Startin to get tired of weed

String Bean

Active Member
This isn't new but I've found it very helpful.
Get yourself an audio CD of meditation music and sounds (specifically alpha wave oriented).
You could get this over the net or at your local 'crystals and tarot card' type store. My favorite is one I downloaded from Limewire called ocean waves.
When you're feeling a craving to have a drink, toke, hit, snort or generally crabby and uncomfortable, just put your headphones on, turn the volume up and relax in a comfortable piece of furniture.
While you're listening to the music and sounds imagine in your mind, the image of space, the universe, a black hole in the center.
After 20 or 30 minutes of this you will awaken very relaxed like you've just had 8 hours of restful sleep.
Your mind is clear and quite relaxed, ready to go on with the rest of the day.
It's also good to do when you go to bed (even better after a toke) to put you in the right mindset for sleeping.

It's probably the best thing I've found to do if you've had a conflict with spouse/partner/relative/co-worker etc. to completely relieve the emotional upset and it's all natural.
Do it as often as you want.

Warning - there are plenty of self-help companies out there on the net trying to promote this simple thing as a long (and expensive) drawn out program that is the entire cure for everything that ails ya, from heart disease to penile warts !
The reality is, you don't need any program, just the more often you put yourself in an 'Alpha Wave' state of mind, the less stress on your body and mind.

I hope you find this helpful, it has helped me and given me a good degree of control over emotions and cravings...:peace:..Hey Zen Monks swear by it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are burnt out. I reached a phase for me where I didn't seem to get high anymore. I hafta avoid pills, I am already nuts and they only make me worse. (Tried the whole anitdepressant route, plus partying on pills, and I hope you hear the voice of expereince from me and the others, that pills aint something you can stick with.)

For me I had to realize why it was I hated reality without it so much. I had been traumatized as a child (no violins, please:lol:) and rather than deal with those feelings, I was using drugs to numb out. I still smoke, and I love it, but the NEED to numb out isn't what it was, I went thru the difficult process of facing my innermost problems and conquored my NEED for WEED. Still love it, still smoke it, but when I am out (like now) I ain' crazy like I was. But getting into the Kabbalah and scanning and learning to take accountability seriously changed my life, I had most definately moved on to harder drugs, but didn't stay on them (thank goodness, literally). Now, I don't allow myself coke anymore, I got to where I couldn't control myself on it, and wudda prolly killed myself on it if I hadn't realised the danger and walk away. It was hard, but worth it. I am like that movie about Robin Williams, if someone came upto me with a line and asked if I would like some I would prolly say "Hell, yeah!'' and walk away. But weed wasn't devastating like coke, processed drugs like coke and pills (I am in the medical profession and there is NOTHING humans can make that is as good and pure as what nature provides for us) are more bad than good, BELIEVE me. Now I go without alot, and my kids and hubby used to hafta walk on eggshells if we weren't hooked up, and now it is the same hooked up or not. Perhaps you need to find out why you can't do without a buzz, it is a hard road but the only way to take back your life.

I HAVE been wanting to experiment with Sativa, tho, but in the mystical way, (used to be a druid/pagan). I wanna see the goddess, the green lady, and you can't if you laugh on it. THAT sounds like the drug to totally take reality away for you, but you better not have any plans for awhile....:lol::lol::lol:

I hope you hear the wisdom of the others in this, and watch yourself VERRRRY carefully. Maybe take a long break, that works for me when I ain't getting the buzz I want. I go without for a week, and I get RIPPED offa shit that wouldn't hardly catch me a buzz if I am burnt out.


Well-Known Member
i feel you on this dawg, im sort of feel the same way too, but not really, like im starting to get tired of thinking so much when im high

String Bean

Active Member
I'm guessing you already know that a sativa stone and an indica stone are two very different things.
A good heavy smoke from an idica Afghani hash plant type strain is a real body stone and lets your mind relax. Exit anxiety, Enter spiritual bliss.
Have you found it works for you ?


Well-Known Member
its because you were smoking everyday... the highs start to really suck... like if you smoke 4 times in 1 day ull notice that 4th smoke was just a waste of weed


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm a light weight compared to all of you.

Weed, LSD, & Shroomies - alcohol occasionally

Kinda scared of pills, and the hard drugs, and I'm hoping I can keep it that way for a long time. :neutral:

I wish I could offer some advice, but I've found changing up your hobbies and enviroment a little makes a big difference.

Good luck, be safe with it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
ive been getting high for about 6 years now and i can honestly say i love it, no hardcore drugs or alcohol for me.


