Still a couple of details to be worked out for my setup.


Well-Known Member
I'll be getting all my stuff from
I've searched around trying to find another place in Canada or USA without those exorbitant Shipping prices and fees.
Most stores shipping was around 200-300$ for the shipping alone.
They offer free shipping so I'll try them out.

I'd like to make a perpetual grow in a 2x4 tent. I've also been reading about cloning and doing 12-12 from start.
I thought that could be a way for me to go perpetual even though I lack the space for a mothers/cloning tent

I'm also not set on a 400w MH/HPS Cool tube setup or going the extra mile with a 600w Cool tube.

Another thing is about ducting mufflers/silencers. Do they work well? It's in my wardrobe, I'm a guy so I don't use it could use the noise control for sleep.
Although I don't mind white noise :P

I'll be using a 6" 440CFM with a 6" carbon filter (rated 340cfm). DO you think that event if it's vented in my A/C room that it would smell?

Also what is the most efficient way of hooking the ventilation? I was thinking: air in tent-->carbon filter-->ducting-->cool tube-->ducting-->outside the tent extractor? or would I be better having the extractor inside the tent for noise control?

Hopefully it's the last time annoy you guys with my questions. I'm just trying to get everything ready and as perfect as I can (with your help obviously ;))


Well-Known Member
perpetual grow is just soo tough to pull off. Trouble is the light schedules when some are vegging 18-6 and some are flowering 12-12. If you have 2 separate grow rooms its ok, otherwise its a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of doing 12-12 from clones.
1 st I'd veg and get some clones from the best plants and give them a week of 18-6 to recuperate then switch to 12-12.
Afterwards I'd just be taking clones from the selected plants clone...all in 12-12 while they are still in veg
Would that be possible?


Well-Known Member
I know I'm not supposed to bump my own thread but I guess this is better than making a new one so here I go. :peace::hug:


Active Member
I have a 3x3 tent and my setup is, 6" carbon filter in the top right corner, attached directly to my inline fan (sucking the air through), then ducting down to my 600w cool tube, then ducting up and out the exhaust port. Have another duct coming in from the bottom left of the tent for a passive intake. it's quiet, doesn't smell and maintains temps of 75F (plus it's in my basement = coolest area of my home).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answer :P I wasn't hoping for one anymore hehe
Nevermind the perpetual grow for now...just want to get the setup in check ;)

Would the yields be that much better with the 600w? (and what's an estimate?)


Well-Known Member
A 600 in a 4x2 should kick ass aslong as you can control the heat. Im guessing your tents 4x2x5 like one I have so you might have to train them to keep them short. Say one foot for a cooltube / carbon filter, one foot of space between glass and canopy, only leaves you three feet of container and growth hieght. As for as yield hope for a half gram per watt but be happy with what you get. You should research until you think you know it all, then research a little more :D. Between reading books and reading your plants your yields will increase over time.


Well-Known Member
well as far as growing them I think I'll do fairly was mostly the setup/heat I was worried about.
With the A/C running I can get my room to about 20°C/68°F...and winter is coming fast so I should be good (might need to move one of my A/C's into my room next summer though)...

Unsure still on soil... might go Coco with Canna Coco or Soilless with AN grow/micro/bloom.

I think I'd be ok with 3gal pots...maybe 5gal?


Active Member
I'm using Canna Coco with hydroton at the bottom of my air pots (which are 3 gal/12L) I'm able to do 5 in my 3x3x6 tent. All Canna nutes for me except for Boost, to which I'm using BudXL & Berry Sweet instead. I think 5 gal pots will be too big for your tent space but it depends on how many plants you want. Remember, bigger pots = bigger plants.

With your height limit, you might want to either look into SCROG growing or know how to top or fim your plants ;)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking doing either SCROG with 4-5 plants in 3gal air pots or 2-3 plants in 5gal with LST and topping once.


Well-Known Member
So I've been trying really hard to get my grow started.

Everything seems to be going wrong though…my seeds are taking forever to get here.
it only took around 4 business days for my package to get to Canada Post Customs. Now it's been 2 full weeks it's stuck there.
Wondering what's happening with that. I ordered from Attitude with the guaranteed delivery...

Also, the place where I wanted to buy my equipment from is out of 2x4 grow tents.
They will only get them back in stock "in about 45 days".
I'm thinking of just ordering a 2x4 Secret Jardin 120w…the thing is that I really don't mind the price 160$…it's the 80$ they charge for shipping that's putting me off.

Also is there a big difference between a Can-Lite 6" Carbon Filter and a "standard" or "no name" 6" filter?


Active Member
With you living in Canada too, I don't know why you'd order them from there. I've bought mine here and when I need again, I'll do the same. There's even a store in Montreal.

Yes, you don't get the selection here you get overseas, but I'd take convenience over that any day (and most places do have a decent selection here from the big name producers). Heck, I walk into a store to get mine, in and out in 5 mins and could start germing them 10 mins later :)

Are you just buying a tent? If so, that $80 is a rip off.

