Beauty so far stone. Sorry to hear about your training trauma but sounds like you were right on top of the triage. It does seem like some strains lend themselves better to this technique than others, even early on in the training. Glad to hear the cuttings have mostly rooted - I might hit you up for a Maz x GWS cutting one day
Hey Yankee, ya I definitely hope I got to her in time. She will be on a strict, no-training regimen till I get some healing out of her, then I will try more cropping and a lighter round of LST. I am going to give her a couple days to heal and see what she accepts for training. Glad the cutting rooted myself mate, was worried about running those homemade beans a little and now I'll end up with 2 of the big girls cuttings each for the SOG. I have a good feeling on this Maz x GWS too, can't wait to see how she does. ATB mate.
Looking great in there Stone, if you didn`t have to repair something in your first ML run, you ain`t learning

. The girls are looking ready for flower nearly, look loaded with N. Keep it up mate! Puff, puff, pass ---> Purple Kush morning joints

Wouldn't be a grow for me period if I didn't damage or permanently mutilate one of the girls. Always seem to somehow dismember one plant each run, luckily wasn't a full beheading this round so hope there's a good chance to save her. I am definitely going to take your advice and flip this week for sure. A few days for NL to heal and the SOG sisters to adapt, then I'll put them through sensory deprivation torture (ok really just no light for 36hrs) then flip em over under the MH still. Hope to limit stretch a bit, but I've seen it work both ways, really think it is just strain and pheno dependent more than anything. Will try some cropping though if things get all wacked out in there. Purple Kush doobies sound good for the evening time too mate! Match you with some Lemon Skunk bongs

Puff, puff, pass brotha.
Im sure she will heal up just fine. Looks like youre doing a great job.
I'm hoping so SS. I think I caught her in time and her tops are not wilting at all, so I am optimistic. The training has gone very well so far, getting to experience 3 different versions of the mainline method. Just hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew by taking the BR and Maz past 4 heads. But had to go with the Maz when she showed the triploid, so no regrets...yet! Peace bro
I have to agree with K.C., you're just not learning if you're not doing some type of harm. Funny how that works. I've noticed that with ML the plants have a special need for extra P as well as K. Working with a plant that has such little foliage to support it's vital functions with enough energy seems to put it in a spot of need for extra P & K. Follow me for a minute, I think the extra P for the roots to grow and uptake an amount of nutrients that a plant that's being robbed of all it's sugars and N stored in the leafs is pretty important, and a larger amount of K I found really helps with all the pinching, topping and bending of the girl to withstand the damage and bounce back without a problem. Of course silica plays a crucial role as well in keeping your plant healthy and resistant to the stresses. I know alot of you use P/K 13-14, I like to use R.O. HPK and G.O. Bio-Bud for the same reasons and have found applying such products in low doses during a long vegging period can play a critical role in keeping your girls growing on top and under the soil quite happily. After starting to experiment with such methods I was pulling out the root balls and noticing an explosion of growth in the root system inbetween Xplants. E.J. has a product called Meta K that is an organic potassium that also works very well for this type of use. I just wanted to spread a litle info I have been working on for a while and compiling. I'm sure you all know how this works, but I just wanted to remind of such importance of these vital ingredients in a plants metabolism. Take it easy everybody and the garden is mighty impressive Stone. Peace out.
Hey myco thanks for the great observations mate. I agree that a plant that is being trained in this method could benefit from some extra P/K but it really becomes a balancing act between how much is available and how much the plant can process. Depending on growing method and medium, the ease at which a plant can uptake certain elements is different at varying levels of ph. The main difference being soil and some soiless mixes needing a higher ph than a DWC or other hydro system. Nitrogen, iron and some other nutes are more easily obtained at lower ph levels whereas P/K both, along with either Ca or Mag have a higher ph sweet zone. Many times a grower will address a deficiency or overfert with either overflushing and underfeeding, or just plain overfeeding. Often a small adjustment in ph can make all the difference. Thanks for stopping in and offering some great advice and discussion points myco. ATB mate.
Stone, I just use a folgers can like u do, I put a hydro basket in it and fill it with perlite and airate, I stick the clones in there, just an inch of water above the perlite, and life the basket to see if they have rooted, the perlite helps hold them up, when I use the jiffy pots, I use a bigger container, right now I don't have a lot going so no need for something bigger to clone
So in a sense it is a modified aerocloner. The airstone stays submerged if I am understanding right so that should work really well. From what I've seen aerocloners work great. Nice harvest on WoH earlier by the way. Props Mrs. Greenthumb.
Good stuff SS! Those girls are getting big FAST!
Thanks SS! The torture of training has definitely limited some of their growth thank god or I would be grown out. Hempy- get it, try it, love it. How you managing in the blackjack jungle over there man? Can't wait to see your pheno start to show off!