Still drooping, help needed!

Too dark green and even blackish, generally, indicates too much could be something else, but that's normally what dark green foilage means. Often times you'll also get a 'claw' effect, but those leaves are so deformed that they may not. So yeah, try cutting back on ferts containing nitrogen a little bit and see if newer growth doesn't turn bright lush green! How is the new growth looking? Fingers crossed for ya man, I know it can be stressful especially if you've obsessive tendancies lol. And no problem, always glad to help!
I don't know the whole plant is just weird. Some leaves are more straight, some look like canoe boats upside down. The new growth looks brighter green, but It looks like it's still curving down. They just get worse as they get bigger. Also the plant is so bushy. It's just growing branches all over the place. I'm thinking of defoliating the huge leaves when the top growth recovers as I did top it.

Yeah, it is really stressing me out, but I like the idea of dwc, so I don't want toto give up. I have another seedling going. Hope it will bring better results.


I don't know the whole plant is just weird. Some leaves are more straight, some look like canoe boats upside down. The new growth looks brighter green, but It looks like it's still curving down. They just get worse as they get bigger. Also the plant is so bushy. It's just growing branches all over the place. I'm thinking of defoliating the huge leaves when the top growth recovers as I did top it.

Yeah, it is really stressing me out, but I like the idea of dwc, so I don't want toto give up. I have another seedling going. Hope it will bring better results.
No, don't defoliate! Last thing you want to provide a struggling plant is more stress. Some plants grow those big leaves early on. If it's still green, then things are still good. She still doesn't look completely healthy though, so I would read through all the advice again, go to the GrowWeedEasy plant problems guide to try and identify existing issues, such as a deficiency.
No, don't defoliate! Last thing you want to provide a struggling plant is more stress. Some plants grow those big leaves early on. If it's still green, then things are still good. She still doesn't look completely healthy though, so I would read through all the advice again, go to the GrowWeedEasy plant problems guide to try and identify existing issues, such as a deficiency.
Yeah, I already searched everything I could, but I couldn't find anything that looked like this. Nitrogen toxicity is the closest thing, but in that case only the very tips curl down. Here the curling is too strong imo
Ok, so I think It could be a Nitrogen Toxicity altho I have been using half of the recommended dose... Anyways, should I do a little flush and then refill the container with lighter feed. Or do it without flushing? Or can I dilute the feed with plain water?
Ok, so I think It could be a Nitrogen Toxicity altho I have been using half of the recommended dose... Anyways, should I do a little flush and then refill the container with lighter feed. Or do it without flushing? Or can I dilute the feed with plain water?
If it has nutrient lockout, then the roots aren't going to be able to transport the nutrients to the different parts of the plant. Plants get lockout from being provided too high of nutrients.

To correct this, flush with straight water by watering until 20% to 50% runoff in the spill tray. Drain the spill tray. You may want to repeat this the next day. Then, start nutes off lightly and work your way up over several waterings. Don't rush this!
I think he's working with DWC, what do you mean water until runoff JSB? Sorry, may be misunderstanding ya, after all I am barely awake right now lol.
If it has nutrient lockout, then the roots aren't going to be able to transport the nutrients to the different parts of the plant. Plants get lockout from being provided too high of nutrients.

To correct this, flush with straight water by watering until 20% to 50% runoff in the spill tray. Drain the spill tray. You may want to repeat this the next day. Then, start nutes off lightly and work your way up over several waterings. Don't rush this!
Yeah, I do have a dwc setup, so I guess I have to flush a little differently
So the other plant is starting to show simmilair symptoms imo although it is looking a little better than the first one did at this age. It's also a normal green color instead of dark green.

I have a question, do you think this could be because of the ph being off? Because I think my ph may not be working properly. I compared it to the drop test kit that came with the nutes and it looked like the drop test showed that the ph is a little higher than the pen. I lowered the ph a little more than usual to see if that makes a difference.


So the other plant is starting to show simmilair symptoms imo although it is looking a little better than the first one did at this age. It's also a normal green color instead of dark green.

I have a question, do you think this could be because of the ph being off? Because I think my ph may not be working properly. I compared it to the drop test kit that came with the nutes and it looked like the drop test showed that the ph is a little higher than the pen. I lowered the ph a little more than usual to see if that makes a difference.

..get 7.0 pH test solution and properly calibrate your meter for best results, good luck
..get 7.0 pH test solution and properly calibrate your meter for best results, good luck
Yeah, I have some of that powder that you have to mix in deionized water, but I can't get deionized water, so It's no use. I guess I'll order the solution, but It'll take some time before it gets here.

Ok, so I read I can use distilled water, got that, recalibrated the ph pen and checked the solutions ph. It's good now, but that's because I lowered it yesterday, like I said. That means all this time it was too high.

I'm praying to god that was the problem, we'll se how the new growth does.
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Imo. It isn't over fert or ph or toxicity it's simple and I spotted it immediately coz iv had the same problem in certain rooms over the years depending on the location and time of year. It's too cold man that bubbly type shit on the leaves sometimes during winter I get it get a thermometer and a heater and don't start fukin around with all that other bullshit till you do
So a little question about the ph. After I change the res, It's very hard to keep the ph down. I have to use a lot of ph down to hardly get it down and after a few minutes it just jumps back up, like nothing happened. After like 2 days it becomes more or less stable and I can use small amounts of ph down to regulate it. The bottle was kind of expensive and I don't want to be wasting it like that. Can I like wait a day or two and then start adjusting it or is that not good. Why does it do that in the first place.
Honestly I'm sick and tired of hydro tbh. So much shit to do and for what. I wouldn't even say that the veg is that much faster than soil and my plants looked happy and yielded nice too