Starting first DWC Need help


Well-Known Member
:weed:hi everyone its been 6 week of 12/12 and its getting close to harvest:hump: nothing really has change she is just adding a little wight:joint: seems to me like she is slowing down a bit:confused: but everything looks ok to me:? 106_4689.jpg106_4690.jpg106_4688.jpg


Well-Known Member
I forgot all about the clone n seedlinsbongsmilie both the ww n nypd have poped from the soil but only nypd poped in the dwc the ww was growin upside down stoner:bigjoint: move im also having some wird leafs growing on the clones they have smoth egdes :confused: any ideas thanx everyone106_4703.jpg106_4704.jpg


Well-Known Member
hi everyone i dont have much to say but she is realy fatting up here r a few pic i took 2day more in the flowering album106_4708.jpgtitom-258165-albums-flowering-picture1113967-106-4714.jpgtitom-258165-albums-flowering-picture1113965-106-4717.jpg