Starting an indoor grow with $40,000 from scratch! Tell me how you would!

say you had two bedrooms? would the set up be as lengthy?cost wise? time wise? as many varibles for failur as a Garage? Ive only grown commercial or industrial, never residential
Do you know Chrissy Hines? Because you're a pretender. Something something Foo Fighters.

Poor form, chippy.
Couldn't tell you, but I would find out how much power your going to use from all of the equipment your going to use. I would over shoot that by 2000 watts. That gives your room to expand and worst case scenario you could power things in your house with the extra power. You can even sell power back to the electric company if it's on grid. I would rather build it off grid so that grow is untraceable. Where I live I could have 8.5 kW off grid system for $8000.
After reading all of these post, I believe that the OP is full of shit. If you have grown before you wouldn't be asking questions like what kind of water should you use or how to promote lateral growth. Regardless of how much money your spending the answers to those wouldn't change. You claim to have experience. I have done one grow and know the answers to every question you asked. The icing on the cake is the fact that you posted a picture of a grow you claim is yours and then asked if you should buy a gorilla grow tent. Who in their right mind would go from growing in sealed rooms to grow tents? Then you said could you pull 13 pounds from 25 600w's. You could pull 10 pounds from 4 Gavitas.
After reading all of these post, I believe that the OP is full of shit. If you have grown before you wouldn't be asking questions like what kind of water should you use or how to promote lateral growth. Regardless of how much money your spending the answers to those wouldn't change. You claim to have experience. I have done one grow and know the answers to every question you asked. The icing on the cake is the fact that you posted a picture of a grow you claim is yours and then asked if you should buy a gorilla grow tent. Who in their right mind would go from growing in sealed rooms to grow tents? Then you said could you pull 13 pounds from 25 600w's. You could pull 10 pounds from 4 Gavitas.
The OP contradicted himself several times right from the start. And his questions were all over the place.... too much confusion for him to have been involved in any kind of basement grow, never mind of the size he claimed to have financed....
He is completely full of shit. I copied that pic he put up that he said was his current growth. That pic is from 2013. If you guys have iPhones copy that picture into your images in it'll give me the date it was taken. Busted
Photo was taken on:
September 10th, 2013, at 17:12:29 (assuming image timezone of US Pacific, based on meta-profile)
2 years, 2 months, 23 days, 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
using an iPhone 5, the flash did not fire.

Whoever took the original photo did not have location services running so there's no latitude and longitude, but there sure is a lot of metadata on that picture.
Seriously DURRP D. you are full of it, bruh. Fantasy is fun and all, but leave us out of yours, please.
Dude is full of shit. Can tell by the questions he asked and calims he made. Get the f*** outta here with that bullshit. Poser.
He might be a simple poseur, but there are plenty of us here who made the leap from closet to commercial. Not everyone succeeded, and not everyone failed. Keep dreaming, and keep working at those dreams when you're awake, and it will happen.