Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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That's funny...I had that same flashback when you posted that...The old Drive In theaters...LOL...I got caught sneaking into one in the trunk of my buddies car one time ...Fun times ! LOL
We LOVED the drive in
I use to own a Ford Country Squire Wagon with the rear folding seat pit in the far rear end
We would remove the seat cushions and put like 5 people in the hole.
Two people would drive in and 7 get out , funny shit.
We got snag a few times because everyone was stoned and giggling in the hole.
Good Times for sure.
The Viz discovers a bloody drool LOL
We LOVED the drive in
I use to own a Ford Country Squire Wagon with the rear folding seat pit in the far rear end
We would remove the seat cushions and put like 5 people in the hole.
Two people would drive in and 7 get out , funny shit.
We got snag a few times because everyone was stoned and giggling in the hole.
Good Times for sure.
The guy at the booth walked out to our car,and made me walk out the exit road,and walk around to the entrance,pay my two bucks,and walk back to the car...LOL
It was in a pot approx 20 gallons (not sure) I started out just to see if I could pop the seeds and it blossomed into a approx 7 ft plant .

I cleared all my pictures, well pretty much all of the old ones.
I use a laptop, so I never leave them after I post

That is about 4 weeks before I chopped , I chopped it so fast due to finding bud rot I never took anymore pics.
I am not Big on posting my pics on line, Not with the new people in office we have now LOL.

I also Grew this one out in home made soil only No Nutes except some teas.
I wish I had a pic before the chop it was a pretty tree.

Next time I will train them . LOL
i hear you on the pic's i think i've gota do a computa clean up i was never one to take pic's but got caught up in the social media shit it seems like the more pic's i take the more i've got going wrong with my grows. I'm thinking of getting some soil in going back to basics. shame about the bud rot she was a nice lookin plant.
i hear you on the pic's i think i've gota do a computa clean up i was never one to take pic's but got caught up in the social media shit it seems like the more pic's i take the more i've got going wrong with my grows. I'm thinking of getting some soil in going back to basics. shame about the bud rot she was a nice lookin plant.
I still got some Nice smoke
Thanks, Been smoking it every night this week LOL
Starts off heady and after 30mins-1hr it starts to mellow down and sleeping is easier
I like that a lot, I am not big on racey weed
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