I have been thinking about my drying cabinet next, the misses will go mad when i eventualy tell her lmao, i need it to be as small as we can get away with and i need it also to be as cheap as possible as these main cabs have skinted me out proper lol.
I have seen some coolbox types but i have read they dry the buds to quickly, thing is though i dont really want to be forking out on more high quality fans and filters. What are your thoughts mate?
There is not much space at all mate, 15" max at the side of the cab. I really need this to be as small as we can possibly get away with, i could do with it as cheap as possible too mate. There isnt that much room it the spare room anyway as my wife is keeping a few bits in there so it needs to be as smal as possible.
I think i may go for the tent mate as it only needs to be up a couple of weeks at a time and if need be i can take it down quickly, i only really opted for stealth to please the misses as we rent you see and she wanted something i could either move wuick if need be or something like my cabs which i just have to turn off if anyone did ever inspect the house which i doubt they will.
I have been to Asda today actually and i was looking at those mason jars but didnt know if they were good enough but now i do know ill nip down in the week and pick some up.
Regarding my ph mate, the bucket i transfered the new seedling to has risen to 6.4 already in about 5 hours so i have adjusted that, the other 2 buckets i altered this morning had both risen to over 6 again aswell so i have taken them down to around 5.5 too. Im hoping this isnt a sign im gonna have ph problems as i do have very hard water.
Ill test them all again in the morning.and hopefully they will be stable then.
From what i have read mate some systems take a week or two before they are stable, ill check them again in the morning. I have been adding the ph down directly to the bucketI wont do it again now i know. How do you add it mate? Do you mix it with water first, take some liquid out of the bucket and top back up with low ph water?
I thin for drying im gonna get a small tent and a budget fan and filter, i will have to make some shelves for it but it will give me something to do. Do you think ill get away with a 60x60x120 tent and make a few shelves for it, im having difficylty picturing 16 oz lol.
From what i have read mate some systems take a week or two before they are stable, ill check them again in the morning. I have been adding the ph down directly to the bucketI wont do it again now i know. How do you add it mate? Do you mix it with water first, take some liquid out of the bucket and top back up with low ph water?
I thin for drying im gonna get a small tent and a budget fan and filter, i will have to make some shelves for it but it will give me something to do. Do you think ill get away with a 60x60x120 tent and make a few shelves for it, im having difficylty picturing 16 oz lol.
I mix the water/nuits/ph down etc.. 1st.. in a seperate container out side of the cab, away from the DWC pots, I add my PH Down, test my PH (until piss yellow 5.5) then add all my nuits,(stiriing between each additive) then PH test until 5.5 is reached again and then I transfer it into the DWC POTS with a Syphon pump....and forget about it...when it comes to adding more nuits/topping up I treat it separatly and then just add it straight to the mix with no furthur testing![]()
Yeah dont adjust the PH straight into the DWC tubs...If the acid comes in contact with the plants roots, the roots will burn big time and thats not cool! This acid (Phosphorus acid) is so powerful, it will burn through almost anything.... Including roots!
I think the lower LINK for £149.99 would be ideal mate. I am buying one today, they have built in fans & Filters, lots of shelves and have good REP! If you have 16oZ of wet bud you'll be wanting to let it all dry well, and at an even rate.. I think this is an important step into the final stages of the op. and wouldn't reccomend skimping on one of the last vitals. You could try n copy the design and possible use cheaper parts but I would go with the one thats purposely built for the job and £150 isn't that much if you consider the total so far. They also are both easy and quick to assemble/de-assemble! and on the bright side The only thing left to do after that is put the dried Buds in jars (£2 each @ ASDA - nice n cheap...) Then it's job done- STELTHY