I got a tent, carbon filter, fan, ducting, lamps, cool tube, ballast, etc, etc....and it was only $60 for me.

Good filters will make a world of difference. I got the MountainAir 6" and it will last for years. They've tested them and units being used 3-5 years later are still working just as well. The cheaper one's will last much less and have to be replaced. I'd hate to have a grow going and to have you filter not filtering the smell. Might be days before you get your replacement and your place will smell up quick. Remember, you get what you pay for ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's why I'm looking for a good tent, I don't want to have the hood and light fall on the plants. And the Carbon filter I don't want to cheap out on either, since I don't want smell at all.
I've read about the MountainAir and I didn't find any place that would ship to Canada with USPS.

And yes, I agree that 80$ is a lot to ship a tent but every place I've looked at online charges that. They also charge 80$ shipping for the Carbon filter. I'll try to visit a hydroponic store around here.
I contacted a small hydro store and they carry Fox farms nutes and soil and Secret Jardin tents as well as brand name Filters so I'll go and check it out if ever receive the seeds


Well-Known Member
Gdy w 2008 r. opublikowała go "Krytyka Polityczna", zainteresował się nim Leszek Dawid. Razem ze scenarzystą trafili do szefa zespołu "Kadr" Jerzego Kapuścińskiego, który zapalił się do tego projektu. Cztery lata trwały prace nad filmem. Nie pasują do żadnego stereotypu postacie tych chłopaków, ich wydawcy granego przez Arkadiusza Jakubika, ich rodziców, żony Magika, która się z nim w pewnej chwili rozstaje (co jest jednym z powodów psychicznego kryzysu) jestes bogiem torrent. Reżyser omija pokusę zawartą w scenariuszu: zilustrować śląskich "oburzonych" lat 90., enigmatyczne "pokolenie X", mające pretensję do tego, co się stało z krajem po 1989 roku. To nie takie zwykłe. Ludzie chłopcy z Mikołowa i Bogucic, uprawiający spontaniczną, improwizowaną poezję hip-hopu, choćby mają dostęp do nowej techniki, w gruncie rzeczy nie rozumieją nowoczesności, pozostają z nią w permanentnym konflikcie, jak wielu z nas. Są dzikusami w cywilizacji "kupna i sprzedaży". Zderzają się ze światem, walczą, upadają, podnoszą się. Pomimo grubego języka, jakim gadają, mają coś z romantyków albo osób pierwotnych. Są intruzami w świecie kapitalizmu - czy to nie bardzo polskie?
Yes I was on sea duty and can confirm your mother did take on the entire 7th Fleet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's why I'm looking for a good tent, I don't want to have the hood and light fall on the plants. And the Carbon filter I don't want to cheap out on either, since I don't want smell at all.
I've read about the MountainAir and I didn't find any place that would ship to Canada with USPS.

And yes, I agree that 80$ is a lot to ship a tent but every place I've looked at online charges that. They also charge 80$ shipping for the Carbon filter. I'll try to visit a hydroponic store around here.
I contacted a small hydro store and they carry Fox farms nutes and soil and Secret Jardin tents as well as brand name Filters so I'll go and check it out if ever receive the seeds
I've got a limit of 3 flowering plants at a time...should I get a Secret Jardin DR120W(2x4x5" grow room) and a DP90(3x2x1.7" Propagator) ?
That way I could take clones and go perpetual?


Active Member
I have a DR90II (3x3x6) myself (and love it) and can get 5 in there (in 3 gal air pots), so if you're only growing 3, that's more than enough room for you. I have my filter, fan and light hanging from the top of the tent. It's very sturdy.

Try, I know they carry MountainAir. Their shipping rates on the site are just a quote. Mine was much cheaper than what the site said, so just call them to get an accurate rate. As I said, all my stuff came to $60.

There's a new model of the DR90 that has a propagator section on top, but I haven't seen it in Canada yet, just on the Secret Jardin site.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would of really liked to get the DR90II dual. But it needs to fit in my wardrobe so 3x3 is to big...
I could have the 2x4 tent underneath and have the DP90 on top.
Do you think it could be possible to keep a small mother (or at least a way to make clones from clones?) in there?

Also my order from the Tude got caught at customs.
I'm now looking at DNA and Reserva Privada.
Mainly Cataract Kush, LA Confidential and Stacked Kush from DNA
And Kandy Kush, Kosher Kush, OG Kush and Headband from RP

I really like Stacked Kush and Kosher Kush. Would these be a good choice for a beginner?
Damn things aren't starting too well :(


Well-Known Member
I've got a limit of 3 flowering plants at a time...should I get a Secret Jardin DR120W(2x4x5" grow room) and a DP90(3x2x1.7" Propagator) ?
That way I could take clones and go perpetual?
I just picked up a dp90 propigator this morning its a nice little tent! Smoking a blunt before I build a diy cfl reflector:). I clones will be happy