Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

that salt/illy is pretty damn awesome =D

Im having the hardest fucking time trying to find a stemline..All the ones on aqualab fail and the only stemline on B.M is a 75mm king stemline thats starting bid is $350 and its only going higher, and I cant afford it haha.

Gnome sell me an SG mannnnnnnnn. :bigjoint:
what about waffles? ive never used one, but they look like pretty bamfly.
actually almost bought over my 15 arm.
The waffle perc stack a lot like the stemline, I think it'd be a good option if you absolutely can't find a stemline. And gnome how do you not like illadelph, lots say their overpriced, but you get what you paid for. I love illadelphs they look sick as fuck, rip real clean, and are always coming out with some new sick ass percolator. I like to have a nice variety of glass, I don't have an illadelph, but my old dealer bought over 50k in different illadelphs, he started getting redic deals after like 10k, but that was one of prettiest collections I've seen.
i dunno man im just not a fan of their stuff,i rather spend my $ on an SG!...i feel as if illy is rite there with roor (paying more for the name) it like buying a gucci hand bag lol..
I figure if I like the regular waffles

I'll probably really like the waflle 'percolator'

...oh yeah... now.. look at my avatar 8)
I talked to some local headshop guys about those waffle percs, and the HD perc from PHX. He said they are really really cool looking, but the drag is awful and they dirty up way way way faster which makes the drag issue worse. I dunno about those waffles the other guys are comin out with but so far I'd have to agree from what I've seen. Lots and lots of room to get clogged. On a side note... if anyone has used these and has something different to say I'd love to hear it. This was just that one guys opinion and I haven't actually heard of anyone else smoking out of them.
I talked to some local headshop guys about those waffle percs, and the HD perc from PHX. He said they are really really cool looking, but the drag is awful and they dirty up way way way faster which makes the drag issue worse. I dunno about those waffles the other guys are comin out with but so far I'd have to agree from what I've seen. Lots and lots of room to get clogged. On a side note... if anyone has used these and has something different to say I'd love to hear it. This was just that one guys opinion and I haven't actually heard of anyone else smoking out of them.
not gonna get clogged if you wash out before it gets dirty. :)
Ah BM is BoroMarket. Its like the ebay of highend quality glass =D

I was actually lookin into SWG's waffle perks and there is two specifically on boromarket right now for $250 that i was eyeballing, A straight tube and a nice waffle bubbler. If i can get enough people to vouche for it and i cant find a damn SG, i might just pick one up.

...But fuck i want my stemline haha.
i dunno man im just not a fan of their stuff,i rather spend my $ on an SG!...i feel as if illy is rite there with roor (paying more for the name) it like buying a gucci hand bag lol..

Yeah im gonna have to agree. Illys are nice glass if you dont want any kind of special percs or design, but you still want the name recognition and known quality of said "name". But yeah basically roors and illys fall in the same category for me, Your mainly paying for the name.

If all you want is a plain beaker bottom for $350 then by all means go ahead, its just not my preference.
No thanks....I'll take my $200 2' ADS dome perc straight tube any day....If I want more another ashcatcher...keep it simple....and still get just as high as the guy with $500 invested in one piece.
i dunno man im just not a fan of their stuff,i rather spend my $ on an SG!...i feel as if illy is rite there with roor (paying more for the name) it like buying a gucci hand bag lol..

I'd agree with their straight tubes and beaker bottoms, I'm going to pick one up one day still because I think they look so "clean" when clean. But, their coils and percolated pieces would be a great addition to any real nice collection, especially if you can get your hands on one of their collabs. I'm not going to be picking one up anytime soon, but after my collection continues to grow and I have a little extra cash and I'll finally get my own. I still want to pick up a sg king stemline and one of their peyote pillars first, but I want so many pieces currently who knows what I'll grab next
i think my next tube is gunna be a SG peyote pillar or a natedizzle swiss perc,both amazing pieces,i want the peyote pillar to top off my SG collection but at the same time i want a swiss perc reeeaaal bad..just waiting for my taxes! :D
has anyone heard of Manifest glass?!? there is a local shop that carries their glass and im about to buy a 400 doller bong from them i found it on aqualabs
Manifest makes some nice glass, just look around enough to be sure you'll be happy spending the 400 on that piece of glass. gnome- you can't really go wrong either way, I'd bet the peyote is smoother, but all swiss percs look fucking badass haven't had the chance to hit one yet though
i think my next tube is gunna be a SG peyote pillar or a natedizzle swiss perc,both amazing pieces,i want the peyote pillar to top off my SG collection but at the same time i want a swiss perc reeeaaal bad..just waiting for my taxes! :D

how could you want /more/ glass with what you already have? jeeze the bug bit you and now you can't stop huh?