Starting an indoor grow with $40,000 from scratch! Tell me how you would!

Are you sending me a bill

Nope. That's an example of free yet valuable growing advice that I'd give anyone. The costly stuff is the design and engineering work needed to put together a good op, then the time needed to run it well so it produces like it should.
lol ill give you some finish product
No offense but I'd rather the hourly rate than anyones first round attempt.

All the answers to your questions are here, you just gotta look for it.

Did ya hear Canada has multi million dollar grow ops for medical production?

Oh and legal rec is supposed to happen....see about that, but it is the word.
What he ^^^^ said.

Growing 4 plants is a lot of work. And a LOT of learning. If you can get through that and get the fundamentals down then maybe upsize. Otherwise you will fail and wonder why and you will have wasted 40k. See that happen a few times now. They though they could read all about it on the interweb and then spend the money, setup and grow. I told em.... and now i buy their equipment cheap cheap....
That's part of the compensation package. The fee is just for us to show up- and frankly, for you to show you're serious.

Any fool can throw money at a building and grow plants in it. Doing it well is an ever evolving ART and SCIENCE, one that usually takes years to master. Serious growers in THIS industry realize our expertise is worth millions to our clients, so you'll understand if we don't want to just toss our best knowledge out for free.
you let me know any fools you hang around with 40k in cash to invest that isnt on his last leg, lol if you ask he he is no fool.
No offense but I'd rather the hourly rate than anyones first round attempt.

All the answers to your questions are here, you just gotta look for it.

Did ya hear Canada has multi million dollar grow ops for medical production?

Oh and legal rec is supposed to happen....see about that, but it is the word.
obviously you look for it, its forum with saturated info from people who know and people who dont, i take it you are the latter if you are shooting for hourly wages
What he ^^^^ said.

Growing 4 plants is a lot of work. And a LOT of learning. If you can get through that and get the fundamentals down then maybe upsize. Otherwise you will fail and wonder why and you will have wasted 40k. See that happen a few times now. They though they could read all about it on the interweb and then spend the money, setup and grow. I told em.... and now i buy their equipment cheap cheap....
i hear ya, ill take my chances with my 60 plant count
Lol 40 grand? I did 10,000 watts in a 3 bedroom house and pulled 18 pounds every 10 weeks, only costed me 10k if you have to spend 40 k probly not the best biz for u to be in. And if you h5ave 40k and are growing in a tent you must be drooloing all over your shirt cause thats retarded
Lmfao. Well said bro.
Lol 40 grand? I did 10,000 watts in a 3 bedroom house and pulled 18 pounds every 10 weeks, only costed me 10k if you have to spend 40 k probly not the best biz for u to be in. And if you have 40k and are growing in a tent you must be drooloing all over your shirt cause thats retarded
so how much did your set yield for you in your harvest?
Absolutely true.

But if you cant grow four plants...or one even.... then...well.... better to spend the 40k on finished
why does everyone think bc you have 40k you must spend it all? i have residual income and recently have plenty of time on my hands... point period if someone grows at a SCALE and knows what they are doing/saying/living please make it known. this isnt a closest grow, i have empty rooms and two garages i can be generating revenue than sitting on my ass grow 4 plants at a time. and if the grow is a wash its a wash, thats with any investment.