All psychedelics are responsible for religion.
"Everybody goes crazy about the Bible. "Blah, it's in the Bible, man. I live My life by the Bible."
Listen, here is the bottom line about the Bible. You are not even reading the Bible, stupid.
What You are reading is a version of the REAL Bible that was translated first into Latin, then into Greek, The ancient Hebrew version of the Bible . They don't even know all the words. They only know a certain percentage of the words in ancient Hebrew. They literally do not know what the words mean. A part of it is because letters were also in numbers in ancient Hebrew. like the letter A is also the number 1. "
~Joe Rogan
So you all tell me to make my own opinion, yet in the same breath you quote another Simple man who hasn't really Done anything or accomplished much of anything besides telling some over told jokes, fear factor, and ufc. You couldn't tell me that in your own words? You tell me to think for myself and you just regurgitated someone else's words.
Oh and his show "Question Everything" with Joe Rogan. you all remember that show? You all tell me I Am the sheep--thanks for the compliment by the way!

!--but then you all are listening to Literally a Pawn of the International State. He basically just "disproves" all the "theories" that he "tackles". When most of it Is Fact and Proven, and even then the topics he discusses are Stupid Entertainment, instead of True "Enlightenment" and Education. Show only lasted One Season, doesn't look like he got to question "everything" huh. DISINFORMATION!
READ FOR YOURSELF! Open a Book. One that wasN't written by someone living in the past 150 Years. and you Might actually learn something new. And if you Do want to learn Current Events, Read for yourself. The Documents are Out there. And the ones that aren't we aren't ready to handle yet as a Simple Public regardless.
Oh and the "bible" merely means a Collection of Books, and the Old Testament was comprised of the Ancient Hebrew scriptures which were written Thousands of years before JESUS CHRIST, and the New Testament which was Actually written in Greek by the Apostles themselves. The catholic church was created a couple Hundred years After the True Apostles came and gone. Jerome wrote the Vulgate on orders from Damascus pope, and A lot of that was scripture Not Included in the current "bible". Jerome Translated all the scriptures into the Latin Vulgate.
Thousand years later William Tyndale was first to translate into English. And the Great Servants who assembled at the City-State of Geneva which was one of the Only Places in the World at the time that had a True Free Press. And They were the ones who compiled the bible into the Chapters and Verses as we know it today.
But Even from the Geneva Bible written in 1560 there are Words that we do Not know today. It's just life. But Maybe we Will discover some new Manuscript or Artifact that Will contain a "lost" Word and bring Another Piece to the Puzzle.