Spots on leaves


New Member
I noticed a problem today with my grown-from-seed Barney's Farm LSD. I'm growing outside in North Mississippi in 10 gal grow bags. Using homemade soil (FFOF, worm castings, bat guano, perlite). I water with worm casting tea every other watering. This plant is about 6 weeks into veg. I've only noticed this today, on a few fan leaves. Any advice/help will be greatly appreciated!




Well-Known Member
Those are bugs marks, leaf miners! If they’re not too bad, I’d let it go, but since you’re in veg, if you’re going to treat, now is the time. I don’t use sprays very often, so I’ll let others suggest treatments.


Well-Known Member
Them be bugs - see the skidmarks ?

Look at garden friendly insecticides ( spinosad / etc. )
Also an ISO spray … but be careful of application of anything in direct sun. ( burning )

Deep green leaf matter is always on some pest’s menu.


New Member
Outdoors ? Inless you see obvious high pressure/population and if leaf miner , if low-medium levels I wouldn’t do anything but if they do progress higher follow a IPM/sop for leaf miners.

Yes, outdoors. Thanks man!