Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

How do I "like" somebody's comment? I don't see any like buttons anywhere but I've noticed people are liking my comments. I want to be able to do the same for other peoples. I am new to this site so please no smart ass comments
I will start with some photos from the other day.


side view

warming up

scraped, no purge

vacuum muffin

Here's a few hours ago............. After the oil was really bubbly in the jar and scraped, it was instead of vac purged, placed in the plate warmer in the kitchen. It keeps it around 150 degrees or so. After an hour and no bubbles left, I get peanut butter.........
Dude, that shit started off lookin beautiful! If you had put that in a vac chamber for about 5 hours at 110 degrees you would of had a beautiful slab of shatter!
I will start with some photos from the other day.


side view

warming up

scraped, no purge

vacuum muffin

I'm really sorry to say but that stuff does not look good. Don't get me wrong certain strains will produce darker oils but that my friend is way too dark!
How can you call this crappy? Pffffffffffffft. It's MINE! =)







the color is there but its not done purging. you need to purge for 12-16 hours especially if your not using a vacuum or winterizing. if you want crumble do about 130 degrees and if you want shatter go about 160 165 degrees. the lower temp will make it purge slower have smaller bubble and after an hour or 2 you'll have so many little bubbles that it dried out the concentrate and is crumbly but it will go back to mushy if left in warm areas because of the short purge. shatter i winterize but to just cook off purge overnight at about 165 degrees. 170 is supposed to be the magic number that damages trichomes so don't get to close to 170 or it will taste burnt or change darker in color.
I want to make some tincture...I have 151 rum, dark , will that work?
Not much to show for I'll post some when I make it anyways.
This is how I plan to do it...1/2 oz headband and 1/2 oz blueberry in a large mason jar and pour the rum over it. Put it in a dark place for 2-3 months, shaking it 3-4 times a day....then strain it thru a cheese cloth and wah la...tincture.
i'll get it going soon.

theres such an easier way. if your going to wait 2-3 months don't use alcohol. place outside in a sealed jar in the sun and let the sun vaporize it to a liquid. it'll be straight thc vapor and no alcohol mix. but if you want to use 151 it is a good solvent because of the high alcohol level and drinkability. if you think you can handle the taste of ever clear it is better but has a bad taste. place in a big enough pot that you can cook at 160 degrees for about 6 hours and boil the bud in there and it will be a lot faster than 2-3 months. DONT place in a dark place you need heat to vaporize the thc off into the alcohol.
Aloha Twitch and RIU'ers~

Gettin the harvesting in and lookin forward to making some (better) wax/ bho/ absolute...whatev'a! I got a vacuum and a pump, a shit ton of pyrex plates for water baths, to help equal out the temps, etc. I even gave up my pancake grill for maintaining temps. Lots more to learn but I have all the stuff... just need a bit more herb. Or maybe I should do a small run? good idea!

much respect~
thanks for the knowledge tho

Please elaborate. From a chemical point of view this makes zero sense. An isomer does not mean cleaner, it simply means the atoms are rearranged slightly differently. In fact Iso-butane is more commonly used in low quality lighter refills, pure n-butane is a lot harder to come by.

Also, can you try to proof read what you say? The bold part makes no sense at all.

Edit: Also...hexane vs cyclohexane is COMPLETELY different then n-butane vs iso-butane. Hexane has a formula of C6H14, cyclo has a formula of C6H12. They are NOT isomers of each other. Please if you're going to start spitting all this bull shit, at least know what the fuck you're talking about.
Well said...
How do you wind up quoting something from page 85 and 3 years old?

If you want my $.02
Iso butane is better

Quizoking: Your sig. pic humors me. I never knew you needed a razor blade to chop up blotters like real family folk.

Back to your regularly scheduled program.

And oh - Howdy folks! :weed: