable digital ballasts and a cool tube reflector, which works well in my small space and should produce the first plant at some point between 3 and 10 days time as she is almost done. I am currently smoking a bella which did 6 weeks under the old setup and the last 2 under the new, the next plant will have had 4 weeks of cfl and 4 of hps, the buds are looking fatter than I am used to.

I am due for lung reduction surgery in 2 weeks, will have to hope my kids look after my girls right while Im gone, timings should be no problem as it will be the end of the month before next chop.


Active Member
Just some notes for myself here, to help keep up with dates.

Bella #1 due to chop around 4-14.7

Bella #2 due to chop around 1.8

G-force due to chop around 1.9

Bella clones moved to air pots this weekend

G-force cuttings, 1 to move to first pot tonight, 1 looks like it might not take.

Bella mother to go upstairs 1.8 at latest.


Active Member
I can no longer smoke. I have had half of my right lung removed and all of the pleura, I am due to have same done to the left when/if I recover from the surgery (fair chance I might die before that so we shall see) and following that it will be the heart.

Marijuana has been a massive help in my life, but smoking has not. Due to risk of stroke I have to avoid ganja mostly now, but I have a vaporizer and make a tea using hot chocolate or coffee which at least gives me some respite. If you are reading this, consider finding other ways to consume your weed than smoking it, I am 41 years old and am going to spend whatever days I have left in pain and fear.

I still grow in my little cupboard, it gives me a purpose and if I am able to recover from the surgeries to an extent that I have a few more years then it will no longer be a risk to my health (my current condition means that the blood pressure drop that marijuana brings is too great in combination with the already low pressure from the heart valve) and I should be able to continue enjoying marijuana and the benefits that it brings to my life (it has been invaluable in maintaining mental health balance through relaxing me when I suffer with anxiety attacks/bipolar disorder).

It is illegal in this country to grow or consume marijuana, which is mental and helps only the massive drug companies.