STELTHY's P.C Mini Project (HPS) !!!


Well-Known Member

I managed to get a really small cheap & quiet air-pump for my mini-DWC Res.. :) .. and I have a couple of mates with old 'Server/Full-P.C Cases' that I'll be checking out later today! I've bought my 70W HPS lamp and a couple of HPS bulbs and just waiting on them being delivered.. Hopefully I'll have some more pics up shortly. - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i cant wait! hows your budget holding out? i figure no matter how small the grow theres always gonna be a bit over 120 or so dollars, as you always need fans and ballasts that dont move much price wise :P


Well-Known Member
Ok some good news and some bad news !! Good news is... I got a P.C case - for free !! .... Bad news is its not wide enough to fit the Bake-A-Round tube in it :( !!! So I figured I could do 1 of 2 things : Either change the design of the case to house a vertical SCROG ... But that'll come with a whole host of problems or... I could do 2 separate cases :) :) Which is exactly what I plan to do !!! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

My mate said he had a large P.C case for me! So I went round to pick it up... turns out that its a case I gave him almost 10 years ago lol :) it does look pretty nakered but still... any how after measuring the case I was pissed that it wasn't quite the right size! But you know me... That won't stop me :) ... However I had a brain-wave :) :) ...

My mates always moaning he's skint and rarely has any bud of his own... and I have just about enough old equipment laying around to sort him out - With a 125W CFL etc.. (which will fit in that case) :) Also I got my 70W HPS lamp, and didn't really wanna part with it :) :) So.... I have decided to make a CFL/DWC P.C case for my mate... and in return he can give me half his 1st harvest as Payment! :) ... And I will keep looking for a slightly wider PC case and still make the 70W HPS/DWC PC case, like I intended :) !!

I plan to document both P.C Cases in this thread so all you guys can see me build both types of case :) and it makes my project last longer as well as getting me some extra bud later in the day.. as payment for my work :)

Any-how I have some more pics to upload... and then I will crack-on with my mates case... That way I can get his case back to him asap, rendering me with more space to work in with my new case (when I find one) he can start his grow and be self sufficient for weed, and I can get my weed sooner :)

So, a slight twist has been added to my thread, but its gonna be fun .. a CFL Case, and.. an HPS Case :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Here's my 70W HPS Security light, Fucker's gave me a shitty coated lamp with it :( ...Good job I bought some other 70W HPS lamps on-line, they should come through soon :) !!

(Piece of shit HPS) - [Wrong Type]

Good news thought is the ballast is reallty easy to remove :) and I may even cut the housing down and keep the ballast as it is :) Cos the housing is made from Fire Retardant ~ Plastic :) :) So its a piece of piss to cut through with a hack-saw :) !!

I also got a couple of air-line accessories for the DWC Res..

Ha result :) :) :) I just looked at the HPS ballast a little closer and it turns out it can also 'fire up' MH Lamps :) !!! Sweet !! - STELTHY :leaf:

past times

Well-Known Member
Hey Past Times : At what height did you 'top' your P.C case girl? and @ what height did you put her into Flower ?? - STELTHY :leaf:
Hey dude. Been a little while since I have been on. Nice case. Was it tough to gut it? Mine was miserable, shit just bolted everywhere.

As far as the topping I waited until it had 3 strong nodes, and topped just above the third. was probably 5 inches tall back to 4 inches. the lowest part of the screen was about 6 inches above the pot. I gave it about a week to recover. The side branches just started touching the screen. Then flowered. The growth spurt in the first few weeks of flowering filled the screen.

how wide of a case do you need to fit all the hps stuff?


Well-Known Member

Well thats good news! My 2X 70W Phillips HPS lamps have just arrived :) I can't remember which was supposed to be the better one lol but I am sure I'll figure it out soon enough :)

I thought I'd do a size comparison between my diddy 70W HPS Lamps and my new 400W DigiLux HPS :) :)

I'am going to get on with stripping the PC case now, more updates coming soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Stripping the cages n crap out was a bit of a mission...

Perseverance eh !!


The inevitable happened !! .. Lol :) yeah - it fuckin' hurt !!! I cut my thumb on a propper sharp edge :( .. Never-mind lol ... - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Any-how I continued...

...Until the case was completely stripped, I re-assembled it and taa-dah! - Here it is! :) I am now going to have some lunch n chill for a bit then get on with cleaning it and getting rid of any more sharp edges etc.. ready for another day when I gain some more materials :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ahh, the blood offering has been made, your guaranteed a nice harvest now. Just dont do anything to piss off the gods, or youll end up with hermies. hahahhaah.

