It's funny because everybody is making a profit and it makes you wonder how much it was ORIGINALLY sold for. These are one of a kind pieces so lowered prices for bulk doesn't apply.... Ooh I'm into this discussion again.

Much love Verde for making this thread! Can't rep you again yet. Sorry.
Yeah, but everyone's gotta make a living. Everyone does it some how, and it's balanced out
No problem man I'm glad
you guys took off with this thread!
No today though huh? So the most a person should really pay seems to be $450.
Should a bong really ever cost $4000? Sure this looks cool...
But why is that price necessary?
Thats an electroformed piece.... They submerse the glass in a liquid, with negative and positive currents hooked up to COPPER plates, then the copper moves from the plates, and is transferred through the medium ONTO the glass... electroformed copper. That's why it's sooo much money, but personally I don't find electroformed copper attractive in glass

I'd much rather SEE that crystal clear expertly worked glass scientifically designed to get me high grow it........and I'm not running out any time soon....LOL
I got 4 Tangerine Dreams going buddy

so I'm definitely not running out soon
And you're reason it cost so much...with materials you're looking at no more than $10,probably less, for just your basic straight tube....and I've seen the "electroformed" (coated with copper) tubes in person at my local heady shop....not really that cool to me....they look like someone shit all over the tube....IDK....just not my style.
I feel you on this, though you are not considering the COST of the electroforming process.... WHO does it, where is the equipment, does the glass company maintain it themselves?
If not, thats paying the technician/repair guy/ AND artist, then either the company PAYING for the equipment, or PAYING the company that has it for use PLUS that companies upkeep fees...
It all gets rather expensive, and the more people you involve, the more checks you have to fill out, and all of this gets included in the final price PLUS profit for the glass company and employees.
But, yeah, not worth it.
Check some of these out though... Only bong I'd spend $4,000 on (if I had that to spend
