Stones Journal


Well-Known Member
looks good but i think the box is a little short dude
yeah wish i would have made it taller. With my next go, im doing some nirvana seeds on a scrog.... just like 2 plants. Actually these 12/12 from seed plants are on tupperware containers right now. The box is 4 foot tall so its tall enough for what im using it for.


Active Member
That's a nice lookin box you built there. The grow looks even better for what it is. I'm glad the seeds turned out to be something other than bag seed (I thought that's what you said earlier).
Your box makes me think of building a sealed veg box & lining the top with CFL or, better yet, T5's & separating the lights from the grow area with glass -Air-cooled fourescents would totally eliminate the heat problem... Now I'm looking at the refridgerator with a saws-all in my hand> you're a refridgeration guy- Do the evaperator lines run in the space between the freezer & refridgerator? I'm tinking about cutting a window in & installing a 1000 watt dual-arc for a bad-assed, completely sealed eco-sphere/grow closet. Gotta roll another j


Well-Known Member
Oh yea: You know corey & those guys?
No I dont. Are they on here? No there isnt any lines between the refrigerator and freezer in a refrigerator. I actually have a fridge im going to convert also but 1000 watt might be a little too much. Also when I bought that bag of weed my buddy threw in the seeds in the bag because he heard I was looking for some, so I assumed they were from the bag. He told me later they were from a guy he knew that grew and quit so he threw the seeds in the bag (he got the bag from the same guy too). Oh well. Im glad I found that out. Thanks for checking out the grow.


Well-Known Member
yeah wish i would have made it taller. With my next go, im doing some nirvana seeds on a scrog.... just like 2 plants. Actually these 12/12 from seed plants are on tupperware containers right now. The box is 4 foot tall so its tall enough for what im using it for.
lol my box is only ust 3ft high with 650 watts of hps, it can be done.............

Mr. Leafy

Active Member
They are looking really awesome SS!

I can vouch for ya on the CFL's. If you use them properly you get good results. I will go to a HPS system, but that isn't going to happen just now.

Can't wait to see the end results!


Well-Known Member
They are looking really awesome SS!

I can vouch for ya on the CFL's. If you use them properly you get good results. I will go to a HPS system, but that isn't going to happen just now.

Can't wait to see the end results!
Thanks, yeah eventually ill move to hps but for now this will do till winter.


Active Member
Still progressing nicely I see! I don't know if you've seen the thread where someone put a hessian style screen around his cfls (it was a sort of mesh like hessian that let plenty of light through), but you could utilise your lower cfls (even if it's only with low wattage just to pump a little into the sides) using that technique.

I'll get some shots of my box (it's a bit ghetto!) in my grow diary, I'm a strong believer in CFLs and particularly throwing lots of wattage into a contained space and reckon you have it bang on with your design. I've also got a webcam in there (saves having to go in there to check on progress, etc and I also capture timelapse with it), just out of interest what software are you using to be able to grab multiple cams? I have a usb hub in the room and another cam, so quite like the idea of being able to get 2 views. I've got a usb remote thermometer in there also, so I can be mr ocd about controlling the temps for my ladies.

Looking forward to updates :)


Well-Known Member
Still progressing nicely I see! I don't know if you've seen the thread where someone put a hessian style screen around his cfls (it was a sort of mesh like hessian that let plenty of light through), but you could utilise your lower cfls (even if it's only with low wattage just to pump a little into the sides) using that technique.

I'll get some shots of my box (it's a bit ghetto!) in my grow diary, I'm a strong believer in CFLs and particularly throwing lots of wattage into a contained space and reckon you have it bang on with your design. I've also got a webcam in there (saves having to go in there to check on progress, etc and I also capture timelapse with it), just out of interest what software are you using to be able to grab multiple cams? I have a usb hub in the room and another cam, so quite like the idea of being able to get 2 views. I've got a usb remote thermometer in there also, so I can be mr ocd about controlling the temps for my ladies.

Looking forward to updates :)
Im using yawcam, its free and you can run as many instinces as you want. Yeah the webcams i had laying around and i though, damn i could really make things easy on myself and starting mounting them. Thanks for the feedback, its nice to see someone really reads through the journal. Ahh, wait a sec, gotta hit this bong real quick. Hard day at work...LOL.

you know i never thought about the side screens for the cfls bulbs, that would be a great idea. I have checked under the canopy and the buds are THICK all the way down to the pot. I guess 945 watts is enough to penetrate all the way down. lets see...if i calculate right...I have 9 bulbs that are 85 watt each (5700 lumens claim each) 6 bulbs that are 30 watts each (2000 lumen claim each) that would be 945 total watts, 63300 lumens total. I have 5 sqaure feet all painted flat white, that calculates to 12666 lumens per square foot. I should have done better math when i built the box and realized that i really didnt need all the side lighting. at least 12 of the bottom lights. But they are nice when i need to move some around during veg... Sorry i typed so much. That bong really got to But yeah ill definatly check out your journal and follow it, thats how i got where i am today. By reading all the good info on here. I learn so much by other peoples mistakes. lol


Well-Known Member
63300 lumens for 945 watts..................hps 250 and 400 650.........91000 lumens..........when you switch you going to be a happy man.....these people who change from cfl to hps are terrible, they are just like ex smokers who preach are doing a mega job mate, cant wait to see what you do with hid


Well-Known Member
63300 lumens for 945 watts..................hps 250 and 400 650.........91000 lumens..........when you switch you going to be a happy man.....these people who change from cfl to hps are terrible, they are just like ex smokers who preach are doing a mega job mate, cant wait to see what you do with hid
How close can you get your plants to a 400 watt hps? I wonder if one would work in the box i have now?


New Member
I have mine about a 12-16 inches away, but if I had a cool tube I'd prolly have it 8-10 inches away


Well-Known Member
Some more porn for ya... Do those trichs look cloudy to you?

Put on my 3000K filter on my camera, so pictures are less "HPS" feel. Looks wayyy better this way without all the red.

yeah im making my avatar that third picture......yeahup!!



Well-Known Member
Starting my week number 5 here today, Damn if they are this big now how freaking big are they going to be in another 4 week??? LMAO. Big as my head?? This is of my one plant progression. Oh and im putting together some HD video for my youtube page tonight, its SICK!!!

Start first week:

Start second week:

Start third week:

Start forth week:

Start fifth week:
