Starting Flowering Stage - Best Additives for High Yeild?

Hello, I am starting my flowering stage soon and i would like some advice on what are some good simple additives to use to increase yeild and promote goodness throughout the next couple months.

Aside from the General Hydroponic 3-part nutrients I am using, what are some good additives I should include? There are so many additives I hear about all the time, such as;

Bud Blood
Bud Candy
Big Bud
VooDoo Juice

Whats a good simple combination to use for a beginner. Do you use all these together at the same feeding?

BTW: along with the GH nutes, I also currently have Bud Candy, CalMag, Superthrive, and Liquid Karma.

If someone can put a list together for me on a good regimen for a good first flower, it will be GREATly appreciated.

I want to use advanced nutes but would like some help in finding the right things to use in combination for a good yeild. Thank you!!!!
Hello, I am starting my flowering stage soon and i would like some advice on what are some good simple additives to use to increase yeild and promote goodness throughout the next couple months.

Dyna-Gro Bloom 3-12-6, you said good & simple right? Excelent source of macro's and micro's

Aside from the General Hydroponic 3-part nutrients I am using, what are some good additives I should include? There are so many additives I hear about all the time, such as;

IMO, none. All of those are not necessary if you use a balanced nutrient. Plants need 16 essential elements, not some guru juice marijuana magic booster.

Whats a good simple combination to use for a beginner. Do you use all these together at the same feeding?

BTW: along with the GH nutes, I also currently have Bud Candy, CalMag, Superthrive, and Liquid Karma.

If someone can put a list together for me on a good regimen for a good first flower, it will be GREATly appreciated.

There's no such thing as a set nutritional regime, you've fell victim to clever marketing schemes like many of us here. You feed the plant what it needs, not what someone at a company tells you to. If that means you give the plant a grow nutrient during veg to keep the leaves green and healthy, then do it.

I would advise that you stay away from cannabis specific nutrients, the majority of the time, their gimmicks to attract a sucker crowd.

I want to use advanced nutes but would like some help in finding the right things to use in combination for a good yeild. Thank you!!!!

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You don't need 300 bottles to grow great plants, but if you use gimmicky cannabis nutrients you will. Why, because silly stoners will buy it. If you want a good yield, then keep the leaves and root system happy, it's really that simple. You're not feeding the buds with your nutrients, the plants are feeding the buds with photosynthesis. I suggest you read over the link above, and listen to the horticulture expert, Uncle Ben. One can stand to learn a great deal from him.
get a general hydroponics kit or a technaflora kit read the directions and use half of the the dosage schedule tells you to, they just do that so you have to buy more
I use technaflora recipe for success, and LOVE it. I also add density from green magic 1x a week at 5ml/gal. I feed 100% in flower, I do not feed in veg as I use FFOF and there is no need to feed in veg until I flip. I veg anywhere from 6-8 weeks. I also feed molasses at 1tblsp/1 gal of water once a week. feed, water/density, water/molasses, feed.
For additives liquid koolbloom is good and I like bud blood. They seem to start flowering fast then if I don't use it
A.n. are good shit just a lot of people hate on them for the fact as a company their in it to make money, and over priced. That being said I use them and won't stop, very easy to use mixes in any combination at 5.8 p.h. I haven't checked p.h. in years. This is a great bare bones recipe -lol- well for a.n - I thing that a lot of people don't realize that a.n. has a lot of options for the same type of product. H1 and h2 are good as well for all stages
bud igniter
Bud candy/or carb load
Rhino skin
for the first weeks then
Bud candy/carb load
Big bud
Rhino skin
Last stage
Candy/carb load
Rhino skin
To each there own. I get excellent results with it, I have tried almost everything a.n. makes and these are the ones that I get noticeable results from. I sure there's cheap way s to grow but that's not what the question was.
Havent used any A.N I personally think it is overpriced but each to there own, it works from what I've seen. I grow with canna but I use sea crop in my feeds, it was sea crop concentrate 1ml per L. I got good results from my past 2 grows with it. Im currently starting to use ormus salts from australia on my clones and veg plants to see if there is a difference in comparison to sea crop.
Might be something you want to look into.
Canna is top notch. Have a few friends that use it and from what I've seen it the only brand that compares to the lb.'s that a.n. put on
I use Tecnaflora Awesome Blossoms during flower stage, and I definitely see an increase in bud size with it. It is a simple product that does a lot in my limited opinion. There is a lot of hocus pocus out there, and some people use 4 or 5 bloom foods, but I think most of them are a waste of money. A plant doesn't need a $100 worth of nutrients to thrive. Save the money and buy some good seeds with it, you will be better off.
There are three stages if bud development each needing different things to reach the potential of the plant.
a lot of people don't get that there is no magic nutrient the plant cant tell the difference between nitrogen from fish emulsion or from blood meal with that being said there are a lot of other factors like how fast it is available to the the plant the ph of you medium and many other things I have grown with many different styles over the years and I find that if your going to grow in soil don't use synthetic nutrients go organic all organic cause a little organic isn't organic I always here yield trash talk about organics sorry about your luck then cause I pull just ass much or more im not saying I cant pull more off a dwc with co2 cause I could but the product is lacking in flavors profiles and smells not saying you cant grow good erb with synthetic I did it for over 10 years but if I have them next to each other the smells and flavors are night and day I do small grows now use r.o water only do 24 in flower sometimes only 12 or less I do a tlo style make my own soil cook it for a month or two with 21 dry amendments added before (cooking= giving the soil time for the ph to raise back to acceptable levels) and I manly concentrate on my good to bad fungis and good to bad bacteria in my soil wich I feed them with aact teas of vermicompost teas top dressing and spikes its more labor but for the most part I never add anything but water unless its a tea I don't have to flush plants look beautiful at the end of flower never worry about ph cause soil buffers it along with many other things like microlife I aveg about 5-6 on my critcals 6-8 on my mstr kushxbb and 2-8oz on my kali depending on the pheno I run those every run all others are a toss up depending on if there f1 f2 s1 ibl etc I run in 7-10gal pots under 2-4 1000s no co2 check out the revs T.L.O style (true living organics) don't add microlife with synthetic fert cause you just kill um I mean its your money and they will take it with no problem they know this but people still buy it to kill them off with there next fert don't take my word for it do research for yourself good growing is good environment, good water quality (r.o) air flow, heat control,and good genetics. and the grower its not how much you spend on advanced nutes or some other company hyped up bull shit I bought all those lines spent 1000s but when I started it was much different new growers got it easy now just dig in get your hands dirty and a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure don't let some sheet tell you what your plants need learn what to look for they will give u signs don't do a lottery style grow just pouring on the fert and praying for good results good luck its easy 9 outa 10 its u not the plant and learn what ph is and how vital it is for nutrients to be available especially with synthetic hydro styles it usually not a def it usually a ph issue happy growing
Who the fuck checks the date?
When I look at new post if its bold it's new I'm not start checking the fucking dates.

What dick head checks the dates eh?