Well-Known Member
yeah i do X ill do pretty much anything that aint meth rock or powder... you just gotta be wise and not let a cycle begin with one drug


Well-Known Member
fuck x

I've only tried shrooms before and pills don't really work for me. Believe me, I know what I'm saying..pills just don't give me any kinda feeling.

I'd try shrooms again and maybe codene but that's it...I hate alcohol and I only like to smoke goodies.


Well-Known Member
if your into pills and alcohol all the time, pack your bags bud! 2 years from now you will be sitting in a chair in a room full of strangers shaking and trembling because you havnt had any oxy or some shit in the last couple of days, becoming an opiate addict?
Everyone gets greedy and curious and goes outside of weed, Weed is not a gateway drug, society's pressure and bullshit that we now have made weed to become in mainstream society make weed a gateway "drug" its a fucking plant, and people dont use it in it's intended uses and shit and thats why it becomes a gateway thing. If kids were mature enough to use weed properly and not just to get really fucked up and not sober (90% of you kids on this site) and learn how to actually medicate and take the positive properties from it, whilst not going overboard.

Some people are not made for smoking weed, mentally at all. its not a physical thing cause you dont gotta smoke that, when im 70 ill barely blaze, but i can guarantee you thc will run thick in my veins bro. Nothing will replace weed for me, and doing coke and not liking it is not a good thing going for you.

Never again in my life will i touch anything that is not grown by me or a trustworthy source of some medicine in the form of a plant (in the jungle, im down for ANYTHING a mafuckin shaman would send me, cause im all natural.)
Some say coke is natural, but its not, all the laxatives, glass vaseline,soap or any other liquids they could have put in with it in the process, because you dont get powder straight off the plant do you? No. Cocaine is a hell of a DRUG, i NEVER thought id do other shit, and it wasnt because of weed. It was my fault because i had already gone overboard and had made my life into an escape from sobriety, and once you hit that you dont care what you do, thats how addicts are made! and if you cant logicall stop yourself like i did, and reverse back to weed, and stickign with it for time now, ive been smoking for 5 years straight and i get the days when i dont enjoy blazing that much, but i still do damnit, or i will go nuts.

And with all that aside, weed is the only thing on this earth that does what it does. It is a natural gift to us, and our stupid ass human greed and governmental control and fear over the last century have completely eradicated the chance for humans to actually use this plant to its full extent on a large scale, it will always be the minority.


Well-Known Member
^^ +rep

I would much rather smoke weed than drink or take pills. I once dated an a guy who had been addicted to alcohol and heroin. He was clean when I met him and was an amazing person. One weekend I went out of town, he got lonely, he went to a bar, he had one drink, and within a month he was shooting up again. Needless to say, I hauled ass outta there real fast. It's also unbelievable how fast the transformation was from good-looking to looking-like-shit-and-shaking-all-the-time.


Well-Known Member
If kids were mature enough to use weed properly and not just to get really fucked up and not sober (90% of you kids on this site) and learn how to actually medicate and take the positive properties from it, whilst not going overboard.

thank you im 17 and smoke to learn not to get obliterated... its crazy how much you realize while smoking... plus if i smoke alot at a party i get really quite for some reason so i like to get a buzz on some beer but thats just partying does anyone know why i might get really quite whn i smoke.


Well-Known Member
It's no biggy. Sometimes you laugh your ass off, sometimes you talk your balls off , sometimes you even just sit there and be quiet. I was 16 when I had my first joint. lol I'm an old fuck so a little advice. Make sure you do something with your life while your hitting the green. enjoy life kid!


Well-Known Member
ive been smokin for a while but i hate it its like i have something to say but i cant make myself say it i just like sitting there and ejoying my high.... weed hasnever made me talkative alcahol def does if im wasted i dont like getting wasted though x makes me perfect though talk just the right amount lol


New Member
Me too dude. I'm getting too used to it, I think. What I really like is when I stay like 3 days without weed and smoke some. That feeling of "Whoa, dude, I'm high" is what I like about it lol. I don't like when I've been smoking for days nonstop and I start early in the morning because all I do is keep smoking compulsively all day long so I don't get sober and the high is never as good IMO.


Well-Known Member
if im not around alot of people while high i can go through a normal day just fine... used to go to school high all the time and funtioned perfectly

the widowman

Well-Known Member
i used know a guy. used to come round my house and he smoked smack and other sh#t done all the pills. and said to me once who needs all that sh#t when you can smoke that weed you have man. and it was northern lights# and white widow we were toking. and that was without a beer with it. which i like espeacially these days with the credit crunch and all that. :peace::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha congrats you saved a soul with weed... except im sure hes still on his old path ive always thought meth rehab and shit should be able to smoke weed cuz then at least there gettin something except in there situaton weed might suck