Stoned Pets


Well-Known Member
One of our cats in named Abby too. But Plie is my baby girl. She is sititing on my computer right now. Holding it down in case of a strong wind comes along. Happens a lot inside my house, especially the computer/cat room). LOL


Well-Known Member
and one day he ate some, he slept for 12 straight, then when he would come around, then he was a bobble head, then go back to sleep, then he'd wake up and be a bobble head again etc... funny as shit. he liked smoke. he'd always come to get his turn. I loved him.


Well-Known Member
the alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in north america. i just got one a little while ago. its only about 3" right now, but it may grow to be 26". i find it fucking amazing. its a gnarly lookin little fucker, i cant wait till its big and i can get it ripped.

ya I was looking thru a book of animals the other day and saw one of those. Talk about looking like someone jizzed in your juice. Those things are scary.

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
lmao@ jizzed in your juice.

i want a leopard gecko but most colleges have rules against reptiles. weak.
i like feeding them mealworms. they feel liek they're on a critical hunt... i guess they dont notice the tweezers the worms are trapped in. it's okay. they can think they're bad ass little hunters =]


Well-Known Member
almost all the pets i have ever had love to get high. i dont force them or anything, i just smoke and they come to me like im Dr. Dolittle. this was my dog at 10 months old. she would come and try to sit in my lap everytime she heard the sound my bong makes. she loved being high so much that if i had her outside and was smokeing she would claw at the door to get in. didnt matter where i was she wanted in my lap while i smoked. mind you she was about 130lbs. then she would get down and go get her fav chew toy and go bananas with it. after she got bored with the toy she would just sit there with that goofy look on her face for hours.
oh and yeah those are pink toenails,,,,,,and no i didnt do that to her im str8 lol all the vets doing



Well-Known Member
holy shit guys getting animals stoned that is in hilarious i want to do that and see that but i aint got no animals and i doubt my freinds would let me do that to there pets


Well-Known Member
hey fdd have you ever tried smoking cat nip or know someone who has?
heres my logic,
cat nip gets cats fucked right
weed gets humans fucked
weed gets cats Obliterated
mabey catnip will get humans obliterated

and eddie you dont need pets to do this think of new ways to get animals stoned, eg. that dude that throws roachs into the monkey cage at the zoo


Well-Known Member
i dont think it is only a thing that gets cats high the drug in it doesnt work on humans it is a different thing also u would have to smoke a shitload becuase it has such a little amount compared to a humans body size compared to the cats


Well-Known Member
cats seem to love to be stoned. our cat used to sit on my lap and breath in the spent smoke from my lungs. it had a big smile on its face for hours.
flies are funny when stoned. they buzz like mad and bang into things before hurtling to the ground like camacazi pilots. lol


Well-Known Member
my cat always has a bad trip when hes stoned, so i dont stone him up any more. he freaks out like hes on a bad acid trip. he would jump like someone startled him bad, claw at things that werent there.

but my dog on the other hand is the best dog ever when stoned. shes an orange sable pomeranian. (which are hyper as fuck) she just chills out with us.


Well-Known Member
dude pitbulls stone are the best they love that shit and when high they sometimes are really hiper and run around or r really relaxed and just sit there


Well-Known Member
not my brothers pit, he hates smoke but i blow it in his face anyway, b/c it like his adah med. claims him down.


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My Rottwieler doesn't really like smoke/vapor being blown his way... but the Bulldog, Corgy & Chihuahua LOVE being stoned.

My old Boxer used to follow the joint around the circle.


Well-Known Member
we used to get our dog stoned, he was an old english sheepdog crossed with a newfoundland hound. big fat hairy fulla. he seemed to enjoy it, would always get up from his sleep spot to sit as close as possible when you smoked... usually on your feet or legs, even though he was 45kg (100pounds).

he was pretty lazy to begin with so it was hard to tell how blazed he was, but he had real bad arthritis so it probably helped him cope with the pain.