Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost


Active Member
Damn Stone, I love those canopy shots! I picture a marching band. I hear bagpipes....and flutes....and drums....

Kinda baked atm...great pics bro!


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks of crazy shit when baked.



Active Member
Just finished a final smoke for the night and totally zoned out on the hammers bro. Lol. Dudes voice turned into chanting fora minute. Caught the wife staring too. Lmao. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Just finished a final smoke for the night and totally zoned out on the hammers bro. Lol. Dudes voice turned into chanting fora minute. Caught the wife staring too. Lmao. Thanks!
Zoning out to Pink Floyd The generations past time.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
In a way its a little mean of you to put that on there... I just got caught for like 35min, you know how that goes.... BEST group of ALL time. Hands down. Period. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean soup. I had to stop myself so I can get ready to leave! I will have to watch it tonight for sure now.


Well-Known Member
Their stacking up for sure man. looking like your gonna have one nice harvest on your hands.
Thanks man. The blackjack is really starting to fill in right now, she is loving the koolbloom. The other 2 are lagging a bit behind, the BB is starting to yellow and show some necrosis on the leaves like the PF. I bumped up my cal/mag a bit and adjusted ph to 6.0 and I will run them for a couple weeks like that. I'll flush again in about a week then I'll start bumping up the P/K a bit more.


Well-Known Member
with u behind the wheel, im sure the other two will catch up in no time. i just popped another blackjack seed into soil today. where did your BJ come from... nirvana seedbank?


Well-Known Member
with u behind the wheel, im sure the other two will catch up in no time. i just popped another blackjack seed into soil today. where did your BJ come from... nirvana seedbank?
Yes sir, she is a clone from the best specimen my buddy grew out from a Nirvana 6 pack. She is def a beast and already smells so damn lemony.


Active Member
That blackjack sounds pretty good. Gotta love lemony funk. I've got a snow white from nirvana going right now. Shes a big ol bush right now, just popped a few pistils. Love her structure. Wish I woulda cloned her, got 2 more seeds though. Keep up the good work bro!


Well-Known Member
Ya I do like this blackjack SS, the guy I got this from also grew out Nirvanas Khrystal which was plenty potent but really lacking in taste and aroma. Snowhite sounds really nice though.

The girls are starting to bulk up some and form colas. Overall I am pretty happy with how even the canopy is and rotating the plants around really seemed to help keep them even during stretch.

The perma is not yellowing as much now and her upper leaves are looking pretty decent. She is not bulking as much as the other 2 but she is really skunky already and building up some nice frost.

Blackjack is a beast like I was saying. She is really stout compared to the other 2 and is really starting to get fat already. The pics are not the greatest but the calyxes are already starting to turn purple and I am getting some color change in a few leaves too.

Blueberry is being her typical picky self. I cant seem to dial it in for this plant. I finally broke down and got some floralicious plus to add to my ever increasing pile of nutrients. I hear really good things about it though and figured I would give it a roll. She is packing on some bud though and I still think she may end up the best canopy at the end.

Ya looking at these pics I really need to lighten up on the nutes a bit. I just can't seem to help myself and I keep pushing these girls pretty hard. Just got to find that sweet spot.


Well-Known Member
Sweet SS, always good to get a grow-in-a-minute :blsmoke:. Love how you filled that screen space out, and I`m anal about canopy brother. Nice post,

** EDIT - May want to consider sending that to Journal Entries, very nice **
KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thats cool, almost like that time lapse video stuff! Super Stoney!
Thanks Soup I like how it turned out too. I'll do a timeline for each plant as I get close to harvest, some canopy and mixed bud shots. Thanks for checkin back.
Sweet SS, always good to get a grow-in-a-minute :blsmoke:. Love how you filled that screen space out, and I`m anal about canopy brother. Nice post,

** EDIT - May want to consider sending that to Journal Entries, very nice **
KC :weed:
Thanks KC! I'm glad the timeline went over well. Thanks for the suggestion to journal too I sometimes forget to journal a good update. I am pleased with the canopy overall, although I still think I could have done a little better. Always gotta have something to shoot for right? Although for a 3 strain scrog I think I did pretty good.
I am really digging the LED DiY in your sig. I checked out those heatsinks and I am impressed. I have a bunch of chinese 3w in red I might have to experiment with.:-P Thanks for stopping back again. Peace all