~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!


Well-Known Member
i have been growing for 3 years with soil but i have not done fully organic yet. that is why i am here to get the most information as i can because being organic is the only way to go in my eyes. i live in the uk and i am growing indoors so any help would be most appreciated. what i am looking for is infomation on what soil to use and what too put in it .i.e. organic nutes. because i have being using some horrible 2 part hydro shit called amsterdam indoors. it does the trick but its not what i want to use anymore. HELP PLEASE


Well-Known Member
i have been growing for 3 years with soil but i have not done fully organic yet. that is why i am here to get the most information as i can because being organic is the only way to go in my eyes. i live in the uk and i am growing indoors so any help would be most appreciated. what i am looking for is infomation on what soil to use and what too put in it .i.e. organic nutes. because i have being using some horrible 2 part hydro shit called amsterdam indoors. it does the trick but its not what i want to use anymore. HELP PLEASE
Here you go mate, I think I posted this already somewhere but here's the mix I use and have fine tuned in my grows:

Soil Mix Recipe:
- 20% Organic Potting Soil (also contains, Peat moss, Humus, and trace nutrients)
- 20% Perlite
- 20% Compost Mix (Secret ingredients for now ;))
- 10% Vermiculite
- 10% Bone Meal
- 10% Blood Meal
- 5% Wormcastings
- 5% Guano (mixed to your liking, supplementing based on growth cycle)

I continue to experiment (obviously) to find a perfectly balanced soil, but this recipe has had great success for me and a few others that have tried it. More compost specific information is in my signature. Happy growing mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You are always welcome on the northern chunk of our island my friend. If you visit Southern Ontario you should look me up :bigjoint:

KC :leaf:
i'm glad to hear it brotha, i just may do that...how is it up there?? towns, people, everything!? haha, i know, alot, but i dont member shit and canada as a whole seems like another planet to me just cause i don't know it.


Well-Known Member
Everyone's just relaxed, we watch the rest of the world seemingly crash around us and somehow we stay contained and united. I love my country very much and I would encourage anyone to visit, you'll be treated right, very welcoming. We tend to be on a smaller scale than American cities (our highest populated city is Toronto with 3ish million) so we still maintain small-twon values in most of our cities. Hope I could inspire a few people ;)

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Everyone's just relaxed, we watch the rest of the world seemingly crash around us and somehow we stay contained and united. I love my country very much and I would encourage anyone to visit, you'll be treated right, very welcoming. We tend to be on a smaller scale than American cities (our highest populated city is Toronto with 3ish million) so we still maintain small-twon values in most of our cities. Hope I could inspire a few people ;)

KC :leaf:
ahh man, that sounds like my kind of ideal place..good stuff...i'm a small town kind of dude...thanks for the info...i'm gonna visit soon, i wanna do some skiing while there's still snow on the mountain. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Ahh! It feels good to get my main puter running again. Working off the lap top sucked. I hod to re-format my hard drive, ang got most of my important software installed. As soon as I find my camera hook up adapter, I hope to show my new girls off.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ahh! It feels good to get my main puter running again. Working off the lap top sucked. I hod to re-format my hard drive, ang got most of my important software installed. As soon as I find my camera hook up adapter, I hope to show my new girls off.:eyesmoke:
I would hope so Vic, you have to make up for lost time now ;). Get some pictures up, glad to have you (and your computer) back online with us :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Kush, good luck with the tobacco cessation, it is a bitch but well worth it! Keep up the fight & I'll be here in the dirt (my favorite place) frequently.


Well-Known Member
I'm on board. I'll take time to read back thru the posts, but I look forward to learning. My first grow ('bout 3 weeks left) is a chemical grow -- MG stuff. My next grow will be an organic outdoor grow -- lucked into some super-pure Thai sativa seeds this winter, and have some bubblelicious I'd like to deploy outside just for shits and grins. Starting the Thai's next week indoors to give em a running start; they'll love it where I'm at. Now, let's see how those indoor Bub's like our 100-degree summer heat!


Well-Known Member
you may find that at your latitude the thai sativa might not have time to finish flowering before frost...a pure asian sativa takes at least 12 weeks of flowering...i have some laotian beans that are 20 weeks of flowering...and sativas like long veg times...so i am going to wait untill i have a room indoors to run any of my sativas...like my cherry thai...w99