Stones Journal


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics. Decided to bust out the good camera for the macro shots...

the runt still hasnt shown anything yet. weak genetics on that one.



Plants are looking good man!

I also planted some bagseed but I'm vegging them for awhile first. Are there any advantages to 12/12 from seed?



Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good man!

I also planted some bagseed but I'm vegging them for awhile first. Are there any advantages to 12/12 from seed?

Thanks!! yeah, i have to leave on vacation june 1, and i wanted to get a grow in before that. cuts the grow time by 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
So today makes it 3 weeks. The box is working flawlessly. I mean i couldnt have designed a better box for CFLs. 550 watts right now temps are at 78 degrees and humidity is steady 50%. Vent is just amazing, there is absolutly zero smell in the room. Plus i bought a 4 inch carbon scrubber in the room so when you walk into the room it actually smells fresh. I think im going to gradually start bring the humdity down the next couple of weeks. There is one plant that just stinks bad like starbucks. Thats the best way i can describe it. Starbucks stank!! anways here are some pictures plus some macros.


Mr. Leafy

Active Member
The Flower's ARE blooming in Houston Ken!

Very Nice SS! I am still thinking about how I am gonna do a grow room. Probably next grow or so I will break down and do it, finances allowing of course!


Well-Known Member
The Flower's ARE blooming in Houston Ken!

Very Nice SS! I am still thinking about how I am gonna do a grow room. Probably next grow or so I will break down and do it, finances allowing of course!
Thanks!! let me know if you need any advice on your grow room. I always have ideas running through my head!!

Mr. Leafy

Active Member
Thanks!! let me know if you need any advice on your grow room. I always have ideas running through my head!!
I got some ideas but I am thinking a box that will hold the legal limits according to our state MMJ law. In my state you are allowed to have up to 15 plants at any stage and up to 24 ounces dried at one time.

I need to do a box that will run a 250 to a 400w HPS light in the flower stage. I will veg on CFL's and only 4 or 5 at a time. Remember I can't get to crazy I can have 24 oz's at one time. I could have more then enough in a grow or two. Then just maintain my 24 oz limit. That's a lot. I could keep myself in meds for a long time and then just grow conessuier MJ! LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
Sup Sour, finally made it by for a peak. And go figure, slow connection today. So I didnt get a chance to read the entire journal, just first and last few pages. Looking good. Guess you made it over the hump and started feeding those gals. And the link Closet gave you for the FF feeding schedule is a new updated one. Better than the original I remember and close to how I use them. When I have a better connection I will read the entire journal. Until then, feel free ask if you need any help. Nice grow so far. A problem, but not a panic. Corrected the cause WITHOUT stabbing in the dark, well done. Always remember its way easier to correct a def then it is to recover from an overdose......... +rep


Well-Known Member
Ok update: I went out and bought a portable 7,000 BTU a/c unit from menards today. I adapted the supply to 4" round and ducted it to one of my intakes. I blocked off the other intake and set the a/c to 65. I then upped my lights. Now im running at 765 watts total and 51,300.00 lumens. Thats 10260 lumens per square foot. (box is 5 square feet). The temp held steady at 71. Im not sure that is a great temp or not. Im going to get up early tomorrow and monitor it for 2 hours before i leave for work. My goal is 75. Im not sure if i want to add more lights at this point or not.

-edit- i know i said 9 square feet in my earlier posts but that was outside box dimensions. Just measured inside and its 28 inches wide and 32 inches long and 46 inches tall. 5 square feet.


Well-Known Member
Sup Sour, finally made it by for a peak. And go figure, slow connection today. So I didnt get a chance to read the entire journal, just first and last few pages. Looking good. Guess you made it over the hump and started feeding those gals. And the link Closet gave you for the FF feeding schedule is a new updated one. Better than the original I remember and close to how I use them. When I have a better connection I will read the entire journal. Until then, feel free ask if you need any help. Nice grow so far. A problem, but not a panic. Corrected the cause WITHOUT stabbing in the dark, well done. Always remember its way easier to correct a def then it is to recover from an overdose......... +rep
Thanks, yeah I started yesterday actually. so i started half of what is recommended for first gallon. I used half a teaspoon of big bloom and one teaspoon of tiger bloom for the first gallon and then ill go from there. Keep checking the grow out if you can and give me pointers. It would really help!!


Well-Known Member
Those little girls are looking good there SS! Rockin the AC now, have you thought about sealing it and going co2?

Hey look whos back! yeah you were right about that heat build up. Now its fixed for sure, I hope. tomorrow will be day two of monitoring so we will see. I would do co2 but the air movement in the box is pretty good, doubt the plants would have time to soak any up. What do you think?


Active Member
Hey look whos back! yeah you were right about that heat build up. Now its fixed for sure, I hope. tomorrow will be day two of monitoring so we will see. I would do co2 but the air movement in the box is pretty good, doubt the plants would have time to soak any up. What do you think?
Well, you are the hvac guy... Can you set it up so all air goes from the box to the intake of the AC and then back into the box without it co-mingling with other air? If so, then yeah, rock it man! You could probably even test the waters with a sugar/yeast co2 generator in a bottle type of thing without getting into tanks and monitoring systems.

I have never done a sealed system, but that is how the big dogs do it. CO2 is supposed to add 30-80% more weight (that is from memory...) so the chance of you overgrowing that box would be pretty good I guess. You would have to keep it sealed up to make it worth your while though I think. Maybe save that for the next experiment!

So will that AC let you run all 1300w? That I would like to see for sure!



Well-Known Member
Well, you are the hvac guy... Can you set it up so all air goes from the box to the intake of the AC and then back into the box without it co-mingling with other air? If so, then yeah, rock it man! You could probably even test the waters with a sugar/yeast co2 generator in a bottle type of thing without getting into tanks and monitoring systems.

I have never done a sealed system, but that is how the big dogs do it. CO2 is supposed to add 30-80% more weight (that is from memory...) so the chance of you overgrowing that box would be pretty good I guess. You would have to keep it sealed up to make it worth your while though I think. Maybe save that for the next experiment!

So will that AC let you run all 1300w? That I would like to see for sure!

i havent tryed it yet but its at 765 and staying steady at 74 and the a/c is on low. I think im going to stay here at 765 for a while at least till the inlaws leave in two weeks then i will crank it up and see what she will do. Yeah def doing co2 next run. great idea.