I really like the dbl stack puter towers. Using a drill to drill out the heads of the rivets would prove most excellent over beating with a hammer.

I been thinkn bout running a mini dwc also. I think it would be better than soil if you have to be gone for a long day or something.

Nice job on the case tho. I want to get one of those 27" server towers I see other people use. With that im sure temps will not be a problem.
My case runs between 10-13 degrees hotter than my ambient temp, from what iv observed so far.


Well-Known Member
Looking awsome mate, you really should look at doing custom grow cabs for people.

I would like to do that one day :) its kinda a hobby at the moment.. But I have so many alternative ideas for cabs that haven't been done before so in time, it would be cool to maybe do some kind of business venture.. But I dont want to show off my ideas atm cos they are so unique.. I have shown the building of a few Cabs.. and I have been pleased with them all.. But I have some 'Ultimate Cab's' that are still yet to be built and some other pretty cool tricks up my sleeve :) !!! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ahh, the blood offering has been made, your guaranteed a nice harvest now. Just dont do anything to piss off the gods, or youll end up with hermies. hahahhaah.

I really like the dbl stack puter towers. Using a drill to drill out the heads of the rivets would prove most excellent over beating with a hammer.

I been thinkn bout running a mini dwc also. I think it would be better than soil if you have to be gone for a long day or something.

Nice job on the case tho. I want to get one of those 27" server towers I see other people use. With that im sure temps will not be a problem.
My case runs between 10-13 degrees hotter than my ambient temp, from what iv observed so far.
A nice Havest would be nice :) lol... Yeah I have alot of respect for the CANNA-God's :) :) a using a drill would have been a lot easier, but I just went straight in for the kill :) those rivets were a bitch at 1st, but then I figured I could place a flat-head Screw Driver on them and then smack the Screw-Driver with a hammer to 'pop' them off :) Much easier :) !! Mini-DWC does seem the way to go.. As funny as it sounds I hate they way plants grow in dirt/mud etc... DWC/Hydro is so much cleaner.. and providing you have good aeration and keep the Res topped up - watering is no longer an issue and the plants grow bigger and better and faster too :) :) :) Yeah I want a bad-boy Server Case for my 70W HPS .. (I'am still searching) :) .. with the combined use of a cool-tube temps defo wont be a problem :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey dude. Been a little while since I have been on. Nice case. Was it tough to gut it? Mine was miserable, shit just bolted everywhere.

As far as the topping I waited until it had 3 strong nodes, and topped just above the third. was probably 5 inches tall back to 4 inches. the lowest part of the screen was about 6 inches above the pot. I gave it about a week to recover. The side branches just started touching the screen. Then flowered. The growth spurt in the first few weeks of flowering filled the screen.

how wide of a case do you need to fit all the hps stuff?
Yeah it was a mo-fo to gut, lol cut my thumb pretty deep :( lol oh well! :) Cheer's for letting me know about the height you topped your's at and when you put yours into Flower! That will help alot when it comes to keeping my girl contained :)

Ideally I am looking for a Case thats approx: 24" Tall, 10-12" Wide, 24" Deep and if its on wheels thats an added bonus :) ... another of my mates had a Sever Case for me, but it wasn't very tall and had a dodge case that went right over the top.. so I turned it down and figured something more suitable would turn up sooner or later.. (still looking).. I dont want to have to pay a lot for one so a 2nd hand one in good condition would be perfect! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me ??? :- I'am looking for a 70W 6500K Metal Halide lamp (med. screw fit) bulb, I'am looking to get the best/most suitable MH in a 70W.. Best answers = +REP! cheers - STELTHY :leaf:

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me ??? :- I'am looking for a 70W 6500K Metal Halide lamp (med. screw fit) bulb, I'am looking to get the best/most suitable MH in a 70W.. Best answers = +REP! cheers - STELTHY :leaf:
Try Philips or one that is around 4200k.


Well-Known Member

I managed to find a large Mogual socket for the 125W/150W/250W CFL for my mates P.C CFL Case, am scraping the barrel getting rid of all my old crap :) lol... But this is exactly what I was looking for..

I detached the Mogual from the metal plate which was held on by.................More F'in rivets lol, luckily I didn't cut myself this time :) , However I have no small nuts n bolts so I'll still have to wait for another day to install it.. But in a way thats a good thing cos it gives me time to sketch out a few different positions in where to place it etc :)

More still to come - STELTHY :leaf: