Star Wars The Force Awakens *SPOILERS*

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hi all!

First off, with the permission of others we could discuss the newest Star Wars film that has already been a major success worldwide. SO THERE WILL BE SPOILERS, YE HAVE BEEN WARNED.

What do you guys thinks of it? Yay? Nay?
I finally got a chance to watch it last night.
I also went to see in with an open mind after loads of neckbeards ranting about it being terrible and but muh canon storylines.
Effects were awesome.
Chewy having salt and pepper in his fur made me smile.
Seeing Kylo sperg out kinda got on my nerves. Walking to the parking lot I called him the Tai Kwon Do white belt of the dark side. My friends laughed.
When Solo falls and Chewy gets pissed/wookie screams. There was a collective Oooooooh Shit.
Also did anyone else spot the pink R2D2?
It was good to see Mark back on screen again. He actually looks pretty damn tough with a beard.
All in all Yay. It was fast moving and packed full of action. Very fast paced.
It was somewhat touching to see all the characters age I can agree. That moment when Chewie got pissed off was powerful and sad.

I have to say that I am kind of dissapointed with the Stormtroopers. I understand that 20 years ago there were different standards of acting, so I have no problem with those troopers running around aimlessly, in no formation whatsoever, shooting like a bunch of babies with their diapers on. But come on, these Stormtroopers were much better, but still dissapointing for me. Although if they wanted to still retain the old Star Wars feel, then that's perfectly understandable.

Apart from some of the cheesy lines and acting from eg. Finn whose comments were annoying and juvenile I'd say it was a pretty interesting and entertaining movie. I would of liked to see more of Phasma, especially that they potrayed her as a "badass looking trooper in silver armour".

Kylo Rens looked like a emo teenager with a duck mask, but what I absolutely loved was when he described what the dark side of the force was doing with him internally. Also the fact that he killed his father just shows how the corruption in him has spread. Comparing him to Darth Vader, I would say that he excels in his downfall because Anakin was unable to kill Luke.

Also that BB unit was fucking sweet and it was fantastic to see C3-PO and R2-D2 again.
The fact that there wasn't a Jar Jar or ewoks, more than makes up for the slow parts of the movie IMO. I walked out of the movie theater very satisfied when leaving.
It was somewhat touching to see all the characters age I can agree. That moment when Chewie got pissed off was powerful and sad.

I have to say that I am kind of dissapointed with the Stormtroopers. I understand that 20 years ago there were different standards of acting, so I have no problem with those troopers running around aimlessly, in no formation whatsoever, shooting like a bunch of babies with their diapers on. But come on, these Stormtroopers were much better, but still dissapointing for me. Although if they wanted to still retain the old Star Wars feel, then that's perfectly understandable.

Apart from some of the cheesy lines and acting from eg. Finn whose comments were annoying and juvenile I'd say it was a pretty interesting and entertaining movie. I would of liked to see more of Phasma, especially that they potrayed her as a "badass looking trooper in silver armour".

Kylo Rens looked like a emo teenager with a duck mask, but what I absolutely loved was when he described what the dark side of the force was doing with him internally. Also the fact that he killed his father just shows how the corruption in him has spread. Comparing him to Darth Vader, I would say that he excels in his downfall because Anakin was unable to kill Luke.

Also that BB unit was fucking sweet and it was fantastic to see C3-PO and R2-D2 again.
I don't think Ben will ever be as powerful as his grandpa. Anakin was conceived by the force, and had the highest midichlorian count known. We'll see though huh:-)
Who else thinks Rey is Lukes kid? Or Maybe she was conceived by the force? I'm thinking Lukes kid. Too many similarities to both luke and young Anakin.
I have to say that I am kind of dissapointed with the Stormtroopers. I understand that 20 years ago there were different standards of acting, so I have no problem with those troopers running around aimlessly, in no formation whatsoever, shooting like a bunch of babies with their diapers on. But come on, these Stormtroopers were much better, but still dissapointing for me. Although if they wanted to still retain the old Star Wars feel, then that's perfectly understandable.

I think that was part of the plot ....
stormtroopers used to be all the same (clones of Fett)
now they are just "regular army" guys.
That's why Fin is/was a stormtrooper
Haven't seen it yet, kind of want to watch the originals again before I do, maybe just marathon all the other ones toobongsmilie I remember when the 5th movie came out a couple of us stood on lined or hours opening night there was a bunch of people dressed up, news was there and we actually got interviewd by Darren peckerhead
Spock dies, but he is reborn again thanks to something Ricardo Montalban did.

That's not the first or last time Montalban raised the dead. Dude was a supernatural pimp...

I know it was shocking at the time, but to me, this was the cutest couple in TV history. Interestingly, Mr. Roarke was the bottom...

I happened to allow myself to get sucked into an old F.I. rerun I stumbled upon while stoned chanel surfing. Wow, man used to watch those shows in 6th grade. They are SO BAD! how could they have been the prime time winners back then? LOL just horrible t.v.
I was not impressed.
In essence, a rehashing of the first movie.
Learning to use the Force.
Got to get the robot back to the resistance.
It's the missing map piece! WOWIE ZOWIE! Now we can find the ark of the covenant.
The big scene on the bridge.
The you-know-what ;) ;) gets blown up because of a "thermal oscillator" malfunction, thanks to some tactical explosive placements, which negates the shields, etc. etc. X-Wings boom.
Is that Yoda? No, it's...

Summary: Luke's a girl, Han Solo is black, R2D2 is sleeping until a special event, BB8 can light your joint, Darth Vader's replacement looks like he came from Hogwart's, and the guy who played gollum in LotR, is now the Supreme Emperor or Empanada, which is a 20 foot projection that looks like it has late-stage cancer.

Some will see it in a nostalgic light, I wanted a new story. If you have someone that has never seen Star Wars, they'll probably dig it. But it really doesn't have that impact the first one did. Perhaps because--back then--the effects were truly "special". I was also pre-pubescent.
Now, I am reminded of the Spaghetti Western "gun" sound, and its near ubiquity amongst the genre. But maybe that's the point. The tale of good vs evil can only be spun so many ways, just like 8 notes in a 4/4 bar of music can only be arranged in so many ways.
To which, maybe Tarantino's 8th would've been a better choice.
Personally i think they did good in advertising the movie ,, Also thinking that it Drawed in the older crowd ,, like well fuck it good thing to do over the holidays take family to a movie ... And with sales of toys n other shit its a money maker as for the movie is self ?? only watched half of it second day when it was released Privately of course and for free might watch other half tonight
no matter what Star wars is a classic in its own field,, nothing touched the original just not the same
the lack of things , is made up with effects
Personally i think they did good in advertising the movie ,, Also thinking that it Drawed in the older crowd ,, like well fuck it good thing to do over the holidays take family to a movie ... And with sales of toys n other shit its a money maker as for the movie is self ?? only watched half of it second day when it was released Privately of course and for free might watch other half tonight
no matter what Star wars is a classic in its own field,, nothing touched the original just not the same
the lack of things , is made up with effects
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ so not anonymous, you have any idea what they do to posers? Yeah, didn't think so.
Sure was a rehashing of the first movie, in nearly every single aspect.

I really hope that Disney will read all the SW critisism and make the 8th part an amazing one.

One thing I have to admit was amazing, were the duels. FINALLY they went back to the old "medieval style", slow slashing fights. Although one could aruge that since Jedi a basically OP ninjas, then they should/could be able to fight like they did in the prequels.