Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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Not going to bad mouth anyone
Had some good friends there but someone back stabbed me bad over there (not the mods) either.
It was someone close to me in the group maybe even a few banded together after the thing with SK Meow Happened.
They were all pissed and when they complained all they could do was go after me the thread owner.
I believe in Karma.
LOL. No Wait What? Ok, everything is in the ice chests. Just large marge and 4 yard weeds, all SLH, just got hung. Got to space them out a bit to prevent overloading work time. The Grapefruit Badass, filled one whole chest. Wiz seemed light, she needs a screen, without a doubt. Large marge is a pound at least

Ok Stiggy, lemme guess... cat, hat, dog, oh, I give up!
LOL. No Wait What? Ok, everything is in the ice chests. Just large marge and 4 yard weeds, all SLH, just got hung. Got to space them out a bit to prevent overloading work time. The Grapefruit Badass, filled one whole chest. Wiz seemed light, she needs a screen, without a doubt. Large marge is a pound at least

Ok Stiggy, lemme guess... cat, hat, dog, oh, I give up!
Man you got all the weed bro
I am going to have to camp in your yard this winter
Great Haul Bro..........................
LOL. No Wait What? Ok, everything is in the ice chests. Just large marge and 4 yard weeds, all SLH, just got hung. Got to space them out a bit to prevent overloading work time. The Grapefruit Badass, filled one whole chest. Wiz seemed light, she needs a screen, without a doubt. Large marge is a pound at least

Ok Stiggy, lemme guess... cat, hat, dog, oh, I give up!
Cat Dog
How is the lil fellow doing
Does he go everywhere with you?
I really haven't had fun over there since bubble, maj, doc, static, G, and sg1 roamed those streets! It has really changed a lot. There was a day when you get a troller or a dumbass spreading misinformation in your thread and they got dealt with, quickly. Your thread was your corner and people respected that, it took a real noob to come in and try and takeover. But it did happen, just not so often.
He is doing great stigman. Always at my feet. I only take him for rides if my wife there. We have a fucking stupid law here in cali that a stranger can block your car in, breakout the window, steal your animal and not be charged with a crime. Can you fucking believe that shit. The stranger only has to believe your animal is in stress. And cali is full to the top with fruit loops!
He is doing great stigman. Always at my feet. I only take him for rides if my wife there. We have a fucking stupid law here in cali that a stranger can block your car in, breakout the window, steal your animal and not be charged with a crime. Can you fucking believe that shit. The stranger only has to believe your animal is in stress. And cali is full to the top with fruit loops!
I bet they make you put the dog in a car seat also
I really haven't had fun over there since bubble, maj, doc, static, G, and sg1 roamed those streets! It has really changed a lot. There was a day when you get a troller or a dumbass spreading misinformation in your thread and they got dealt with, quickly. Your thread was your corner and people respected that, it took a real noob to come in and try and takeover. But it did happen, just not so often.
Fuck em They were not My friends
I made them all
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