Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost


Well-Known Member

  • The poly is only slightly less reflective than mylar but the poly is much more durable at 6mm. Panda film is poly and its used a lot for grow rooms. Gonna head to home dePOT today and price out the build.​

Ya I know what you're talking about now. Panda film is good stuff. I would say that the poly alone would not be strong enough that I would risk hanging that big ole hood of yours over your plants.:shock: I think a couple 1x2's strung across the top should be plenty strong enough though and should only be a few bucks too.


Well-Known Member
cool. i was thinking about cutting the lower branches off but ill wait til i start seeing some pistils before i do anything drastic. how much bud are you expecting to yield off this grow?


Well-Known Member
cool. i was thinking about cutting the lower branches off but ill wait til i start seeing some pistils before i do anything drastic. how much bud are you expecting to yield off this grow?
I usually don't trim anything till after the first week of flower. I like to give everything a good chance to stretch out then I have a better idea of what can go.

I hope to at least be inline with my last grow somewhere around 60-75g a plant. Would be nice to break 80g on at least one of these though. I would love to get close to 0.75g a watt.


Active Member
Ya I know what you're talking about now. Panda film is good stuff. I would say that the poly alone would not be strong enough that I would risk hanging that big ole hood of yours over your plants.:shock: I think a couple 1x2's strung across the top should be plenty strong enough though and should only be a few bucks too.
I was thinking I'd hang the light from the rafters on the ceiling and hang it through the poly. I'm sure it'll end up being much more professional but its nice to imagine something easy. Lol


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good. Actually got some nice growth out of the BB and I am thinking about changing lights soon. I am going to flush them tonight with clearex 7ml to 1/2 gallon each then follow up with a real light nute mix. In 2-3 days when they dry out good I will hit them with a boost of N and throw them in the dark for 36 hours then turn on the HPS.

Photobucket is giving me problems tonight and I'm feeling lazy so just RIU mini pics tonight.



Oh I forgot. I always seem to somehow break off a limb on at least one plant. Well this grow's victim is the PF. Luckily she still has plenty of branches so she shouldn't suffer the loss too much.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, how's that blueberry coming? I bet she's filling out nice.
Dude your timing is uncanny. That is crazy you beat me to the update 2 times, lmao. She is doing really well now man it shouldn't be too much longer. I'm thinking less than a week probably by friday. Thanks for checkin man.


Active Member
LMAO! 3 mins apart on our posts! I just told my wife (she asked what I was laughing about) and she said she always knew I was a creeper. Lol. Looking awesome as always SS. How's the smoke on that BJ?


Well-Known Member
LMAO! 3 mins apart on our posts! I just told my wife (she asked what I was laughing about) and she said she always knew I was a creeper. Lol. Looking awesome as always SS. How's the smoke on that BJ?
Thanks steelie. The blackjack has a real lemon taste with a backdrop of fuel. It also seems to have like a real buttery hint to it almost like caramel. From what I know the genetics are black domina and jack herer but the pheno I have favors the sativa characteristics of the jack portion. Real intense head buzz that mellows nicely as it fades. She produces really fat nugs with dark purple calyxs that look black sometimes. I love this smoke.


Well-Known Member
Those chicas are growing fast bro, really filling in those screens. the main stem on'ems really thick too.
Thanks Stevie. I am really itching to throw some orange light on em, I think it will be really soon.

What was your experience with blackjack? How did you like the grow and what did you think of the smoke?


Well-Known Member
I love the BJ strain, her node spacing is so close together she makes some really dense nugs. the smell and taste for me have been the same everytime i grow it. she smells almost like a box of fruity pebbles mixed with diesel. her taste is really strong, almost pure lemon. im actually curing some now, i didnt get any purple on this one cause i cut her a bit early but still really potent and strong.


Well-Known Member
I shut the lights down yesterday and I will pop the HPS on tonight at 9. This 36 hour dark period is a bit of superstition for me. My first grow I lost power for almost 24 hours during veg and decided to just flower them after power was restored. I hear some people say that it makes them show flowers faster but I can't verify that.

Update some pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
yea i know what u mean, i like doing the 36 hours of darkness too. personally, i think it makes the plant show pistils way quicker then just switching to 12-12. my devil just started to show pistils yesterday and man she smells strong as hell (prob cause i got her legs so wide open lol).


Well-Known Member
Pulled them out of darkness today and officially started flower at 9. I run 11/13 but still find myself saying 12/12 all the time. Gave them a healthy dose of nutes tonight and just hoping to get some stretch, but not too much. The PF is scaring me a bit, she might overgrow some.

Not a real pic update tonight, I'll do that in a couple days when I feed again.

Now red was your color. And of course, those little people were yours too. (+Rep to any Tool fans who recognize this)



Well-Known Member
The girls are looking pretty good. Some slight yellowing but no leaf stress for the most part. They are already stretching a bit only 3 days in, they should hopefully fill the screen in fairly well.

Been quite a bit of stretch for just 3 days, my training might have been too extreme though as I have so much middle growth it is outpacing the ends now. This leaves me with little room to place these so I have been trying to bend them back down and under the screen.

3 days ago


I also gave them all their first trim today. Just the low hanging stuff for now, then in 7-10 days I'll see what is left to trim out.



BB- She has really got her shit going now. Should hopefully have a nice canopy.

They have been taking 3 days to dry out and I could probably let them go at least another day. I can still feel some weight in the bucket. I'll feed them pretty hard as I transition them over, then around day 14 or so I'll flush them then let them dry out real good for at least 3 days. Then I'll start the liquid koolbloom.


Well-Known Member
nice! they look great man, especially BB, it might just be me but it looks like shes got a crazy amount of tops.


Well-Known Member
Day 8 of flower, all 3 are filling in pretty well. The PF which started out the strongest is starting to fall behind a bit now. The BJ is definitely the dominant plant now. She is drinking faster than the other 2 and is really filled out. The middle is a bit overfilled though and I might have to prune a few to clear out some. All 3 are showing nice budsets so I will start the koolblom at the end of next week. Hopefully they will be done stretching in the next 10 days and start bulking up.


